It's time again!
This time I hv something really special! As u know I hv twice written abt our trip to Melaka here and here. Both times we stayed at the CASA DEL RIO - MELAKA.
So thanks to the management of the Casa Del Rio... I hv as a giveaway.... a ONE NIGHT stay at this wonderful hotel! yaayyyyy

Lemme just talk a little abt this hotel:
66 luxuriously appointed rooms located by the idyllic Melaka River near the entrance to the historic straits, named after this city, Casa del Rio is designed to capture curious landmarks and unforgettable view. This newest boutique hotel in Melaka is a stone's throw away from the heart of The Historic city of Melaka, listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
The architectural design pays tribute to the Portuguese heritage of Melaka as well as the unique Melaka Sultanate. While it blends with the historical surroundings and echoes of the past, the hotel caters for the modern 21st century guests' needs and facilities. We keep our dining wholesome and down-to-earth by showcasing authentic flavours.
It was just recently awarded the 2011 "Best Weekend Break" Excellence Award by the Expatriate Lifestyle magazine.
So anyway...... how do you get to WIN this free night which is valued at RM700?!
Step 1: "LIKE" the Casa Del Rio Facebook page. Link is HERE
Step 2: In my comments of this post - below, answer the question: "What would I do in Melaka if I won"
I will hv two prizes this time... the second prize will be a S$50.00 (RM121.00) voucher from my Store.
1) ONE entry per person.
2) You MUST sign off with your Name. No name, no game...
3) I will sort the result by numbers, confirm with Casa Del Rio that you have LIKEd their FB page and then use to chose the winner.
4) Bisous A Toi decision is final
5) Contest ends at 7pm on Wednesday, 11th January 2012.
Thats it.. easy peasy!! to all.. what are u waiting for.. do the clicking and ur on ur way to a night stay at Casa Del Rio.. good luck everyone!!

Kak Rima,
Wowww..have to give a try..
I liked the page Casa del Rio page already and..
If I won, I would spend the whole day in Malacca to search all Malacca's mouth watering & delish food..yummy!!! and of course to enjoy all the historical places!
What would I do in Melaka if I win? I would shop till I drop and I won't stop. Hehe. :)
Thanks kak rima
Diyana baqsheer
Salam Rima, This is my first visit to yr blog. I was introduce to yr blog by my bff Faiza and I nak sangat pegi Melaka and shopping kat sana sbb the last time I was there was in 2002. Tqvm and salam perkenalan Hanita
What I would do in Melaka? OOhhoooo... lotssssssss of things... Among others will be cruising Sg Melaka - fefeeling macam di Venice, enjoying pesta lampu at Kg Morten, shopping mata at Jonker's Street and of course lots and lots of ikan bakar activities from Alai till Umbai...
heheheh... thanks rima...
- Anoi -
Hi Kak Rima,
I've been a silent reader of yours and tetiba hari ni teringin to try my luck~
To answer the question, what I would do in Melaka if I won?
Staying in a just recently awarded "Best Weekend Break" Hotel, what else would I do besides pampering myself with enjoying all the Hotel could offer besides the renowned Melaka River Cruise and yes, shopping at Jonker Walk is a must!
It shall be a great most-needed weekend family getaway!
Crossing my finger (secretly),
Sha Shahida
Salam perkenalan Rima, I nak sangat pergi Melaka sbb the last time I was there was in 2002 and nak sangat visit the hotel kalau tak salah it was featured in Master Chef Malaysia. This is my 1st visit to yr bloq and Im definitely going to be yr regular visitor fm now. Tqvm Faiza for introducing me to this awesome blog.
I would love to eat my favourite cendol! and not forgetting to bring home some awesome gula malaka! Edith
hi sis rima....
saya dah "like" page tu....
kalau saya menang...... sudah tentu anak2 sy yg paling gembira. Mereka suka kalau berjalan ke Melaka... terutamanye menaiki cruise menyusuri sungai melaka, menara taming sari dan mcm2 lagi......
if I won..bolehla saya berjalan2 menikmati panorama mlm yg indah di sg melaka sambil merasai ke'luxurious'an hotel yg mahal..dan akan menjadi hadiah yg terbaik for my birthday..
With the nice view from Rio's food outlets and coupled with their health retreats, I would spend most of time in the at the hotel itself. But maybe sneak out for their chendol. Fatimah.
Hi Aunty Rima,
Just discovered your blog and I love your recipes. My family loves the Almost Famous Amos cookies!
If I won, I would love to invite my parents in laws along and spend a weekend eating and shopping there.
Mavis Lee
nice giveaway here..
Melaka, one place where I love to spend my non-working day. If I am there in Melaka, besides visiting the historical places, I would love to sit by the river side having a cuppa with my book.. It's so cool when I took the cruise recently and saw the hotel!
Salam kak Rima....i already like the page....
Percutian mmg best kan kak....
Erm..if i won i mmg akan spend saat2 indah itu dengan anak2 tersayang dan suami tercinta...saat yg paling manis semestinya bersama keluarga tersayang...
Nice giveaway
Posted my comment earlier, and name was left out..
Cynthia Wong
Hi Kak Rima,
Nak sangat tidur pat hotel mewah ni!!! Teringin lagi bawak balik kueh bangkit pat Jonker Street tu, naik bot and cruise along the Malaccan River. Last time pergi, tak dapat naik this time mesti nak naik lah!!
