Oh wow.. who wud hv thought ey... the number of responses are beyond my imagination and i just want u guys to know that i read each and every entry that is posted in my comment box... ty for participating! cant wait to see who the winner is for my 5th GA.. good luck!... good luck to each and every one of u! (And for those that have not yet entered..scroll down to the previous post. Entry closes this Wednesday 7pm)...

This is one of the cakes which i managed to bake on the very same day of my open house.. honestly i didnt plan to bake this cake as i had wanted to try out a new recipe fm one of the baking books which i had bought fm jakarta.. cake turned out to be a disaster.. err well to me that is.. mom .. up to date .. still doesnt understand why i had to cut half of my cake into small slices out of frustration where the only part which was not "pretty" in my eyes was the butter sponge cake part.. u see.. that cake consisted of three layers.. brownie at the bottom.. layer cake in the middle and butter sponge cake for the top layer.. i will definately try to bake it again till i get it right and guess what the name is of my first disaster cake?? Brona cake! grrr
Anyway after the head banging session and the stomping of feet session and the cursing session in my kitchen a day bef my open house, i decided to not try out the same recipe since i couldnt afford to waste any more time and eggs.. i thought why not bake lapis surabaya.. not only is it easy to prepare.. it doesnt use as many eggs and also one of my all time fav.. instead of using one of my tested recipes in my blog.. i decided to try out a new recipe.. (arghhhh whats up with me and new recipes!) started preparing at 10pm only to end up with another disaster which was beyond my control! blahhh... blunder no 2! u dont want to know how frustrated i was... i threw away the last two layers... clingwrapped the first layer.. switched off my oven... cleaned up my kitchen.. took out my lontong which had been boiling for 3hrs and took a shower.. sholat and went straight to bed..

The next morning right after sholat.. i baked it again using the same recipe.. knew exactly what went wrong and did it the right way... u see i trust my instinct when it comes to baking.. i know when the recipe will work or not.. in this case i knew what went wrong.. this baker probably has a big oven to be able to bake all three pans in one go and hence she can get all layers perfect.. i had to bake mine one at the time and while baking the first layer.. my second and third layer batter deflated urgh!
30 egg yolks
6 egg white
300g sugar
20g emulsifier
160g flour
30g full cream milk powder
25g corn flour
300g butter - melted
1 tbsp cocoa paste / 20gr cocoa powder - i used valrhona and toffieco chocolate paste
Vanilla essence or rhum bakar
250g jam - i used raspberry jam
1. Whisk the eggs & sugar using high speed, until sugar dissolves.
2. Add emulsifier and continue to whisk.. lower ur mixer speed and add in dry ingredients.. turn to high speed again and continue to whisk till thick and fluffy.. 3) Fold in melted butter making sure ur batter is well mix..
4, Divide batter into three parts.. add cocoa powder in one part..
5. Pour white batter into a greased 24x24cm baking pan and bake it for abt 25mins on 160C.. do the same to the other two parts..
6) Once baked.. take it out of ur pan immediately.. once cool u can spread jam of ur choice on every layer.. press it down lightly and wrap ur cake with clingwrap.. place in ur fridge for half an hr bef u slice em..
NOTE: Pls if u do wanna try out this recipe i wud advise u girls to do it in three parts.. meaning divide this recipe into three.. prepare ur batter for first layer and while its in the oven u prepare the second layer.. that way ur batter will not deflate while waiting to be bake.. err u get what i mean?? hehe
Recipe adapted fm Lapis surabaya green tea by Rachman Setyawati

WEll it just show nobody perfect..anyway thank you for the tip...Tgh kira2 bila nak berani kan diri membuat kek2 lapis nhi
ada lagi ke yg tak jadik tu...bawak to kl and beri i!laling teringat your macs lah...kalu ada sebiji dua i nak whn u are in town!see you!
well no one is.. i hv my days.. tired and at the same time trying my best to get things done the way i had wanted it to be.. lesson learnt.. jgn pandai pandai try resep baru if tengah kalam kabut.. dont bake behind ur hb when he dah kata cam ni .. "u better sleep early cos tomorrow u hv to cook up a storm for our guest" .. apakahhh?? muahahha
eh i thought u will be in ayer baloi.. if ur in town.. come and have dinner lah with us kat concorde.. nanti i bake u one box ok.. satu dua biji where got enough hehe
Aduhhh x understand la u ni bateri apa u pkai pun i x tau. Tak reti letih ka? Btw x sbr tunggu result for ur ga, rase mcm menunggu bulan jatuh ke riba hahaksss
30 eggs! Yeehaa. It looks so good... I tried making my first kek lapis last night and it was a total flop. I guess I didn't know what to expect. Susah ghupenye kek lapis ni...
seharusnye battery rechargeable.. jimat duit and all u need to do is to charge it ehehehe
Tunggu ok... sat lagi :o)
Cuba lagi ok.. dont putus asa.. every one pun boleh bake kek lapis.. nak kena tekun ajer and dont gv up.. good luck dear!
I think if I make this cake, it will be the beginning of my frustrations. LOL. 30 telor .....Takut mbak... hehehee
uhh i love lapis surabaya so much! tp tk pernah buat pun hikhik..everytime go jakarta sure tk pernah miss beli n mkn dgn jayanya
Salam kenal Rima,cantiknye kek lapis surabaya tu...bahan2nya pun boleh tahan..ada kelas gitu..
alahhh 30 eggs is still ok lah tu.. u can do lots of macarons out of that 30 eggs tau.. hehe
If i go jkt i will only buy a slice.. tu pun fm bread talk.. bila nak balik.. sure akan beli berkotak kotak cos nak buat buah tangan..
Buat ah zarin.. cepat dah siap.. asal u dont whisk 30 eggs sekali jalan.. nanti batter dia deflate..
Salam kenal Maria
kek lapis surabaya ni memang lain dari yr typical kek lapis.. texture dia pun lain.. lembut gitu..
Salam..i am a new follower of urs
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