Wonderful recipe fm Bunda Nadhifa.. adapted fm lapis legit Ny. Liem... her recipe has never failed me! i shud hv rolled it tightly yesterday but i was in a hurry to go to Hairi's ORD nevertheless i am happy with the end product!

The texture was super moist and soft.. for the amt of eggs and to only get 20 slices out of this recipe is one cake that is only meant for own consumption .. imagine if u served it during eid.. i dont think 10 rolls would even be enough hehe

150g cold butter - I used Wisjman butter
1tbsp condense milk
12 egg yolks
100g caster sugar
10g all purpose flour - sieve - i used hong kong flour
1 tbsp milk powder
1/2 sdt bumbu spekoek
1 tsp pandan paste
1. Preheat oven 170C.. greased 20x20 baking pan with baking sheet. (i used 10x10").
2. Beat ur cold butter till white and soft (abt 12 mins).. add in condense milk and continue to beat again - set aside
3. In another bowl.. whisk egg yolks with sugar till white and fluffy.. add in sifted flour and spekoek powder.
4. Fold in butter mixture into egg mixture (i didnt fold in.. i use my KA.. low speed and add in my butter mixture a little at a time hehe)
5. Add in ur pandan paste.. divide ur batter into 4 (i divide it into 5 parts, abt 100g each layer)
6. Bake 7 mins on every layer.. last layer using upper and lower fire... add prunes on every 2nd layer..
7. Once done.. take it out and roll it while its hot.. (i spread a thin layer of condensed milk bef rolling it so it will stick better)
Have a good weekend everyone!