Ok Cheers,
Hopefully I menang :)
Best wishes
Roziana Bte Roseli
Salam sis rima...
If i won, i want to spend a precious moments with my hubby alone without anyone else. Hehe...
Hopefully 01/02/2012 will be my best ever anniversary surprise for him... TQ.
dewi qaseh
assalammualaikum kak rima...
1. sudah LIKE page casadelrio
2. "What would I do in Melaka if I won" - actually saya mmg org melaka... tapi teringin sesgt nak duduk hotel nie sebab nampak sgt sungguh cantik dari luar... bila tgk website lagila geram nak stay sini... i can say i'll do nothing.. just stay in the room spending time wt husband.. anak dok ngn nenek satu malam! hahaha... but one thing for sure.. makan roti nan kat pak putra!
tq sis!
Salam K.Rima..
if i won, i would love to spend the whole day in Malacca..cruising Sg.Melaka..walking along the Jonker's Street..Menara Taming Sari..Dataran Pahlawan..eating cendol(my fav)..maybe as gift for our wedding.hehe..honeymoon!!
i will enjoy the fullest
salam rima,
this is very generous of you. well, if i win this, i would take the time to veg out AND go look for the copper kuih bahulu and kuih cara acuan that they say we can find in melaka.
thanks for the opportunity!!
have a good day today!!
salam sis your page alraedy..
soooo excited to join my first GA here..huhu
1..if I win this GA , I want to walk the entire way around melaka and try all the delicious food there also to enjoy the beauty of malaka and I can have my third honeymoon in melaka huhu.. and of course to enjoy a wonderful stay at casa del rio..
yours truly..
I Liked the Casa Del Rio FB page.
I will shop to the max in Melaka ... Hunting for “Excellent Melaka Food” like chedol, local food and seafood.. YumYum :)
Thank U
Nita rahim
As salaam. If I win, I plan to shop, eat and chill chill chill! Maybe go for a massage and swim to ease all the aches and pain :)
It will be my family's mini vacation. I'll take the oppurtunity to discover all about Melaka.
Salam Sis Rima...
if i win , i will definitely go for food hunter and spend a good quality time in this beautiful hotel..
Salam Rima,
If I won, it would be timely as I would use it to reward my daughter Marissa (who just joined a boarding school in Melaka 2 days ago for Form 1) and myself with a well-deserved reunion.
She, for being so brave and hopeful going into uncharted territories and myself, for finding the courage to let her go!
Hi kak rima.
I want to join also!! Already like the page. Nway my FB name Lyiana Tamizi.
I will I do in Melaka if I won??
This coming march is my daughter's 1st birthday. We've plan a family getaway to Melaka. If I won, I'll extend the holiday for another night make and the free night at Casa Del Rio as a treat to my beloved husband who has given a helps & support through out the years when I started in a baking business.
Ya Allah..Pls..pls..make me the winner.Amin...
Salam Kak Rima@Otai,
What would I do in Melaka if I win, i'm going to celebrate my baby girl 4th birthday party.I really need time to escape and very nice place to lay on.So it's going to be a good memorable for her and the whole family aswell.
All the best to me ..cheers!
What would i do in Melaka if i won this CASA DEL RIO,MELAKA?i will reward this trip to my beloved Abah & Mak for their LOVE & CARE. They deserve thhis trip. They came from this hometown MELAKA and it will be a great present for them.i will be with them to spend OUR GREAT TIME TOGETHER touring the cruise and the heritage.It will be our greatest hope to win and may ALLAH fulfil my dreams to come and explore the city of Melaka and CASA DEL RIO HOTEL. THANK YOU RIMA for the great and joyous offer. May ALLAH BLESS YOU.
Zarinah Binte ABDUL Mutalib
salam kak rima..
seronok bile tahu ade giveaway ni..dan yg paling penting hadiah die memang sgt la best!nak try "tuah"ni..hehe
kalau dapat pegi sekeluarga nak pergi ke zoo melaka,tmn mini malaysia,dataran pahlawan,menara taming sari,melaka wonderland,A'famosa dan melihat keindahan malam bandar melaka dengan menaiki melaka river cruise..mungkin banyak lagi destinasi yg kami sekeluarga ingin pergi setelah sekian lama kami tidak melacong kesana dan ingin menghiburkan anak-anak yg sedang membesar dan seronok sesekali dapat bercuti dan mengenali tempat2 lain.
wish me luck!!
p/s: kalau menang ni rezeki anak2!!
salam rima,
wanna join your 6th giveaway hehe
what would i do in melaka if i won?first n foremost, enjoying my stay at the casa del rio to the fullest ;-) then had a yummylicious ikan bakar at umbai/serkam. Lovely walk at jonker street or go for a spin at menara taming sari or cruising straits of melaka or shopping hehe wow a lot to do in melaka..heaven!
If im as a winner, i will spend time to arround of Melaka, enjoying beautiful nature and culinery of Melaka.
Lovely giveaway ...I liked their fb page
If I win, I will relax there and ofcoz eat good food :)
Kalau saya menang… Yahoo!!!!
Sebab memang nak plan short trip utk my kiddos. Psst…after my son passed his PSLE, blum lagi ajak dia gi mana2 as promised to celebrate his success.
