A quick one.. We got home just bef midnight.. had a super wonderful time with the entire family.. it is indeed money well spent.. we stayed.. we chilled.. we hung out.. we check out and stayed at the newly Casa Del Rio .. the weather was too hot for our liking tho.. we were sweating like oink oink lol.. we felt like running back to the hotel each time we were at jonker street! thank goodness it was only a 3 mins walk to jonker street or my skin will get darker then it is lol.. one thing for sure.. my little Sonia had great fun.. she even got a tanned hehe
I will post more pics of us in my next entry.. for now enjoy this photo first for i hv to get my bag pack for this evening flight.. see u guys in Jakarta!

Sofa in the living area ... dinning area...

I didnt managed to find this kinda lamp while walking around jonker street.. :o(

Nice and fluffy except my pillow was a little hard.. probably cos we were the second guest in that suite..

The second bedroom in the suite...

We booked Cheng Ho Suite and we got Malaccan Suite.. ty Mat Noh for the upgrade.. of cos with 16 of us around.. we had to book an inter connecting room.. hugeee living and dinning area..

The three bedrooms.. master bedroom belongs to us of cos hehe.. spacious bedrooms.. one even had balcony...

Malacca Suite has an attachment jacuzzi area.. heheh each time i see this pic i remember the red, the black, the pink, the brown and also the err almost faded err err muahahah

So ok bef i go i wanna say thanks to Mimi for ordering macs and also haw flakes layer cake.. nice to see u and good luck on ur upcoming delivery.. may u hv a smooth one yah..

And also i ended up baking macs for two of the concorde staff and oh the cake that u see up there? i had actually baked this zebra cake to munch in the car.. this zebra cake has a chiffon like texture..
75g flour
15g cornflour
1 tsp Baking Powder
2 tbsp powdered milk
75g melted margarine - i used butter
6 egg yolks
6 egg whites
80g sugar
40g sugar
1 tsp SP - emulsifier
1 / 4 tsp salt
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 sdt vanilla essence
1 tsp brown paste - blackforest paste
- Preheat oven 175C for 15mins
- Prepare and greased 20 cm baking pan
- Sift flour, BP, milk powder and cornflour
- Beat egg yolks with 40 g sugar and Sp until thick and white, set aside
- Beat egg whites and salt until frothy and add sugar a little at a time until finish... beat until soft peaks
- Add egg yolk mixture into egg white mixture on low speed until well blended, add vanilla essence .. whipped again
- Add sifted flour mixture on low speed.
- Fold in melted butter with spatula ..
- Take 1 / 4 part of batter and mixed with cocoa powder and cocoa paste, stir until smooth
- Pour 1/4 cup of plain batter in the middle of ur pan.. followed by 1/8 cup of cocoa batter.Repeat the process until batter runs out
- Bake for 35-45 minutes
Source: Nien Ing

The hotel looks amazing....
wow! beautiful suite! must have cost a bomb to overnight in that room. I love the interior deco for the room, they added vintage touch to the room.
have fun in jakarta! :D
Wah Rima the hotel look very spacious cos it gd for whole family...(is it pricy)maybe nextime Ksal nak try stay there...Have a gd time in Jakarta n have safe journey ok..Ksal...
awsome suite babe!!! with the attached jacuzzi, confirm dude ngan ai akan berjimba2 bersiram di dalam hitech tempayan itew...mueheheheh...beautiful!
cant help laughing reading the multi coloured & one almost faded..... wahkahkahkah!!
Che meraviglia!!!
i love the jacuzzi!!!!! :P
Tell me abt it hehe
Casa del rio has alot of spanish/Portuguese decor in their rooms.. maybe the next time u and ur family wanna spend the weekend in malacca .. u might want to consider this hotel..
My hb likes to stay in the suite cos its spacious and sonia boleh lari lari.. so when he told me that he had booked us into the cheng ho suite.. i didnt even bother to look online.. got there and they upgraded us and was surprised on how spacious the malaccan suite was..
Muahahha adakah kamu faham ape benda yg bercolour colour itew? hehe..
Eh that high tech makes me fening half day.. badan also sakit.. berendam macam kerbau dah tu kan benda tu macam message badan kita.. tu sebab rasa macam nak sakit.. hazz ku and urut urut memang tak leh ngam
Yes it was... we will definately go there again!
Me too until i hv headache lol
rima..dat big room arr..not only sonia..u also can lari2, ahakks! njoy ur holiday again...i tengok gambar ajelah..this yr cannot cuti2 lah, kna sacrifice for my doter yg nk exam tu, hehe...
lepas Melaka, Jakarta pulak? penat tu.. tp hav fun kak. jgn rindu kitchen tau. heheh..
Rima, what a big room! Can kenduri-kendara lagik camtu...hahahaha.. Mmg x best kalau pi jalan2 tgh panas gitu...esp. kat Jonker Street, woiisshhh panas giloss...hehe. Btw, do enjoy your next Jakarta trip Rima, waiting your update...waaaa bestnyaaa...
Salam Rima,
Bestnya bilik tu....bila nak gi jakarta ya...syoknya... Akak nak ucapkan ribuan terima kasih atas tip2 ke gold coast. Akak & family really enjoy the vacation.
Tak pe.. if tak gi hols tahun ni .. duit tabung hols sure bertambah.. boleh gi jauh jauh lepas exam hehe
Rindu sure rindu one but part dapat gi jln jln kurang sikit rindu tu hehe.. i need a break and i am having it now :op
Will do.. baru balik fm Titan.. belanja barang kuih macam nak ape heheh.. rasa macam nak pi lagi besok.. ish ish dak Rima ni dah mula lah ni hahaha
Idaman Hati
Ohhh i didnt know that i hv been berutus email dgn akak ni hehhe.. no worries.. i am glad that u and ur are well kat sana and happy banget while in goldcoast.. dapat take pic dgn catwoman tak?? hahaha
even pillow pon nampak cun la kak rima amik gamba.... sronok..
I like zebra cake very much:) In Poland zebra is very popular. Greetings from Poland:)
I like your blog:)
kak Rima..u dpt my email x??Ria minx tolg blikan BF n susu kental choc..da byk kali gak ku berutus email tp tidak nyampe..adakah masalah d situ??
lama tak ke sini.. cantik & sedapnyaaa...
Muaahhaha.. i wonder if i pakai photoshop.. lagi cun melecun lah gambar si pillow itew
Welcome welcome.. greetings fm Jakarta for now heheh.. i didnt know zebra cake is popular there!
sorry dear.. i hv been out and abt and waktu u email me i was already on my way.. already reply to ur email tadi while sonia bermandi mande kat swimming pool.. got it and pls keep a look out in my store if u wanna buy it yah.. tks!
Where hv u been?? hehe
Movie World was so wonderful we enjoy so much.... akak sempat bergambar dgn Cat Woman dan Wonder Woman huuuhuu... masa street parade...gambar tak sempat nak upload bz sangat....ada gak dgn batman dan green len10 heeheee
hi Rima,
I've tried baking this Zebra Cake today, upon completion baking and cutting a piece out, know what, the cake has become Marble Cake instead!! So disappointed. Don't know I should try again.
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