Every single morning right after dropping Sonia off to school .. both hubs and I will head straight to Starbucks where we will meet up with Jens .. The whole quick coffee session will usually last for half an hr bef both of them start working... so yesterday while having our coffee.. i overheard these two men talking abt what they had prepared for their wifey on mothers day.. Jens told hubs that he had prepared a quiche for his family while hubs talked abt his infamous scrabbled eggs and out of the blue.. just like that - hubs turned to me and asked me why i hv never made him one since quiche is his all time fav.. i of cos told him off by saying - "if i wanna bake it for u.. let me do it cos I wanna do it.. dont ask me to do it ok".. there!
So with that in mind.. i decided to surprise hubs with his fav salmon and spinach quiche.. had it for dinner and oh boy.. lemme tell ya.. someone felt like hes in heaven hehehe.. the quiche is delicious.. hubs kept on praising it.. told me to keep a slice in the fridge so that he can have it again later.. awwww... am happy when his tummy is happy :o)
190g flour
1/4 tsp salt
120g butter
1 egg yolk
1 small onion - very finely chopped
125g spinach
a pack of smoke salmon - i used 100g of prime smoke salmon
3 eggs beaten
425ml milk and single cream (50:50)
75g Gruyere cheese, finely grated - i used cheddar cheese
1 tbsp olive oil
- Place a baking tray in the oven and preheat the oven to 220C.
- To make the pastry, sieve the flour and salt into ur food processor. Cut butter into cubes. gv it a few pulse until well blended. Add egg yolk and continue to pulse till it form smooth dough.. remove and knead lightly on a lightly floured surface. Shape the dough into a ball, wrap in clingfilm and chill in the refrigerator for 30 mins.
- Roll the pastry out into a circle on a lightly floured surface and use to line a 20cm greased tart tin, abt 4cm deep.
- Heat oil.. stir fry onion till brown.. add spinach fry for five minutes over a gentle heat in a nonstick frying pan. Spoon into the tart tin... add in ur smoke salmon.
- Using ur mixer beat the eggs .. add in ur milk/cream, then add most of the cheese with some salt and black pepper and beat again. Pour mixture over salmon and onion/spinach and scatter the remining cheese on top
- Place the quiche on a baking tray and bake for 10mins. Lower the temp to 190C and continue baking for another 30 to 35 mins, until the filling is just set. Allow to cool slightly bef cutting. Serve the quiche warm or cold.
Anyway earlier today I had to drive Sonia to RELC for her dance rehearsal.. managed to squeeze a little time for a quick coffee bef groceries shopping and am back home now.. hubs just called me and told me that we will be heading up to KL on Sunday.. gulp - ponteng again? :o/
Source: The Ultimate Mixer Cookbook (got this cookbook when i bought Mr Aid!)

Quiche is my all time favourite! Thanks for this post Rima!
its so versatile that u can add just abt whatever left over u got in ur fridge too!! good for dinner and even for brekkie .. am thinking of doing caramelise onions and mushrooms.. yums
Hi Rima,
Just wanna check with you; the 425ml milk and single cream, is it half of milk and half of single cream? Or you can just add whole of single cream in it? Yes, I intend to bake this soon too. Just loves quiche.
K Rima,
thank you for remind me of this quiche. I tgh pikir ape nak letak dlm my weekly menu planner and bila tgk your blog, baru teringat dah lama tak buat. hehe
Salmon and spinach eh..nyum nyum.. x pernah buat lagi filling ni.. :D Your picture is gorgeous, as usual :)
hmm ... salmon and spinach, excellent combination! thanx for the recipe, will try this out.
tak pernah try lagi resepi nie...
nampak sangat mengeliurkan la ...
nnti2 boleh try..
Your quiche looks so menawan.. No wonder your hubs pun tertawan :-).
I love quiche as well because I can put anything I want in it, hehehe.
Caramelised onion and mushrooms like you said, will definitely be delicious!
day after day i keep bookmarking your pages to try the recipesSSSss... then when i got home, after cooking dinner and all, terus badan lembik takde tenaga dah! hahaha... anyway... u mcm tau2 jek i dok berangan nak buat quiche ni! i have saved a looking-good-delicious-good reviewed quiche recipe and was hoping to make sometime soon.. tapi biaselah kan... salmon is my family's fav and this recipe looks and i'm sure taste divine! thanks for posting.. sekarang lagi kuat semangat nak buat (skrg jelah.. depan PC ni.. balik rumah belum tau.. haha)
been reading all yr posts cuma x komen sbb ramai dah komen best2.. hehe.. anyway sonia is all grown up kan.. hugs.
Wow...i just bought pie pan last monday thinking gonna make sweet thingy but look like gonna switch to this savoury quiche...totally irresistable hehe.....
ok.ok.ok. enuflah Kak Rima. U successfully buat I nak bake again. anything under the sun. hahaha since my ofice ada oven gedabak macam kat rumah tukang buat kek, I nak stat baking for lunch lah. B4 ni asyik2 bkr ayam, pasni I nak buat benda yang lebih mengancam.
your dishes never disappoint
wawaaa... mesti sedap yg amat ni kan rima.. husband akak suka sgt this type of savoury dishes... olololo... mesti mr hubby tu sedih bila rima jwp mcm tu khannn.. & then lepas tu dah boleh tersenyum lebar bila akhirnya wife dia buatkan special utknya.... happy ending gitu.. i likeee....