Actually this yr…memang ada plan nak gi Melaka or Genting or KL. But if I menang, boleh la mak blanjer BESAU sikit kat Melaka tu since duit hotel da FREE… hehehe.. U nak kirim aper? Belacan? Gula Melaka? Ckp jer… I blanjer… Ahaks…
TETAPI if menang 2nd prize pun OK jugak sebab boleh dpt Mirror Scale yg menjadi idaman kalbu… Wink*
Salam Rima,, if i won i would take my family wif me n relax coz since sch starts my son hari hari ngangis tak nak go sch . Bole fening teacher n mummy pujuk for 3 solid hours , stop crying bila go outdoor. Salam Latiffah
hye rima,
kalau saya menang akan berhoneymoon buat pertama kali selepas setahun berkahwin...sob sob tak pernah rasa nikmat honeymoon...and of course will fully treasure Melaka & capture everything like your it so much
wish me luck =)
hI Rima,
luv reading ur luvly blogs..n to answer the question "What would I do in Melaka if I won"...definitely i will explore the beautiful history behind the name of MALACCA...
hello kak rima,
if i won this GA, firstly i will eat like crazy food at Casa del Rio (tengok kat masterchef sangat sedap. Secondly, mahu pusing seluruh Melaka & mahu cuba naik beca. Then, will try improved my skills using dslr & captured everything (Melaka the best place to asah bakat tangkap gambar)
hopefully saya akan menang =)
terima kasihtolval
walao sis rima...
1st giveaway of 2012 i gez...
hmmm...klo menang yek..nak enjoy myself in melaka wif hubby n luvly son!tat day gi melaka juz mampu tgk hotel yg cantik itu...sambil round2 naik bot...=p
Hi Rima,
If I won,I'll celebrate our 9th anniversary in the hotel.Will spend most of the time in the hotel hehehehe....and the kids will be the happiest one.
salam Rima,
hehehe... bestnye hadiah ni. kalau saya menang, nak menyusuri Jonker's street@walk, best giler pi tengok brg2 kat situ, nak makan cendol kat tepi sungai, then nak naik cruise belah malam sebab cantek lampu2 sepanjang sungai tu, pas tu nak beli belacan, dodol dan macam2 lagi la.
tenkiu Rima, jest try my luck (rohanaramlan)
Salam Sis Rima....Bestnya kalau dapat pegi Melaka semua nak buat jala-jalan, makan-makan and shopping-shoppingan haha.....
if i win this giveaway i happily give it to my parents , let them to spend time together romantically and ease their mind in this beautiful-historical-luxurious hotel.
Hi Kak Rima,
Melaka - Asam Pedas!
Kalau menang dah tentu nak bawak anak2 explore melaka tu, mamanya cari makan yg sedap2 & shopping, sbb hotel Casa Del Rio tu dekat sgt tempat shopping dan jalan2...bestnya!nak!nak!
Hai Sis Rima,
kalau dpt p akan spend mase sepuas2nya wit hubby nk jalan2 cr makan...
ZaraAiisy Hashim
Rima and Mr hotel treat is charming but noone can beat your hospitality :p maka dgn itu i tak nak join this contest (sebenarny takut tak dapt wakaka!)
LOL KG.. u never know.. i thought waktu gi D&D dulu i tak akan menang anything but i did won something.. walaupun pun ku hanya menang cerek panas hahaha
It was nice to see both of u here in Singapore.. was a pleasure of ours!
What would I do in Melaka if I win? I would like to give this voucher to my parents.. Last year, my mother had retired from her job and really need a break after serving the bank for 37 years.. My father who works partime driving taxi in spore also need a break apart from working, getting their kids (me myself getting married last year and my sister this feb).. they really need a break by having this vacation..
Kak Rima If I win lah means I have 2 day 1 night stay at Melaka..which is mean I nak pergi Jonker walk and I nak pi pekena coconut milk shake yg very the popular kat pantai klebang tuh.Believe me everytime pergi Melaka dua tempat nih selalu tak dapat pergi..names other places in Melaka ..Ive been there already.hahaha..Ini tempat mcm ader badi..
"What would I do in Melaka if I won"
I would enjoy Malacca's classic architecture and authentic cuisine which reflect various culture influence while having a pleasant stay at this superb Casa del Rio.
What would I do in Melaka if I won..
1) Takes a lot of pictures
2) Visit all the historical places
3) Shop til I drop at Jonker Walk
4) Eat, eat and eat :)
What would I do in Melaka if I won..
1) Takes a lot of pictures
2) Visit all the historical places
3) Shop til I drop at Jonker Walk
4) Eat, eat and eat :)
Hi k.rima.. saya suhaila, (yang ada email u) hehe saja nak try luck..
sekiranya saya menang, walaupun sudah banyak kali ke Melaka, saya ingin mendekati budaya dan warisan masyarakat baba dan nyonya di Melaka, mungkin akan membeli buah tangan seperti kasut manik atau kebaya nyonya.. dan yang utama ingin menikmati hidangan mereka terutama laksa nyonya yang asli ..
Suhaila Ali
from kajang.
Hi rima, i ve been your silent follower for a long time... Really love your blog and all your foods...
