Wednesday comes n goes.. It's always the same routine week after week... Wed is my official "Bake macs shell" day n with whatever time I hv left I will bake something for the family... This week is no acception.. I am glad that we will only be gng to KL on Sunday cos i totally forgot abt my sat order.. Welp.. Anyway I will try to post a new entry with new recipes bef our unplanned trip..
My 4th recipes fm the same book.. See I told ya.. I will slowly but surely be able to try out all the chiffon recipes in this book.. Time will tell hahaha.. I guess I am enjoying baking it cos I know my kids and also sis wati's kids love em.. I think I hv baked this type of cheesy chiffon before... This chiffon tastes almost like Japanese Cotton cheesecake lol... U can of cos whip up a batch of whipping cream for u to pipe on it n top it off with more grated cheddar cheese.. That of cos if ur as thin as my hubs who basically can eat and eat and eat without gaining any weight! grrr
150g flour - i used cake flour
100g sugar
100g grated cheddar cheese
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
100ml vegetable oil - i use canola oil
100ml milk
5 egg yolks
7 egg white
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
200g grated cheddar cheese - i use 100g
In a bowl whisk egg yolk and 2 tbsp of sugar (fm 100g of sugar) till creamy.. add in oil and milk and continue to whisk .. stir in grated cheddar cheese.
Fold in sifted flour, salt, baking powder and also baking soda.. set aside
In another bowl.. whisk egg white with cream of tartar.. add in the rest of ur sugar a little at a time till soft peak.
Fold in 1/3 part of egg white into egg yolk .. mix it gently.. fold in the rest of ur egg white and continue to mix gently till well combined
Pour half batter into a 22cm tube pan.. sprinkle with half of the grated cheese.. top it with the rest of the batter and lastly sprinkle with the rest of the grated cheese.
Bake on a preheated oven of 175C for abt 45 mins
Ok kids.. I hv to fix dinner .. Hv a fruitful mid week peeps n to all teachers out there... Happy Teachers Day!

This is way too tempting sis!!! Pass me few slices please...drools! ;)
i love cheese!! oh!
Addeehhh dah macam tak larat lah sbb asik digoda dgn CikPon u hehehez. Maybe I should bake this cake for my dentist...ampu dia sikit jadi dia will TLC with me next Tues :ppp Tapi kan kan kan dia tu dah teroverweight sikit eh byk hmmmmzz.....
really cant satand your blog la... u and your marbeles recipe & gorgeous photo.. yet to try any of your recippe.. definitely will try one fine day..
Alamak.. no more already... i dgn cepat dah bagi bagi kan.. tak boleh lama lama kat rumah or else i cannot try out new recipe hehe
i hear ya! hehe
ur dentist tu girl or boy? if boy kan.. err if ter over weight part dia godeh gigi kita macam potong steam sikit ah hahahaha
Eh buat lah cik pon.. cepat ajer dah siap.. tak byk ingredients pong
huk huk.. but kan niat i suci.. sesuci debu hehehe
Do gv it a try if u hv the time :o)
Alamak Kak Rima, should I baked this chiffon? Almost semua post recipe u pasal chiffon cake I dah baked.....rasa nak baked jugak this chiffon but i punya mixer sudah rosak last week...:-(( sedey ni......nampak gaya tenguk je la chiffon cake u ni.....
I pun nak wish yang i have al those "un plan holidayz". yippie! berjalan sokmo gwe mbak rima.
Kak Rima...mesti sedap sangat kek ni..Rahel pernah makan Kek chiffon keju...sedap wo..
Owh No....
No macs for me...
How la boleh terlepas.. tak perlah, will wait for your next trip :(
*Chiffon cake k.rima cantik like always..
i love this, will try definitely :)
oh how i envy your hubby, some ppl can have great body metabolism!
for me, its so easy to put on weight and it takes forever to lose LOL
its 1 am. looking at the cake make my tummy grumble.
i baru jupe itu chiffon mould.. dah terringgal MRT dah ni hehe baru nak try blueberry chiffon tu dulu..
Beautiful Chiffon cake again! Cheese flavour this time round and I bet it must be delicious too. Thank you so much Rima for sharing it. I'm bookmarking this!!
suka chiffon......
suka cheese....
sedapnya tengokkk kak..
eh why rosak? walio wei.. if i kan boleh jadi bonkers tak de mixer huhu
for now ku boleh lagi bersuka ria.. nanti if sonia dah masuk primary one.. fat hope lah.. all unplannned trip ku sudah tentu stress cos tak leh ikut hehe
anything with cheese memang lah sedap :op
last min lah dear.. my next trip to KL will be on the 3rd of june.. nanti i notify ok.. ty!
tell me abt it! i hv been fasting every mon and thursday.. tak turun pun my weight! huhu
gulp.. bahaya tu.. what did u ended up with?? dont tell me potato chips?! hehe
eh i baru baca ur comment.. dah tu i dapat ur comment kata dah siap.. sungguh macam speedy gonzales! hahaha.. tak per.. no oreos tak per.. dia suruh buat lagi satu .. with oreos pulak hehe
Glad u like it!
no worries.. long list or not?? hehe
suka suka suka.. if dapat makan maggie goreng lagi shiok hehe
Rima, seperti biasa, apa saja yang dikau bakar....x pernah hangus, tp haru mata akak memandang...mesti dah linyaauuu masuk ke perut....chiffon yg menggoda sungguh... Bila la nak mencipon pulak ni...adeeii
no more already? huk3x...sedey... nak jugak ni kak...lapar3x
Kak rima...missed ur macaroon....i adee event kt marina bays nxt mth...mybe can meet u wif mac order... Dh lm x order
Kak rima...missed ur macaroon....i adee event kt marina bays nxt mth...mybe can meet u wif mac order... Dh lm x order
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