Monday monday monday... its been four days since we got home fm KL.. the trip was a good one.. am blessed to be able to meet up with lots of wonderful ladies.. who wud hv thought that someday i am able to know and meet great bakers! keep on baking ladies cos the best way to learn how to bake is by baking and testing what u bake every single day hehehe
So with laundry and also orders to fulfill.. i finally managed to bake something for the family.. something simple and yet delicious... a cake that got both my kids asking for more.. the cake that i had bake four times since i first stumbled upon this recipe... This fabulous banana cake is super easy to prepare and the best part.. u only need to use ur food processor to do the job! Ty Jo of Sugar and Everything Nice for sharing such a wonderful recipe.. i cannot describe how much our family hearts this recipe :o)
The Most Fabulous Banana Cake Recipe
Adapted from "Mix & Bake" by Belinda Jeffery
Serves 12
225g plain flour
3 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
3 - 4 very ripe banana (about 1 cup), mashed
340g castor sugar
2 eggs
125g unsalted butter, room temperature cut into small chunks
100ml buttermilk
1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cup chopped walnuts
For topping:
2 ripen bananas, slice thinly for topping (optional)
1 Tbsp castor sugar
1) Preheat oven to 180C. Butter and line a deep 26cm ring tin or 2 loaf tins
2) Put the flour, baking powder, salt and bicarbonate sode into a food processor and whiz for about 15 seconds. Remove and tranfer into a bowl.
3) Add the bananas to the processor together with the eggs and sugar. Whiz for 1 mintue. Then add the butter and whiz for another minute until thick and creamy. Now add the buttermilk and vanilla extract and pulse in quick on/off bursts. The add the flour and again mix it in with quick bursts, scrapping down the sides once or twice. Do not overmix or cake will be tough. Add the chopped walnuts and give it a quick stir with a spatula. Scoop batter into prepared tin and smoothen out.
4) Optional: Place the sliced bananas on top of the batter and sprinkle with sugar.
5) Bake for about 30 - 35 minutes. Do not open the oven during baking time or the center may sink. Cool cake completely before unmoulding.
Here are a few pics of my macs.. i just love love love playing with the colours! Ty Roha and Sufina for the macs order
Ty Uncle Azman and Wati for this mac orders. and guess what colour i used for this weeks macs? electric purple and electric pink.. i likeeee!
To my KL customers.. Thank you for these orders.. to June whom i met in Ayer Keroh.. to Ann fm HK whom i finally met in person! ty dear for ordering again.. hope to see u in October! to my regulars Reen, Puspa and Azrina.. ty girls for the orders.. so good to see u girls again! to Anis and Fariha.. ty for the repeat orders.. to Sammy.. ty for the order.. will notify u of my next visit ok.. to Amy.. ty babe for ordering kek lapis.. did u manage to hide it fm him?? hahaha
So ok.. thats it.. will leave u guys with pics of Sonia taken in KL.. and yes.. thats what she did this time around...a microphone stand.. Adele in the making? hahaha

adele in the making? thank god. dekat sikit.. tak payah kena gie smp UK ;)
krima, i have no luck. its like every time i read your blog, u are already in KL. i think i should just place my order even though you will be here lambat lagi.. jeles tgk mac yg colorful itu :(
i have always been a big fan of banana cake. since krima cakap best.. kena book mark lah :) nampak sedap kot.
Lol Messy Mummy.. Shes so into Adele that she has to listen to her songs everyday.. Geesshhh
Insyallah.. Just drop me an email with ur order n I will notify u of my next visit.. Thanks!
Bake it cos it's delish!
Was this really the fabulous banana cake? Then, I really got to try it Rima! Kind of miss you when you are not posting for so long..... :-)
Would love to meet up with you one day!