The first time i set my eyes on this hotel... When i was in the river cruise 6 months ago.. I wish then, i could spent a nite there... But i know i cant afford it. Second time, when the masterchef was there... I saw it on tv... Again, i fell in love with the place.... The rooms are so lovely, the foods too are tempting. I straight away googled the hotel... Checked the rate....OMG ....surely can't afford it.... So mimpi tinggal mimpi.... And now with this... I hooe my dream will come true. I will fully use the quality time in the hotel, use all the facilities, and will off course go siteseeing in Melaka.... Dear god... Please award me this opportunity... Amin.
Hi Rima,
If I win, I will enjoy very bit that Casa de Rio has to offer, the mediterranean-Peranakan style room, swim in their Lago, enjoy coffee at The River Cafe, to to their spa, all these on a 1 night stay in Melaka.
PS. I've been your silent...
Ooppps, my name Kak Maznah
What would i do in Melaka?
Hmmm.. I have always loved Melaka for its food. Keria Antarabangsa in Kg Limbungan. Mee Bodoh in Tengkera. Nasi Beriani in Ujong Pasir. The Softest Chapati in Tehel. Asam Pedas in Kota Laksamana.
Seriously, the list in endless.
But if I were to win this, I'd definitely do the one thing I have never done before. Can you believe it, I have never walked down Jonker Street. So that is definitely what I'd do.
And hopefully I'll win!
hi rima,
i'm a frequent visitor at your site but you seldom see me commenting as baking is not my cup of tea...but, i love all your food photos and writings...both are truly interesting! Each post has never failed in capturing my interest.
If I won this giveaway, I'll unearth the Historical city of Malacca. I'll definitely pay Hang Tuah and Princess Hang Li Po a visit, too.
Thanks rima.
Wow.. a great start for 2012!! I takleh nak join this GA since my parents house kat melaka je..hihi
makan steamboat kat situ best woo.. ;D
If I win,i will explore as much as I can with my hubby and my 2 girls as the last time we were there was 10 years ago!
"what would i do in Melaka if I won"
i would like to spend my day in melaka with my hubby and treat it as our anniversary gift and start our honeymooon after months being postponed.
Rima,cuti tahun baru Cina ni kami memang plan nak ke Melaka, duk tengah survey kat mana nak stay 2-3 hari, kalaulah dapat one night percuma,bestnya!.Ummi dah like page tu.
Nak sangat ke Melaka sebab kagum sangat dengan Kerajaan negeri yang membangunkan Melaka sebegitu rupa, sungai di tengah bandar yang bersih dan dah jadi destinasi pelancongan, yang penting tempat2 bersejarah yang ingin dilawati, shopping semestinya, last but not least, asam pedam Melaka, pergh!!!
hi sis,
if i won, i wanted to wake up very late, eat at the hotel, swim at the hotel, relaxs at the balcony till nite time and walk around the hotel!
u can still join mahhh.. tak nak first price got second price.. voucher fm my store hehe
To the rest... best of luck.. dont forget to leave down ur name in ur entry wokey.. :o)
Thank you Rima for letting us try.
I would spend all day in the hotel as i need a good getaway and rest as my two boys have just been discharged from the hospital for pneumonia and salmonella in blood. Also, we would enjoy the fabulous peranakan food offered at so many places in Melaka and go sightseeing too!
hi salam perkenalan..saya selalu masuk bolg rima tetapi silence reader.
kalau saya menang saya nak pergi bercuti kemelaka bersama suami saya. selama 11 tahun kami tidak berkesempatan pergi bercuti. dan hendak hadiahkan kepada suami sebagai hadiah harijadinya pada januari ni. sebagai tanda kasih n sayang saya padanya.macam honeymoon..kiranya firt time..he.hee.cuma beza kali ni bersama anak-anak tercinta
salam tante rima <3
been a silent reader of tante's for a loooooong time, and my goal is to be a great cook for my future hubby and kids just like tante hihi.
now just cannot jadi silent reader anymore, this giveaway is sooo tempting.
now now, what would i do in melaka if i won?
i'll be cruising with mommy along the river and shopping at the jonker street and eat eat eat. and do all the normal mommy-daughter bonding. i just missed her so much so this is a great escapade for us.
hihi fingers cross!
Salam Kak Rima,
Harus mencuba nasib,hehe
Kalau pergi Melaka, harusla makan ikan bakar yang sedap di Umbai or Serkam, then jalan2 cuci mata tengok tempat2 bersejarah di Melaka. Bila dah penat, balik ke Casa Del Rio, feeling2 Masterchef Malaysia jap dan berehat sepuas-puasnya..(Sebenarnya sangat teruja masa tgk Masterchef Malaysia haritu, then cakap sorang2, eh ini hotel yang kak Rima tunjuk dalam blog tu kan,hehe)
TQ akak for this giveaway..dah like Cada Del Rion Hotel..harap2 ada luck...
Ct Zaharah
Alaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Rima....kalau menang include airfare from NZ to Malaysia ke....hehehez. :pppppp
Hi sis,
I Liked the Casa Del Rio FB page.
If i won, i nk bawak my son pi naik Menara Taming Sari..sure cantik kalau malam...hu3 mesti dia excited tgk lampu2 semua..hu3
Rima lupa nak bilang kat fb i use the name sharia nur iman
I'll pay a visit to my old school and bring my mom to visit the town :)
Rima, bestnye giveaway u nih. Dedua pon best. If i won, i would bring my mom, hb, sis and kids lepaking there. Just "chill" like u always say.
