Time: 2:30pm
Weather: HOT
Venue: Hotel Mulia, Senayan - Jakarta
Mood: Chill.. flying back to sg tmrw.. wedding to attend right after plane touches down.. yadda yadda yadda
Peak Agenda: So we hv been here since last wed.. didnt do much.. didnt take lots of pics either.. i did my ritual must go place to Titan.. had to.. Eid is coming and i need to get all the ingredients for what i plan to bake.. hehehe 3 more months to go and instead of thinking abt what to wear for Eid.. i am thinking abt what to bake for Eid.. Anywho.. ty to Janssen once again who lent his driver to me.. i was picked up right after breakkie and bef lunch i was already by the pool.. got what i wanted and am a happy bunny.. now lets see if i can squeeze a little time to go to a supermarket tonight.. hubs has been super busy since we got here and with the bad traffic and the scorching hot weather.. going to mangga dua is far fm my reach.. if only i hd my parents or even my sister with me.. i am pretty sure no matter how hot the weather is.. i would still take a cab with them and go there to buy nonsense stuff hehe
Here are a couple more pics that i wanted to share of our Bali trip.. Sonia was already asking if we cud go there again.. i will for sure and this time i will take along my parents.. till we meet in Singapore.. hv a good weekend peeps.. cant wait to start baking again cos i bought lots of recipe books.. oh how i love Indonesian recipes! i will also let u girls know whats new in my store..
Hahaha this is the only hotel where Sonia ends up talking to a toilet bowl.. u go close to it and the toilet cover will open by itself.. press a button and it will wash ur rear.. ur side rear.. ur front.. press on dryer and it will blow ur butt dry hahaha.. press on flush and right after that the toilet cover closes.. ur good to go ehehe - awesome invention for lazy ppl hahaha. So Sonia talks to the toilet bowl cos ever since the first time here, hubby will "remote control" make the toilet bowl open and close and Sonia thinks its cos of her commands "OPEN" and "CLOSE" hahahahaa
Busy busy busy hubs! hes flying off to Bangkok next week and my heart and soul feels like tagging along... cant possibley keep on taking Sonia out of school all the time huhuhu SORRY MEK IJAH!
Legian beach.. we only ended up going to the beach once... ppl say.. its better than not at all.. we're not beach ppl.. lots of dogs and each time a dog walked close to us.. Sonia and i would jump and cling on hubs lol.. as always.. Sonia would end up making friends.. shes an easy going girl...
Swimming prohibited.. hmmm
Magrib is an hr early so with papa's busy schedule.. we only managed to stay at the beach for a good half an hr..
I love this pic!
This one too... we promised Sonia that we will take her here again someday soon...
.... a couple of shots bef the sun goes down
Overall we had a wonderful time in Bali... i had my much needed spa with body scrub, warm bath and Balinese massage in the resort.. Sonia enjoyed her time in the kids club.. Many people say as a Muslim to be careful of the spirits there... in the end we passed a clean couple of days there and thank god for that.
Jakarta is all abt shopping for my baking stuff.. in fact whereever i am in the world.. the only things that i shop are things associated with baking.. And finally I got to eat the flying fish (Gurame) and my mee bakso! :op

hi Rima, long time never dropped by to say hi :)
even though i always still admire ur bakes constantly :)
oh how i miss going home to jakarta, been so long, the last time was in 2008!
it's been my intention too to visit titan if i go back, i heard many temptation in the store :P
have a great weekend ahead :)
Little Sonia is getting prettier each day, seriously :)
Salam Rima dear,wahhh...really enjoy your time kat sana ya.Good massage...hmmm...best.Sonia is ever so sweet and comel,boleh pulak berckp ngan toilet bowl ya...blame the remote control..hehe..
Seronok lah ya dpt beli baking stuffs and recipe books.I'm sure you gonna bake yg best2 and cantik2.Tak sabar nak tengok...
Have a good wkend Rima...TQ
You got me there! I really thought the toilet bowl understands human language, muahahaha... *cobet kang*.
Selamat dlm perjalanan n have a nice weekend
kalau i instal toilet bowl camtu kat umah i.......hmm.. mau sakit paru-paru nak suruh the kids jgn main dlm toilet! hahaha
Beauriful shots ;) am super jeles with the spa thingy.
Am like u always planning what to bake for Eid instead of planning what to wear....hehehez.
Cutie Sonia lah talking to the toilet...lol :D
cantik gambar2 sunset tu :)
& sonia as sweet as always :)
hi Kak Rima... i am one of your silent readers... your blog never fail to amaze me with the recipes and pictures.... some of your recipes really look great, but i doubt that i could make it as i am indeed quite lazy... hehehe...but whenever i feel down, this blog is definitely i go to, as it really made my day simply looking at all the gorgeous pictures of the food and places... and i'm quite curious about something... the pictures in Jakarta really look stunning especially the sunset... do you mind telling me what type of camera did you use? hehehe.... well, just to let you know i am really glad to stumble upon this blog... i hope someday i may be able to bake at least some of your recipes... ^_^ have a good day ahead~
Great pictures Kak Rima, kereeeeen semuanya. Takkan pernah bosan ke Bali. Selalu ada saja yang baru menarik hati...
I'm curious...sewaktu Kak Rima di Jakarta, no traffic jam kah?
Rima, as usual love your pics especially that of yr hubby and Sonia. And the sunset pics - to die for!!
Hi Rima, i seldom comment but love to read ur blog.I love ur sunset photo, which dslr model or brand u use? have u bought new one coz if i not mistaken u hv lost ur camera one of the trip...but cantikk sangat n the model so comeyyyy. Zieta
Ty dearies .. am happy with the shots too.. still hv not gotten myself the new one.. dont know if i hv the time to get it by this week.. will get 60D instead of 7D and will invest in one more good lens instead..
For this pic i am using my sis 450D.. i think by the end of the day its how u take pics and not so much abt the model.. of cos i wud love to invest in 7D had my insurance covered 100% but getting back 70% is better than none ey..
Tks, and Yes Rima, I guess u must have a very good talent in snapping any pics as good as baking any cakes etc..tengok jegmbr buat meleleh ayaq liur tau
Salam kak rima!!! oh! takde rezeki lah kak nak jumpa, pssst>>gmbr cantek2 lerrrr! kita pun suke tgk gmbr berdua hb akak n sonia tuu, sweettttttt sgt2!
huhu Ijah.. my hubs told me that he had to go to bkk waktu kita kat jakarta.. frust tonggeng ku dibuat nye.. baru verangan nak sembang sembang with mek siam.. lain kali kuda ku pergi bkk.. akan ku ponteng kan sonia dari school.. school gate close mahhh hahaha
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