Emmmmm...seeeeedap...hehe..menarik sangat Spinach Quiche ni..dah berapa kali nampak kat buku resepi dan blog kekawan tapi tak terbuat-buat lagi...
Rima Dear,
I baru tgk2 the same recipe in one of my Woman's Weekly book n suddenly hey presto dah siap pun. Tapi x boleh rasa... sedih... kena ke dapur jgk lah nmpknya...
Salam Rima,
macam tau2 je ya...yesterday knur just had spinach quiche while waiting for Lily came back from school.was about to e-mail you about this delish quiche I had,tup tup you dah bake.You know why knur ingat you?bcos dia punya crust...sangatlah menawannya...and from your recipes yg knur dah bake selama ni,your crust pun sungguh menawan dan sangat lah sedappp...knur pasti akan try your recipe ni.TQ Rima...
"if i wanna bake it for u.. let me do it cos I wanna do it.. dont ask me to do it ok"..
pssst Rima ....garang nampak? har3..
Yes... u can of cos use only single cream.. no probs! happy baking!
u very good girl tau.. ade buat weekly manu lagi.. i tak de kuasa sikit nak buat cam gitu.. its always macam last min gitu.. depend very much dgn my mood.. kadang teringin nak noodles.. i cook noodles.. kadang if sonia nak makan sotong masak hitam.. i terus masak kan.. nowadays kena lah masak nasi cos hairi memang makan nasi so yesterday hairi makan quiche and also maggie hehe
u shud! i think memang ramai yg suka makan quiche ni
try lah.. on wkend ker.. senang ajer.. tak byk kerenah.. u can do the crust ahead of time..
semalam tu bila i tengah prepare i teringat akan caramelised onion .. dah tu boleh teringat akan mushroom .. korek korek fridge.. satu packet mushroom pun tak ade.. i ended up adding tomotoes in my spinach and salmon quiche.. sedap jugak! hehe
how hv u been dear?? dah buat ke belum?? hehehe tak per.. janji niat tu ade nak buat.. termakbul ke tidak belakang kira.. there is always another day hehehe
Yes shes all grown up.. suka dance.. suka sing..
why not prepare two type of crust.. do sweet and savoury one.. adil nama dia hhehe
woahhhh ada oven kat opis??!! bagus tu.. i dont even know what will happen if i kerja tempat yg ade oven.. mau hari hari ku bakar kek kat opis dah tu last last jadi auntie buat kopi and bake cake hahaha
Awww ty Aida Jelita... auwww
sedih?? muahahha.. u shud hear the way he tujukan soalan cepu emas dia that day.. tu sebab harus dijawab begitu hehe
Yes memang lah sedap.. bake it for ur hubs ok.. sure dia suka one
ah huh... i also .. if not kerana my hubs.. i dont think i tergerak hati nak buat.. bukan aper.. saja nak show off kat dia yg i also pandai buat quiche hehe
oh ye ker Murni.. this recipe is fm KA recipe book.. dah setahun buku ni.. baru lah nak bukak page one of this book hehe
ku jeles!! bila lah agaknye ku dapat kesana lagi.. mungkin year end?? hopefully lah... makan and ingat akan daku?? huk huk thank u Knur.. next time u go to pauls ker.. to laduree ker.. ingat lah daku dalam setiap suap mu hehehe
Lily sure suka school kat sana kan..
muahahaha i no like if he ask that kinda question infront of his friend.. its like .. alah susah lah nak explain.. macam kita tak nak buat kan gitu.. thats why i made it for him.. kira show off lah kan pada dia yg buat quiche ni.. chicken dodol ajer hahaha
Never tried salmon quiche before, but yours look so tempting...yum!!
WOW... looks very marbelessss... love quiche very much...
kak rima...look super sedap seh...again...drooling2 on my lappy...aduii...okeh dah salin resepi...
Salmon & Spinach?? Sure sedap sgt2. Mmg harusla ur hubby rasa he's in heaven. I would feel the same too.. Hehehe..
gv it a try lah.. kenyang deh.. good for dinner too!
i guess alot of ppl memang suka quiche .. lepas ni harus lah ku terpaksa buat selalu
alamak jaga jaga.. nanti tak pasal pasal rosak pulak benda tu kena air liuq hehehe.. bake it ok.. sedap!
dont we all hahha
hehehe eh kita kalau orang buat kan memang rasa macam kat heaven terutama suami ku hehe
Salam, I tried this recipe and posted a link of your blog on mine. Hope you don't mind. Thanks heaps!
hi rima,
can i replace the salmon with chicken pieces instead? im nt a fan of salmon..
thx :)
Yes of cos Ria..
Hi Rima, after i look your picture. i'm decide to make this quiche.hehehehe. your Quiche looks yummy.
Could i ask some question?
We don't need to bake the crust first?
Hi Lola
nope u dont hv to... i usually will place it in my fridge first while preparing the fillings :o)
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