-Azian Hashim-
Sis Rima,
kite pon sama kt FB guna AnasAyun..hu3 sorry k
Hi sis name is Haziqah
Already like "LIKE" the Casa Del Rio Facebook page.
If I won, nak bawak my family pi naik cruise,menara taming sari dan menikmati the best weekend break with my family at Casa Del Rio
Momo Chan - my FB name
already like the page, using my fb's id:Shida Ghazali
jika saya terpilih saya dgn senang hatinya akan mengajak keluarga saya utk bersiar2 ke seluruh negeri melaka, menikmati pemandangan adn mencuba pelbagai makanan yg terdapat di MElaka
hi rima ,
walaupun akak dah berkali2 ke melaka ,akak tetap suka jln2 di sana menikmati suasana yg yg sekarang agak susah di dapati si sg...btw rima if i were to be chosen for this giveaway prize , i would enjoy the atmosphere at that hotel. lagi pun bukan senang nak dapat peluang tinggal di hotel mewah macam ini rima..sambil tu bleh lah akak jln2 sambil menikmati nasi lemak lagi kat pahlawan parade.lupa akak nama restaurant tu.
Dah "LIKE" Facebook Casa Del Rio.
If I won, bolehlah celebrate my hb's birthday bulan February nanti di Melaka.
Moga2 ada LUCK untuk dapat 1st price, tapi kalau tak 2nd price pun OK gak.
Thanks Rima.
Salam Sis Rima..
If I wont a ONE NIGHT stay at Casa del Rio... saya nak stay dalam bilik hotel dan menikmati segala kemudahan yang ada kat Casa del Rio. Pada waktu lewat petang saya nak mengambil banyak gambar di Kampung Morten. Sebabnya kat situ pemandangan sangat cantik.. :)
Thank you.
Mimi Narita Hanim :)
Dah pun "LIKE" Facebook Casa Del Rio.
If I won (hopefully), bolehlah celebrate my hb's birthday bulan Februari nanti.
Memang berharap menang 1st prize la, tapi kalau tak dapat, menang yang 2nd pun OK jer.
Moga2 ada LUCK.
Thanks Rima.
Salam kak rima,
"What would I do in Melaka if I won"
I wud visit the historical places and enjoy the delish chendol....
Hi Rima! I just can't ignore this attractive offer!
I will spend most of my time relaxing in the hotel and eat around Melaka!
Hi Rima,
1) Already "like" the Casa Del Rio Facebook page.(
2) I will do the Rima's way..."stay,chill,hang out"....
And if I win I get to bring my one year old son to my birth place during my birthday... (1/2/12)
Hi Rima,
i have been viewing your blog since mid last year and this is my first time participating in your 'Giveaway'.
we hope to celebrate our weddding anniversary at this nicely done up hotel. we will shop til drop, eat til full, and of course enjoy the the best of this hotel.
hopes to win!!
Salam Rima,
If I get the give away, I will definitely 'savour' every moment of my stay at Casa del Rio by enjoying the scenery along Melaka River and spending some time at famous eating places around Melaka.
If i were to win i would definitely spend a day to enjoy the infinity pool and luxurious rooms before heading out for a day of great food, beautiful architecture of the buildings. TAKE a ride on the special double decker bus that brings you on a city tour. Later a night of great seafood at the Portugese settlement and drink galons of fav mango juice.
Kristen Yeoh
Hi Rima,
I would spend most of my day in the hotel to rest my mind....I do love hotel stay;p.
Yee Er Tang
If I win, I would like to bring my aunty who brought me up since baby, so I can spend some quality time with her in her school town, and we can visit her school, and see the way Melaka has evolved since the 70s. This would be a real treat for her, and for me too, as I only get to see this aunt of mine when I make a trip to see family in asia. - Ginny Hensed.. :D hi Rima!
Asalamualaikum kak rima,
I have like the Casa Del Rio FB Page.
If i win ur superb give away, i will bring my mom to Melaka for a retreat for her for being most loving and understanding single mother. I will eat the best Melaka food they have and bring her shopping and go to d famous museums there. And not forgetting Baking stuffs too.... Praying hard to win this for my mom.
Thanks kak rima.
Seri Dewi
Hi Rima, I would love to win this.
I hope my comment will get published. If I win I would like to bring my only aunt to see Melaka. She brought me up since I was a baby, it will be great to take her on a tour there to see how Melaka has evolved since the 70s, when she spent school years there. This will be great for me too, coz I will love to spend quality time with her as I seldom get to make a trip to Asia to see family. Currently I am in Asia, so if I DO win... (fingers crossed...) this will be the highlight. hehe! Good Luck everyone!
