Last entry of the year... yayyyy... i managed to get my lazy ass to pick up that tripod stand of mine... that reflector of mine and my precious camera out to take a couple of shots... well thats all it takes actually.. a couple of shots... maybe a half an hr thingy and i am on my way to share a new recipe with my readers... I dont know why i've become so lazy in taking pics of what i've baked lately... its like .. i love baking.. i love trying out new recipes but when it comes to taking pics... kwang kwang kwang
People say u must have some kind of vision for the new year.. some kind of a goal.. i honestly think that no matter how young or old u get.. having a goal is important to motivate urself.. to be a step higher than the year bef.. is important.. well at least to me :o)
Anyway today i wud love to share a type of everyday cake that will go down well with those who are big fans of buttercake... like me ahaks.. recipe is fm a book called "I love buttercake too" by Kevin Chai.
250g butter
200g caster sugar
4 eggs
250g plain flour - i used cake flour
5g baking powder
100ml fresh milk
1/2 tsp coffee paste - i used 1/2tsp coffee paste and 1/2 tsp coffee extract
50g crushed oreo
- Preheat oven to 160C.. greased and line a 18cm(7") baking pan
- Beat butter and sugar until creamy. Add in eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition
- Fold in sifted flour and baking powder, alternately fold in fresh milk. Mix until well combined - i used Mr Aid - low speed
- Divide batter into two portions, add in coffee paste and crushed oreo to a portion and mix well
- Spoon batters into prepared pan alternately until finished
- Bake in oven for 50 to 60 mins or until cooked
So ok.. thats it... enjoy ur day.. spend it with ur loved ones .. relax and sit back and wake up to a brand new year...
Happy 2013 to all and stay healthy! Cheers!

Dear Kak Rima,
Happy New Year 2013 to u & family!....
Wah....the cake nampak macam mudah dah buat 'kan....insya-Allah will try this recipe soon! Tq for sharing the recipe Kak Rima....:-))
wallaaaa... canteknye... hepi new year kak ;)
happy new year Rima, Gilbert , Sonia and my hansem Hairi!
salam kak rima..
& a very happy new year:) mudah je, patut try lah hihi
This butter cake looks very tempting! Bookmarked! Thanks and happy new year!
A happy new year to you and your fmly.
ur blog really inspire me..
everyday sy mesti bkak blog u or fb page..I did try few resepi and so far semua jadi..alhamdulillah,tq for share n tak ubah resepi.Cant wait to try this butter cake look simple n mmg sesuai for Tea Time.
Anyw 'hppy new yr' rima n semoga diberkhati Allah ;)
happy new year to u too... ah ah simple ajer n u hv baked it! hope everyone suka akan cake itew hehe
happy new year dear... hows u? lama betul tak jalan jalan blogwalking.. winduuuu
awwww ty for coming dear... happy new year to u too and hope its gonna be a wonderful one for u :o)
ahem ahem... kembang dak Hairi mendengar... he must hv got that look fm me kahkahkah... hope to see u soon dear... that day macam touch and go ajer huhu
happy new year to u too... dah bake belum? if not yet.. pi keluar kan butter cepat cepat hehe
u shud gv it a try.. easy peasy and delish too
likewise.. hv a wonderful year!
Amin... alhamdullilah.. ilmu harus dishare.. bukan boleh dibawa mati pun hehe... ty for trying and coming by.. much appreciated.. happy new year to u too dear!
Dear Kak Rima....
mmg ku sudah cuba baked this cake pun....seisi rumah tersangatlah suka. My mom pun suka bangat cake ini...u know la kan...org2 veteren ni suka cake yg simple2 je without any frosting...dan buttercake mmg favourite diaorang kan...Tq ya sharing the recipe!...btw, bila u turun KL lagi?
Yes i know Asilah.. My mom pun suka.. I will be in KL fm the 4th of feb .. Insyallah... Flying to jkt first :)
i see tht u use cake flour.i hve a few recipes using cake flour too.wht is cake flour?is it similar to superfine flour?
ive tried substitute it with self raising too.does it make any difference probably to the texture of the cake?
thanks kak rima.
Kak, do u think it's ok to replace the coffee paste with mocca paste?? Err... Not sure whether it's actually the same, hehee... TQ - Yuni
SRF tu ade raising agent... cake flour tu theres cornflour in it and memang abt the same macam super fine flour... u can google for more infor yah..
yes of cos u can... coffee .. mocha... abt the same cuma mocha tu ade a hint of chocolate
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