6 days in total since i last updated my blog.. whats up with me??! after a short hols i simply got no time to do anything else.. i still hv tons of emails to reply.. i didnt even get to blog walk let alone say hi to my fellow food bloggers.. sorry peeps.. will do that when time is on my side again cos it looks like for the next couple of days i will be busy with this weekend's orders.. an order which i confirmed 4 months ago for 31st of December 2011.
Anyway i will do a separate entry on whats going on with our daily mundane life... i celebrated my birthday two days ago with my family.. didnt do anything big and didnt want any prezzies either cos i can foresee a couple of new things for my wardrobe when we go to Europe next month.. we got back fm KL last Thursday.. hb had wanted to stay longer but i couldnt cos i hd two orders which were confirmed even bef we decided to do our KL trip.. i guess that KL trip was a must as it involved mom and dad's year end road trip which we try to fulfil every year with them..
Chocolate sponge cake
4 eggs
60g sugar
1 tsp emulsifier
1/2 tsp vanilla
55g flour
15g cocoa powder - i used valrhona
10g corn flour
1 tbsp milk powder
50g butter
35g dark cooking chocolate - i used valrhona
1 tbsp black forest paste
Truffle Cream
250g dark chocolate couverture - i used Manner Couverture
125ml dairy whip cream - i used double cream
250ml non dairy whipping cream - whipped
1 tsp gelatine
2 tsp cold water
Truffle Cream
Note: I used a double shot of espresso coffee syrup for my cake.

Anyway besides baking macs for my orders.. i also managed to bake Berries Pavlova, a Gingerbread House and also Chocolate Truffle Cake for our Xmas day gathering.. i did all that within two days and to top it up we also did our last min xmas shopping.. now that was an easy task since it involves shopping lol
So ok.. i will post the recipe for this super delish cake.. u can bake it in ur 7" cake pan and use a 8" cake ring for it OR u can bake it in ur brownie pan and turn it into several small cakes (for easier distribution and packaging)
Chocolate sponge cake
4 eggs
60g sugar
1 tsp emulsifier
1/2 tsp vanilla
55g flour
15g cocoa powder - i used valrhona
10g corn flour
1 tbsp milk powder
50g butter
35g dark cooking chocolate - i used valrhona
1 tbsp black forest paste
Truffle Cream
250g dark chocolate couverture - i used Manner Couverture
125ml dairy whip cream - i used double cream
250ml non dairy whipping cream - whipped
1 tsp gelatine
2 tsp cold water
Preheat oven to 175C.. grease ur 8" pan
Melt ur butter and add it into ur dark chocolate.. stir and put it aside
Whisk eggs, sugar, emulsifier, sifted flour, cocoa powder, corn flour and milk powder on high speed till ur batter is double in size..
Fold in ur melted butter/chocolate carefully
Pour batter into ur baking pan and bake it for 20 to 25 mins
Truffle Cream
Mix ur gelatine with cold water.. set it aside for 5 mins and microwave it for 30sec or till u see a clear mixture - set aside
Heat ur dairy whip cream (dont let it boil!) and pour it into ur couverture chocolate
Whip ur non dairy whipping cream till soft peak and add ur chocolate couverture mixture into it.. stir till it incorporates together..
Add in ur gelatine and stir it well..
Note: I used a double shot of espresso coffee syrup for my cake.
Divide ur cake into two layer.. place one layer of ur cake into ur cake ring.. drizzle espresso coffee syrup.. pipe in half of ur truffle cream onto ur cake.. spread it evenly .. stack another layer of ur cake.. drizzle with coffee syrup and pipe in another half of ur truffle cream.. place ur cake into ur freezer for an hr .. take it out and leave it for a couple of mins.. dust it with ur fav cocoa powder - ready to be served!
Source: Bunda Nadhifa
Hi Rima,
Happy Birthday to you and I hope you had a wonderful celebration :)
Happy belated bday Rima ;) Waaahhhh dah boleh forsee what's gonna happen in Europe hehehez. Ada relations dgn nujum pak belalang ke :pppp
Salaam....happy belated burfday Kak Rima! May Allah Swt bless you with health,wealth and happiness alwayzzz!
wahh manyak sedap!! dah lama teringin nak buat yg gini.. :)
Hi Sally
Ty for the wish.. it was a nice quiet dinner for me :o)
part part shopping menyopping tak payah nak pakai nujum wokey.. tu automatic punya foresee whenever i gi Europe ahaks
Ty for the wish :o)
Ty for the wish.. alhamdullilah ku diberi kesempatan to see another day..
buat lah.. tak susah mana pun.. super easy and super sedap wooo hehe
Salam Kak Rima,
Happy belated birthday My dear kak Rima!!! Best nye g Europe... Hehehe... Hope u will have a great time n mane tau jumpa u kat airport ke... Hehehe
Anyway, ur recipe calls for non dairy whipping cream. Can use normal whipping cream tak kak? Will it make any difference? Maaf kakau selalu bertanye... ;)
Salam Seri
No worries.. am happy to answer .. yes it uses dairy and non dairy whipping cream.. i think u can use all dairy whipping cream cuma the truffle cream will not be "kental"? lol tak tahu macam mana nak explain..
Actually i had wanted to use all dairy whipping cream since thats what i have in my fridge but change my mind cos i want to follow the recipe to the T
Ty for the wish.. jumpa kat airport? err hmmm :op
Thanks kak rima.... Dont get me wrong about the "jumpa kat airport" thingy... I keje kat changi airport... So mane tau bump into u ke.... Hahaha....
Hi Rima,
Happy Belated Birthday to you. Hope you had a wonderful celebration with your lovely family.
Happy belated birthday Rima!
Happy belated birthday Rima!
No worries Seri.. there is another girl who works at the airport too.. siapa tahu kannnnn hehe
Tks again Sally! :o)
Ty Azrina!
Hello Rima,
Would like to ask you, where can I get the small individual plastic casing in Spore?
U can get it fm Phoon Huat
okie okie.. tq very much.. is it reusable??
Congrates on your blog published in the magazine..
It can be if u want.. i didnt.. too lazy to wash and stick a brand new double side tape on the plastic thingy.
Ty ty.. :op
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