"What would I do in Melaka if I won"
1. I wanna gt my salad bowl at jonker st
2. Eat eat eat
3. Spa spa spa ahhhh... Ill bt thy hv to die for spa
4. Out do my hb hihihi (he paksa me to wrote this down)
Pls be kind to me, pls pick me i really need a holiday just to recover frm ur recent holiday. Amin.
hi kak rima,
liked the Casa del rio page already.
if i were to get the give-away, well i am definitely will start my 'jalan-jalan cari makan' esp ikan bakar at masjid tanah with nasi lemak bungkus, asam pedas ,etc ... sedap !!
sorry, i lupa taruk nama tadi yang post psl jalan jalan cari makan if i were at melaka ..
maza asma mustaffa
Salam sejahtera, Rima. First, I would like to extend 1 more night in Melaka. I will explore the whole street of Jonker. Go to the historical places which I didn't manage to go the other time. And most importantly, to discover the delish and great food there! We had a few bad food experience the last time. If I won this trip, it is payback time!
Thanks you & regards,
salam kak rima...
i've been your silent reader quit long n this time i would like to try my luck... hehehe..
' if i win the gift a away definitely i will enjoy the experienced staying in luxurious hotel, the fabulous food in melaka n spend my timr with my family...
Hehe harus lah ku tunggu air ticket sponsor fm airlines pulak! Err
If I have a chance will celebrate our 31st anniversary at this hotel. Have been to Malacca once in my life about 15 years ago. Looking forward to explore Malacca again, surely there are lots of changes.
If I won, I will go to the historical place and my usual must go place is to enjoy the so sedap chendol. I cant remember the name of the shop, its a name of a chinese man. He sells lots of Melaka snacks and you have to get a coupon from his snack shop and go to the next shop to enjoy the chendol!
A Happy new year to you and family.
Been reading about your blog. Thanks for the giveaway.
I would spend the day tasting all the food!
if i won, i will:
i)enjoy the luxurious hotel (i was hoping to go there)
ii) go hunting for delicious foods
iii)try the Malacca River Cruise
iii)go visit all the Historical Places in Melaka
iv) SHOPPING!!!!!!!
I would walk around Banda Hilir and trace back the history of the place and find the uniqueness of Malaca which being the sole reason for Casa Del Rio to build the hotel there and the main reason for Rima and family to stay there twice.
Hai Rima ,
Gosh , a lot of things I want to do in Malacca . A must is Water cruise , Jonker Street , Museums ( a few of them), Menara Taming Sari , Zoo with the kids and of course to try out all the delicous food there especially the asam pedas . more food and not to forget shopppiinnggg. If only if you choose me .
Shamsinar AbdRashid
oh..I miss out that second prize.. I nak masuk lah.. boleh borong your paste and spices kah kah
If I won, I'll pass it to my parents, so they could indulge the luxurious one night stay ;)
Salam Kak Rima...
If I won..i tak penah bercuti di melaka..just lalu on the way to my hubby's i akan enjoy all the food there and all the interesting places which you describe and what all my friends talk about...diorang kata sekarang melaka bestt!!!
Salam Rima,
Hv been your silent reader for quite some time and I really luv your blog.
My 1st time trying your giveaway.. So, "What would I do in Melaka if I won"
I would definitely enjoy my stay at Casa Del Rio, take a cruise along Sg. Melaka, jalan-jalan, makan-makan and shop around all the femes places in Melaka.
Thanks for the opportunity.. :)
Siti Hajar
Salam Rima,
Hv been your silent reader for quite some time and I really luv your blog.
My 1st time trying your giveaway.. So, "What would I do in Melaka if I won"
I would definitely enjoy my stay at Casa Del Rio, take a cruise along Sg. Melaka, jalan-jalan, makan-makan and shop around all the femes places in Melaka.
Thanks for the opportunity.. :)
Siti Hajar
kak rima,kalau menang mmg best sbb saya membesar selama 16 tahun di melaka and currently stay in Penang for almost 12 years..Saya mmg akan craving for asam pedas everyday for lunch bila ada kat Melaka,for sure akan masuk Muzium which I love the most dan akan singgah sepanjang jalan on the way back sblm enter highway alor gajah dekat tengkera mkn mee sup yang sedap,dekat tanjung keling beli belacan dan cencaluk,simpang terendak tapau roti john dan kuih bakar paling best kat alor gajah retus balik penang.. vacation ever with 1 nite stay at casa del Rio..
Loves u kak Rima..
What would I do in Melaka if I won?
there is only two things i want to do in Melaka which are:
-shop at Jonker's S (till broke)
-find the best assam pedas
Dejah Salleh
The only reason why i wanna go melaka is bcoz of Casa Del Rio, besides that the trishaw ride. Looking forward to try the food there too and no forgetting,
Should I win this contest ;p I would definitely visit my adik angkat..he got married last December and I am unable to attend due to financial strains.. I will definitely invite them to stay with us for the whole nite so we can catch up abt his wonderful wedding that we missed ;( And the best of all, insya allah my one and only son can take a break that he deserved since we are unable to go anywhere during his school holiday.Since he love the museums I shall bring him there should there be an opportunity..Most important thing we got to bond as a family ;p Tanx Kak Rima
Nora Said
If I won, I will take the whole of my family to enjoy the beauty of Malacca. Malacca has always been in my heart for her beautiful landscaping and historical place. My first choice of holiday siesta.
I have liked Casa Del Rio's page on FB.
What would I do in Malacca if I won? I will definitely take a lot of pictures to post on fb, and will likely tell my friends how awesome Casa Del Rio is.
I hope I win this cos my mum called me while I'm at work (with her high pitched voice just to remind me about this. All while my boss was behind me, watching my every move).
