Happy Sat peeps.. as promised this is the biscotti that i managed to prepare bef we went to JB yesterday.. it needs to be refrigerated for a night bef u can slice it and baked again for everyone to enjoy munching on it non stop.. hehe yes yes.. whats with biscotti that once u start to eat u can never stop munching on it.. healthy? fattening?? who cares ey.. its the weekend.. arent we supposed to be eating what we feel like eating?? no?? hehe

Almond biscotti is an excellent accompaniment to desserts such as mousse, sorbet or even ice cream.. we prefer to hv it with our cuppa.. hb has been asking me to bake him biscotti for as long as i can remember lol.. i guess its norm for him to hv this in his pantry back then and when i received a few emails (think it was maybe 4 months ago) asking me if i hv a biscotti recipe to share.. hb thought its abt time i baked it for him :op

Recently i bought myself two recipe books fm Australian Womens Weekly.. one is called Macaroons(sic) and Biscuits and another one is called Little squares & slices.. there are a few biscotti recipes that i can try .. the one that caught my eyes were almond biscotti, rosy apricot and pistachio biscotti, triple chocolate biscotti with hazelnut and also apple, cranberry & white chocolate biscotti.. hopefully i am able to bake all the biscotti that i mentioned and share the recipes with all my dearies!

3 eggs white (120g)
1/2 cup superfine sugar (110g)
1 cup all purpose flour (150g)
3/4 cup almond kernels (120g) - i used almond slices

- Preheat oven to 180C/350F. Grease 10cm x 20cm (4" x 8") loaf pan.
- Beat egg whites in small bowl with electric mixer till soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar, beating until dissolved between additions.
- Fold sifted flour and nuts into egg white mixture, spread mixture into pan, bake abt 30mins.
- Cool bread in pan. Remove bread fm pan, wrap in foil, stand overnight.
- Preheat oven to 150C/300F
- Using a sharp serrated knife, cut the bread into waffer-thin slices. Place slices in single layer, on ungreased oven trays. Bake abt 45 mins or until dry and crisp (i baked mine under half an hr)

So ok.. i got to run.. why am i always running to somewhere lol.. i hv tons of stuff to do tdy and i better get going.. u guys hv a good weekend ok.. be good and take care!

menggoda! menggoda! menggoda! itu je yang i nak cakap hahaha
ish sungguh heran mana lah u dapat all the energy tu? ke sana ke mari tapi masih sempat bake macam2.. i ni kalau dah ke sana sini, takkan berasap lah dapur i tu :D
sangat memikat selera mata dan anak tekak! copy & save ya hehe :)
Wahhhh... I've always wanted to make biscotti. But then again there's so may things that I want to bake... hehe. I loved reading about your Beijing trip, glad you had a ripping time ;)
Hehe ape lagi.. buat ah malam ni.. besok pagi dah boleh bake it and can munch on it.. dont worry.. its not fattening hehe
Where?? err i think kan most probably cos i hv one tahi lalat kat kaki kot ahaks
go right ahead.. berbaloi buat anak anak munch.. garing.. krap krup gitew :op
am so glad that my Beijing trip went well.. takut jugak jadi macam my shanghai trip.. kira bearable lahh
Honestly.. there are just too many recipes out there yg teringin kita cuba.. just pick which one u like and bake it hehe
awesome...serious, i wanna try it!
super easy recipe.. u shud!! good luck!
I thot resepi ni susah sangat!! Hehe...bila tgk resepi hmmm mcm bole buat jer....:D
proprio belli!!
hai ka rima...apsal akak senang jer nak 'membaking"...!!!! Mama pun bake gak...tapi asyik tak jadi jer.. yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.......!!!! u know..every morning i start with ur page...nak senangkan hati...he he he he...yesterday i bake ur Donnahay choclate marble cheese cake...tengok die naik dalam oven cantik jer..after it done, terus mendap!!! i feel really tension lah!!!!!..i put all my effort n soooo carefull with every steps..just tak faham how to piping it..i just layer macam marble biasa...feel wants to cry n suggesting to sedekah kat Mr Bin jer...tapi sayang la plak...u know!! the cake taste was really nice even it looks like "kuih bingka bakar marble choclate cheese"...geeekkk.... after dis nak try wat choclate cookies plak!!!...Good luck Mama... :)
i have not been well since fri, but am in off and baking still...love all the pics and am sure they taste gorgeous too, kalau dekat mmg i dah ahntar disposable containers to pack some for moi...beutiful week ahead for you, hubs and sonia!
Hehe..Now U knw..rupanyer kita nih berjiran seberang tambak je kan..hehehe..No wonder lah..China made mari..suka tgk liner yg pelik2 gini..agaknyer kalau myself ader kesempatan jalan2 oversea mcm kak rima..mmg memborong brg kek je lah jadinyer..hehe
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