Boooooo!!! hehehe I am not into all this spooky thing.. i dont even know when the last time was that I watched a horror movie... i think i stopped watching ever since i got to know hubs... he once said this to me... "I dont see any reason why we shud watch a horror/thriller movie and feel scared after that.. might as well not watch it" - Err muahaha .. the truth is i think some ppl are "allergic" to horror movies ahaks
Once upon a time I loved horror/thriller movies... each time theres a new movie.. mom and dad wud take us to the cinema... i remember watching Jaws at Rex cinema .. i was young and i felt traumatic after watching all the blood thingy... nevertheless it didnt deter me fm watching the following sequels.. Then it was Piranha.. The Evil and so forth.. The Exorcist.. my my... i think that was the best horror movie of all time.. I remember i got nightmares after watching it... up to now.. i still cannot watch that movie without turning away my face each time the camera focuses on Regan (Linda Blair).
During the 80's saw producers making more and more horror/thriller movies... Friday the 13th, nightmare on elms street, City of the living dead, Boogeyman, Canibbal and so forth.. during the 80's my fav was Poltergeist .. did u guys ever watch it?? hahaha now i feel old :op
Anyway enough abt all this horror thingy.. we dont want someone to get nightmares .. right?? I decided to do this entry bec of Sonia.. she had her school Halloween Party two days ago and i decided to bake spooky cuppies for her school mates.. recipe is pretty straight forward and cuppies turned out fab.. the texture was nice.. the cuppies rose well and they didnt crack or even become lopsided .. the liners that i used was fantastic and i am definitely gonna go and get myself the same liner and use the same recipe for my chocolate cuppies.. Awesome recipe!
Prettier view?? muahahah Recipe i got fm Ambrosia and she got it fm Epicurious.. frosting is fm Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook.. i also frosted half of my cuppies using swiss meringue buttercream.. in total i got 30 cuppies..
Devilish Devil's Food Cupcakes
cupcakes from Epicurious, frosting from The Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook
For the Cupcakes
1 cup boiling water
3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup whole milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/4 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter, at room temperature
1 1/4 cups dark brown sugar, packed
3/4 cup granulated sugar
4 large eggs, at room temperature
For the Frosting
4 cups confectioner's sugar
10 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature
4 tablespoons whole milk
1-2 teaspoons vanilla extract (to taste)
Wilton gel colors
To make the cupcakes, begin by preheating the oven to 175 degrees C, and position a rack in the middle of the oven. Line cupcake tins with paper liners.
In a bowl, whisk together the boiling water and cocoa powder until smooth. Whisk in the milk and vanilla extract. In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, baking soda, and salt.
In the bowl of a standard electric mixer, fitted with the paddle attachment, beat together the butter and both sugars until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Begin to add in the flour mixture and the cocoa mixture to the creamed butter, alternating between the dry and wet ingredients, and making sure to begin and end with the flour mixture. The batter may look slightly curdled, but don't worry, this is what you want! Mix together only until just combined.
Divide the cake batter evenly among the cupcake tins. Bake the cupcakes in the oven until a tooth pick inserted into the center of the cupcakes comes out clean, about 20-25 minutes. Set the cupcake tins on wire racks, and allow the cupcakes to cool in the tins for about five minutes, before removing them and allowing them to cool completely on the racks.
While the cupcakes are cooling, prepare the frosting. In the bowl of a standard electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, beat together the confectioner's sugar and butter until the mixture begins to come together. Lower the mixer speed, and add in the milk and vanilla extract. Increase the mixer speed to high, and beat the frosting until it is light and fluffy, about 5 minutes.
For swiss meringue buttercream recipe u can get fm my previous post.. I did a two toned frosting and piped frills on my cuppies..
My little Sonia as Hawaii Hula Girl..
Her spooky spider cuppies without legs lol.. grrr why is it so so difficult to find the strap licorice here! blaahhh

so sweet tengok sonia berposing...
aunty nak cupcake tu 2 biji boleh tak :)
As'salam Rima
firstly kak ct serius takut tengok biji mata tu hahahaha
cantik dan nampak mois cc tu. kak ct nak cuba dari semalam dok tunggu recipe ni, thanks Rima.
p/s mana you dapat kayu buruk tu..antiknya hehehehe
wadda spooky cupcakes..hihih.. horror plak tgk mata sebijik tu :D
aaw, sonia is so adorable with the costume, she is really know how to pose * mother like daughter, maybe LOL.
To my opinion the scary movie is horror movie from Asia TV Production, such a thai movie they got me so bad. I even scared to go to my basement. Anyway, your cupcake not scary at all..they are look so cuteeee!!
WOW they are indeed devilish! So cute though...:)
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wow!! mengancam!
Cantiknya cupcake yg guna buttercream pink tu!!! K.rima guna nozzle no. apa ye???
I like the one with one eye on top of it. It looks real ;)
kak rima, this cupcake recipe is simple yet delicious. love it!! thanks for sharing sis :)
bestnya jadi classmate sonia..asyik dapat makan kek yg best jer..kan? hehehe..
Aiiiihhh, manisnya Sonia! pandai bergaya pula...bagi dong cupcakenyaaa
salam kak rima,
saya dah cuba super fudge brownies & marble cheese brownies. super yumm!! my friend pon sume kata sedap..saya guna beryl's dark chocolate since kat sini mcm susah sikit nak dpt (tak pegi lg kat classic fine food tu):)
Tapi sy teringin betul nak cuba pakai valrhona..mesti rasa beza kan..sedap lagi. tapi sy nak make sure betul2 valrhona tu halal tak kak? sbb sy dah cari info mcm x jumpa, tp sy paham tak semua bahan ada certificate halal. just to lagi konfiden sbb some of my friend suruh pastikan betul2.(sori kak..n tq..:)
hehehe cuppies nye by now dah hilang.. next time auntie harus chop siang siang ok :o)
Kayu buruk tu datang nye dari garden furniture ku yg sudah reput... meja nye dah dibuang pun.. i think meja tu berjemur more than 5yrs
boleh tido malam tak? ahaks
I watch none of it.. waste of time hahaha
cute and devilish - thats good enough hehe
Thank you.. senang senang cuba bake it ok
ty.. i use wilton 2D
me too! everyone thinks its creepy and cute haha
yes indeed... am happy to share
Kids... kasi any kida sweet stuff.. semua pun they all suka.. sedap or tidak.. belakang kira haha
macam mama nya or papa nya? hehe
im confuse abt the butter for ur devilish cupcakes.
1 cup(2 stick)for butter. camana tu? klau gram bpe. i ve tried baking and follow this resipi 1 cup just abt 100g je butter. tak sikit ke?
1 cup of butter.. 2 sticks.. Is 227g.. How can it be 100g..
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