Thanks and cheers,
Khairunnisa Saruan (you can find me on fb)
Hi Kak Rima,
What would I do in Melaka
1) Nak lawat MMU...tempat belajar yg berguling2 nak dpt degree..ehee.
2) Makan asam pedas-puteri hang li po...terbaikkk!
3) Berkelah kat Pengkalan Balak...ooh such a memory =)
4) Mkn ikan bakar kat Umbai
5)Jalan2 Bandar Hilir...
6) Nak release stress kat Casa Del Rio..
heeeeee. Rindu Melaka!
-Syazwina Alias-
What would I do in Melaka if I win?
Jalan jalan cari makan. Learn more and appreciate the history and heritage of Malacca.
Hi Kak Rima,
Best la giveway ni. Dah lebih 15 tahun saya tak jejak kaki ke Melaka. Kalau la saya menang, tentu saya & family akan pusing-pusing bandar Melaka dgn beca,menjamu selera dengan masakan negeri Melaka yg enak2,melawat tempat2 menarik disana dan tentu sekali tak lepas peluang Melaka River cruising dan enjoy sakan kat hotel mewah Casa Del Rio
Suzliyati(aka Mika+Yong)
Hi Kak Rima,
Would love to win this!! What would i do in Melaka if i win? If i win, i would like to bring my parents and celebrate my dad's 75th Birthday. Celebrate = makan makan!! Just bonding and chilling out with the family!
Thanks for the generosity, k Rima!
Liza Mohamed Noor
Of course I would go for the best cendol and asam pedas in town *drools*
Shaleen ;)
Hi Kak Rima!
So very kind of you for this giveaway, may Allah bless you always, InsyaAllah. Well, if I win, I shall SPOIL MYSELF ROTTEN as i get immersed in the awesome luxury of Casa Del Rio, so much so that I would want to explore every bit of it and experience its great hospitality and unforgettable comfort.. like a dream come true
Kind Regards,
Norimah Ab. Ghani
Hello dear Rima
eeemmmm....what would I do in Melaka yea... off course will jalan2 hingga kaki melecet & tangan penuh sarat dengan shopping bag kt Jonker Street... dh penat jalan, mestila makan makan minum minum... my choice ikan bakar, air kelapa muda at Alai & my hot favourite sotong kangkung di Melaka Central.
Dah penat terapi mata,perut & poket.. time for relaxing.... my choice mestila A'Famosa... a lot of fun activities for kids, & for me mesti la berendam dlm itew pool...tapi kalau dapat berendam dlm Casa del Rio's pool lagila seronok yg tak terhingga... hope my dreams come true yea Cik Rima & cik thanx
Rohaida Salleh
If i were to win, i would like to take the river cruise during sunset, visit Jonker Street to enjoy the Peranakan/Nyonya delicacies, enjoy all the local speciality food Melaka have to offer and sightseeing the historical sites of Melaka.
Hello Rima, I have been a silent follower of yr blog.
If i were to win, i would like to take the river cruise during sunset and enjoy the view of the surrounding along the Melaka River. A visit to Jonker Street is a must to enjoy the Peranakan/Nyonya heritage and also their delicacies. Since the Melaka community is a multi racial one, i would love to enjoy all the local food they have. Lastly sightseeing of the historical Melaka.
Thanks and regards
Good Morning,
What would I do in Melaka if I won : Eat, Pray, Love.
Thank you and Best Regards.
Lina Chin
If I were to win, it would be a great 20th wedding anniversary gift for hubby and myself.
We can enjoy this time together with our four kiddos and paint Melaka town red! We like to check out the old shops along the riverbanks where they sell lots and lots of kueh kapit and kueh bolu moulds and other stuff and go eat at one of the Peranakan restaurant and end our day with a river cruise!
Theresa Ng
salam..k.rima,i am ur silent reader..
1)sy da like page casa del rio
2)klu sy menang sya akn menghabiskan masa bersama suami n ank sambil menyusuri kampung2 di melaka spt masjid tanah,tanjung kling,kuala lingg,jasin,kampung morten dan bnyk lagi sambil mempelajari masakan tradisional melaka spt asam pedas,dodol dan lain2...teringin juga menyusuri sungai melaka pd waktu malam,menikmati juadah2 enak di melaka ikan bakar,cendol,nasi ayam bebola,bershoping dan yg paling x sabar ialah dpt berSPA di casa del rio....maybe ini adalah big suprise 4 my lovely husband atas segala pengorbanannya...
Hi rima,
Nak join jugak, so...
Here's my answer:
What would i do in Melaka if i win?
If i win, it would be my first and decent holiday in this historical state. I would get my camera ready to capture the facinating architecture of the heritage buildings and ruins. Ride around Melaka town on a trishaw. Stroll along Jonker Street to view the antique artifacts for sale. Admiring the scenic view as the sun sets on the horizon at the Straits of Melaka, truly a breathtaking panorama from the suite of Casa del Rio.
etteseth@Ette Mariam
Kak Rima...
What would I do in Melaka if I win? huhuhu I would shop till I drop & try all Melaka's best food..
What would I do in Malacca if I won?
