There are times when ur hb craves for something for so long that u cannot even get away fm it.. this is the dessert that hes been craving for eversince we got home fm Barcelona.. u dont wanna know how many times we had it while in Barcelona lol.. we will be heading there again next month but that doesnt stop him fm asking me to prepare it..
I found the Cazuela dishes while in Spain and hv not used them till today.. the tradisional iron device to melt the sugar was no where to be found so we decided to just get the mold and use our torch to burn the sugar... anyway the history says that Crema Catalana is served on March 19th in honour of San Jose which is a big hols in Spain..

The preparation is a little different tho the texture is similar to Creme Brulee except Crema Catalana is silkier.. it uses cinnamon stick and also orange/lemon peel instead of just vanilla beans...And dont ask the French or the Catalans which came first... :P

2 cups whole milk
1 cup cream
1 vanilla bean
4 strips orange peel (can also use lemon)
1 cinnamon stick – optional
8 egg yolks
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup turbinado or raw sugar
3 tbsp corn flour
Bring the milk, cream, vanilla, orange rind and cinnamon (if using) to a boil over low heat.
Remove from the heat and let it cool down.
Strain the milk and cream mixture to remove the vanilla bean, orange peel strips and cinnamon stick.
Mix the egg yolks and ½ cup of regular sugar until you obtain a thick creamy mixture.
Dissolve the cornstarch in 4 tbs of milk mixture, the stir it back into the remaining milk.
Mix the milk in with the eggs and sugar, place it in a double boiler pan (or in a heat resistant glass bowl in a pan of water baño Maria style) over medium low heat, and stirring consistently until the cream thickens, do not let it boil.
Cool the cream and pour into the ramekins or cazuelas.
Chill for 24 hours or overnight.
When ready to serve sprinkle 1 tbs of the raw sugar over each ramekin or cazuela, heat the iron and press it against the sugar until it is burnt. You may also use a torch or place it under the broiler in the oven.
Serve immediately.

Source: Laylita's Recipes

whoa..what a great dessert time hujan2 begini..
sini tak hujan but memang lah great dessert indeed hehe
I've always wanted to make creme brulee, but got put off for not having a torch. I didn't think about using the broiler!
Well to me its much more easier to hv a torch on hand.. my hb orang yg paling suka bermain dgn torch sampai kan kita tak der chance nak membakar itew sugar :op
Rima ,u r one isteri mithali..! Btw ,u make me meleleh air liur la..perfect desert for cold winter kan..! Aziah .Jordan.
This does look like the Creme Brûlée but I totally love the spices incorporated! Thanks for sharing, Rima.
It sure look like creme brulee Kak Rima. Meleleh air liur membayangkan rasanya...!!
Seakan2 creme brulee kan...mesti sedap ni kan...:)
memang perfect untuk bila bila masa.. not mithali lah sangat hehe
no worries.. my hb likes it alot.. he said he much prefers crema catalana compared to creme brulee.. :o)
the texture is much much more silkier and rasa dia beda sedikit.. ade cinammon.. ade lemon/orang peel.. enak deh
cik cek
akan akan tapi beda buk hehe
Hi Rima
We planning to visit Barcelone in June, would you mind telling me which apartment you stayed at previously plse? Many thanks!
I miss u a lot!! byk kali i singgah and try posting comments using ipod, tapi hampeh! tak keluar.. sedih sungguh.
the crema catalana looks so delicious! kena tunggu i balik kl baru boleh start baking again. i'm stuck in KT now :(
Hi Angie,
We booked at www.bcninternet.com. They market lots of holiday apartments and we used them too when we were there in April this year. They are prompt in replying to emails, speak good English and we didn't have any issues.
i miss u too babe!! hope all is well dear.. mana menghilang?? balik KT and stuck?? sampai bila sehhhh?? hopefully when i go to KL u will be around.. lama tak sembang sehhh..
Rima, me too!! I miss our Sembang session. I'm coping, sometimes i bersembang dgn k.yani over the phone. InsyaAllah I'll be back in kl 3rd week of December. When will u be in kl? I've lost more weight than the last time we met :(
Entah lah shidah.. after his eye surgery everything stuck.. tak leh buat aper aper.. next wed hes going to do laser surgery pulak and if that one goes well. hopefully i get to spend xmas in KL.. will let u know ok and just nice lah if u balik 3rd week tu.. pls take care of urself ok.. i went thru the same phase.. imagine fm 62kg went all the way down to 38kg masa tu but time will heal and u will gain back ur weight .. ni sekarang nak turun weight punya lah susah.. kena tunggu pergi europe baru boleh turun sikit hehe
Silkier than creme brulee? Oh lord somebody save me! I lovveeee creme brulee so this creme catalana is a MUST TRY! Thanks for sharing.
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