Me too.. I didn't get the chance to update in KL cos I hv been out n abt meeting lots of wonderful bakers.. When I got home I had to bake macs for sat order.. I baked this cake on sat morning n after that didn't get to bake anymore cos I was busy baking for Tdy orders.. Arghhh.. I so want to try out a few new recipes bef ramadhan kicks in .. And YES bake this banana cake cos its so yummy!
Someday somehow.. We will set a date n meet ok..
Looks delicious!bookmark lagik..hehe btw i baru try your mango delight and durian creampuff..both delicious!but for durian creampuff i tak letak whip cream but sedap still..tq kak rima :)
Rima is baaaack! yey!!
banana cake & walnut? my feveret u!! hehe ..thanks for sharing the recipe..must try must try..;-)
Hi Rima,
Sorry don't have blog yet, so this would be anonymus for now, hope this ok with u. But really like to browsing your blog since i stumbled on it few months ago. Think to begin with blog myself since I am desperately miss my work.
Wah,nampak sangat sedap kek pisang itu Kak Rima...
tergoda i tengok macaron tu...
Fr durian to banana..all yr recipes I shall try, insyaAllah..only thing fasting month is coming, so ku rasa takder chance nak bake cake until dah nak raya..meantime let me drool on this....yeahhhh babehhh
Kak rima, Sonia wud make a pretty singer...hehehe my 5 yo son is also into Adele (the only allowed tracks in my kitchen while baking), singing Somebody Like U in malay-ish slang...
Will too try ur banana cake!
Hi Rima, I agree this cake looks simply fab! I've watched Belinda Jeffery on her cooking shows for many years and must say she's one of my favourites! And so many cakes in her Mix & Bake cookbook are just crying to be baked at home. I heartily recommend the bk to all yr readers :)
hehe i tak pernah do durian cream puff filling w/o whipping cream.. each time konon nak jaga badan and dont wanna add whipping cream.. ku tetap terwhipped whipping cream .. ya adoooo
Ty for trying and yes .. do bake this banana cake.. delish!
i am always here lol cuma much more active in my fb..
as long as u leave ur name behind.. i much prefer to adrs someone by name then annon.. missing work?? awww u will get use to it.. just like me.. i dont think i will ever go back to work again.. i enjoy what i am doing right now.. baking and blogging and travelling and most of all.. i enjoy spending time with my kids :o)
as far as i remember.. bulan puasa pun ku tetap membaking cuma kurang sikit lah activity tu.. byk buat dessert cos bulan puasa adalah bulan rajin men dessert hehe
ye ler.. kat rumah hari hari kena on the disc.. now her papa dah add it to her ipad so she usually will listen to her fav adele songs.. ade a few yg dia suka :o)
Ty for sharing.. this is the first recipe that i've tried fm her.. hmmm maybe i shud get myself her book? cant wait!
tergoda and harus dicoba ahaks.. macs is my fav dessert.. it gv me some kinda satisfaction when baking macs.. suka sangat :o)
Wan G
die die must try.. masuk kan ajer kat food processor .. habis cerita hehehe
WAHHHHHH SONIA MASUK PAPER SEY!!!!!!!! (in capital letter)
Hi, I baked this cake last night, it turned out v.v.sweet, may I know why need so much 340g of sugar? even I cut down to 280g with brown sugar, it still very very sweet.
Thank you for your advice.
Hi Soh
that is the recipe that i used and if u are not a sweet person.. u can always cut it down.. ours turned out perfect.. am not too sure what kinda banana u use.. am using Cavendish banana for this recipe.
hehehe yes i can see that capital letters of urs.. same reaction i got when i first got an email fm my reader..i also terkejut beruk hahaha
Hi Kak Rima..
I baked this last week. Can't agree more... The taste is FAB...
Where did I do wrong...? Bila potong jer, each slice will patah dua.. MM ikut all the recipe cuma kurang kan gula sikit jer...
Do you have any idea why?
*baru belajar so x sure... Hehehe
Thanks Kak Rima..
Hello There,
this is really very nice blog and looking very nice. this blog is very helpfull for shopping .. we want come back on this blog...
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