Kalau I menang giveaway nie for sure lah I akan jjcm kat melaka…nak pi makan asam pedas melaka yang best itu dan nak cari makanan baba nyonya yg sedap…selain itu, nie nak citer seday sket… :( wpun I duduk kat tangkak, johor yang sempadan jer dengan melaka I never have a chance utk ronda-ronda Melaka…I tak pernah panjat A'Famosa, I tak pernah pergi Jonker Street, I nak sangat2 cruise dalam kapal sekeliling Bandar melaka tu…and banyak lagi menda yang akan I buat if I win…hope so.. :)
TQ kak Rima…
As salam Rima.
If I win this give away to Melaka, I would firstly spend time at Bandar Hilir and Fort Farmosa. Then to find popular food haunt. Melaka IS a nice place. Hope to win :-)).
**P.S The last time I entered for the mixing bowls giveaway, didnt win but I bought them from your store anyway ^!^
Salam ukhwah
hy Kak Rima !
What would I do in Malacca if I won?
sekirannya saya menang, saya sekeluarga akan menikmati setiap detik ronda2 bersama..... bukan mudah utk saya sekeluarga berkumpul disebabkan kekangan en suami bekerja. Makan, jalan-jalan, melawat, shopping dan yang past bergambar sakan ! seronoknya !
Salam Kak Rima...
Nak jugak...nak jugak...
If i were to win..sudah semestinye saya akan bawak Mak saya ke Melaka krn she hv been asking abt Melaka trip coz dier tak pernah pergi..Casa Del Rio Melaka is really WOW...n for sure will go to tempat2 yg pernah recomended at ur blog..
FB:Zaharah orisya
Salam Kak Rima,
Me again, you might not know this babe..but I'm sure you do know Reen from Kota D'sara, PJ. Does 'the girl who is always in a hurry everytime we met' rings any bell? (^__^)
Right, just pushing my luck here..
If I win, I am taking my little one n encik hubby for a hopefully joyful geteaway. Sight-seeing, tummy filling and definetely some cash spending (woohooo, shopping!!).
Okies, cross my fingers hope to, to win.
p/s: do buzz if u r coming to town again..craving some of ur delicacies. It's been a while..
Hi Kak Rima,
-Dah 'LIKE' page Casa del Rio..
-Klu menang..nak spent a lovely time at the hotel and Melaka..of course..:)
(facebook-Abi Dzar Jaafar)
alamak.. i didn't leave my facebook id pulak.. it's khairolin.
jonker street jonker street
wait for me..
for i can't hardly bear the wait
when we finally meet..
hopefully i'll win this treat
and we'll be together
in the month of february..
hai kak rima...seandainya dpt kesempatan buat pergi ke melaka,pengen merasakan atmosfer yg berbeda,jg wisata kuliner pula pastinya.:)
Salam Sis Rima,
I've liked Casa del Rio, Melaka
If I won, I want to enjoy the beautiful heritage of Malacca town and also enjoying my stay at Casa del Rio. Definitely will share those moments with beloved hub & kids. It is so historical!
Faziana Azah bt Yaakub
Salam kak Rima..
If i won i nk round melaka puas2 coz last time p sana time pregnant kn my daughter 7 months..xlarat nk jalan sgt..hehe..nk merasa dok kt hotel mahal juge..=D
hi kak rima, kalau saya menang saya akan bawa sekeluarga bercuti tertangguh di sana di mana janji En Somi dan Saya yang tidak dapat kami tunaikan di sebabkan masalah keluarga dan masa yg tidak di izinkan (cuti dah habis)... so kesempatan itu saya ingin berkunjung ke tempat bersejarah dan semestinya menikmati makanan yg popular di melaka seperti asam pedas dan makanan lautnya..
asalammualaikum sis & frens
was hesistated to join in the contest but Rima's last reminder thru FB trigger me :))
been silent reader of Rima's blog all this while.
wld like to try our luck too.
eversince my late father fell ill, we hv not been to any holiday xcept a quick trip to JB to top-up petrol...hehehe.
my late father kembali kerahmatullah on 11 Dec '11 & it's xactly 1 mth today. if rezki we win this contest, i will bring 1stly my mum (as she needs a breather after the 100days nanti insya'allah) & 2ndly my husben + dotter & last but not least my 2 nephews :))
b4 i sign off, pls sedekah kan al-fateha to allahyarham hj said bin rid (sorry sis take tis slot for the al-fateha...hope u dun mind). smoga rohnya di tempatkan di kalangan org2 beriman, amin.
all the best & luck to all of us
-suryani said-
hi rima! have liked Casa Del Rio's FB page! i didnt know there was such a lovely hotel in melaka! if i win this fab giveaway, i plan to enjoy the hotel's facilities to the max! ~lol~ and go to jonker street for the must have chicken rice ball, fried popiah from a road side stall, chendol and satay celup!! :P
thanks for having this giveaway! :)
-ling tze khoo
hi rima
love ur blog, recipes n lil sonia
such a generous giveaway
it been a while since my last visit to Melaka. my husband i was studying in MMU last time
heard about Casa Del Rio.. saw the pictures n it was beautiful. would be a great birthday getaway for my daughter n a time to relax for my husband that just get back from kuwait [ been there for 1 year ]
Melaka will be a great place for us to spend our holiday.. fron jonker street to umbai, asam pedas, cendol, cencalok, cruise n taming sari.
thanks rima ;)
Herweeza Jamal
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