This is a triple threat recipe! Kek lapis, with pandan & all rolled up. SEDAPPPPP. But somehow eh, I'm always afraid to try making kek lapis. Errr....takut.
Bon Weekend!!
Try this one.. straight forward and doesnt take up too much time.. dont worry belum sempat nak peluh dah habis pun u membakar this layer cake.. 4 or 5 layers.. thats all it take.. try ok for Eid..
Ok mbak....sebelum I buat I mesti cakap my mantra beribu-ribu kali "Maju tak gentar. Maju tak gentar..." hehehee
Muahahaa.. macam slogan national day!
Sedapnya nampak ur cake lapis tu! Tengok je tau it's very moist and gebu. Nasib baik I dah berbuka tadi, kalau tak, nampaknya kena tadah air liur dengan baldi tepi pc ni.. hahahha
selamat bersahur! *wink*
ini sangat hebat!
dah la lapis, roll lagi. fuhhhh...
Salam Rima,
Can I ask a really stupid question?
Err... what is legit?
Btw, your photos are just stunning and I can't stop drooling over them (applicable only to food photos).
Salam kak!!! dah cuti belum??? ahahahaha..sedapnyerrr! akak niii mmg haish! pinjam tgn akak tuk setahun kak? boleh buat kek lapis selama setahun pastu pulangkan balik wakakakaka.... mata pun pinjam sekali lah sbb nak tgk dia tuu kena sabo tak leh ngantuk2 mcm kita ni yg selalu ajer terbongkang depan TV kahkahkah....
kek lapis tapi boleh gulung..mmm..nampak menarik juga kek ni ya rima..akak rasa teringin juga nak mencuba..masuk list lah
Terpaku...terdiam tanpa kata...
cantikkkk....menarikkkk tertarikkkk...:)
selamat berpuasa kak rima n family..
kak rima mmg puteri legit la.. eh legit lak ke? hehhee..
kena buat 3 roll kak unuk eid baru cukup untk tetamu.. pulak2 dapat tetamu mcm saya ..hhaa
Hai Rima....
Since mid mth nie u will deliver macaron to me, boleh tak I add bumbu spekoek tu? Or I must buy at your store? Pls advise...
Nak sgt try ur recipe.... Geram sgt tgk... Thanks Rima...
Hehehe nasib or else terpaksa keluar kan mop :op
Sahur sudah tinggal nak tunggu lagi 10 jam baru boleh ngap lagi huhu
fuyoooo my hb sekali ngap sampai 8 keping.. how to serve for raya? agaknye dia sendiri yg habis kan all the rolls hehe
Salam Muna
Spekkeok or lapis legit or layer cake or thousand layer cake or thousand layer spice cake.. semuanye sama ajer.. in indonesia its called spekkeok or lapis legit cos their layer cake mengunakan spekkeok powder which consist of several diff spices.. memang lain rasanye if ur using bumbu spekkeok.. wangi ajer
Belum cuti lagi.. haizz macam dah terlambat pulak!
Cannn but kan if nak pinjam semua tu harus ade rules and regulation.. ija harus siap kan semua macam what the expat rcv tau.. adakan kereta.. adakan rumah.. adakan semua semuanye lahhh.. nak tak? meh sigh contract dulu hahaha
akak cuba lah.. tak susah.. bake pakai swiss roll pan ajer.. tak yah pakai normal baking pan cos dia cuma pakai 4 layers.. cepat disiap tapi lambat di ngap cos bulan posa kannn hehe
Salam ramadhan buat izah and family.. si kenit puasa tak? sonia tak lagi.. each time kita tanya... dgn cepat dia menjawab..NOOOO heheh
3 rolls?? ish cannot.. semalam lepas buka my hb boleh ngap berkeping keping.. i think if u hidang waktu open hse sure tak cukup 3 rolls :op
Insyallah can but kan if u order it thru my store.. u can get 15% off.. tak yah include the postage fees ah since i will be delivering ur macs and can take it along with me...
gulp.. aiyooo byknyer rule n regulation dia! wakakakaka.... kena terjun bangunan dulu lah kalau mcm tuu ahahaha...
Hai Rima
I da try buying it at ur store but it still shows 'delivery charge of $10.00' ... I nak 2 bottles... Pls advise... Thanks Rima
ada chan ai wat yg ni plak..mentang2 lah dah dapat stamp of approval from err..muahhahahhaha...yehaaaa...suka, lompat kijang ai jap taw..
Geramnye... I heart sgt kek lapis tapi takut nak bikin..
Bkn saja berlapis, bergulong lagi hah.. Haaha
Haizz, mmg menarik.
*Skrg tgh fikir nak order bumbu spekoek ke tidak..??*
ada nampak sticker baru lah.. Lawa lawa.
Kak Rima! Your blog always inspires me to bake more often! hee hee. gonna try this for eid, but for my own consumption, of course!
I think when u deliver the macs, u bring along the bumbu too... 2 bottles pls... thanks...
hi Rima....hws iftar today? i must tell u this, i fall in love kat German Cookies on first bite...adduh sedap banget!!! melt in mouth tu yg tak tahan..again thanks for sharing d recipe..ermmm kalau kek lapis ni mmg berkurun lah nk tunggu i buat..i kena khatam macaroons dulu br bole terjah yg ni plak :D
Rima,cantik kek roll itu KakSal nak cuba buat nanti...untuk hari raya dan bread butter pudding sedap nya macam basah2 dan lemak.....KakSal....
Bake it ok.. dah elok tu lapisan nye.. kira dah dapat stamp of approval .. penting moist wokey ..
Mak i kata if suka makan harus berani kan diri to bake it so that u can eat sesuka hati u bila ade keinginan.. tapi if takut diet semua hancur harus lah hindar kan niat itu ye hahaha
Bake it ok.. dimana ade keinginan di situ ada jalan.. :op
Awwwww if timbang tu ada naik sikit dont blame me ok hehehe
Bake it.. i am pretty sure 'tetamu' rumah akan suka banget
Ty dear.. will take it along.. see ya!
I heart itew german cookies too.. nanti nak bake waktu eid.. sure a hit kannn
Maybe u shud gv lapis cake a try someday cos really baking macs lagi boleh berpeluh ketiak hahaha..
Yes try both ok.. my mom tadi kata tiap pagi she makan buat sahur.. once small slice each time.. kenyang .. suka benar my mother to... maybe tmrw i will bake it again for her tapi pakai french loaf..
Kak Rima, sungguhla tekun... lapis n gulung... kite ni nak lapis pun tak pas-pas lagi... ni plak lapis n gulung... setakat sardin gulung tu, bolehla... hihiih...
sis rima nak mntk resepi masak lemak cili api la...bole x...hehehe
Adoyai....kak rima....ebat tol recipe ni....er, rempah spekoek tu amende yek? Maaflah ayu nih jakungan sket....
Hahaha sardine gulung dulu.. dah tu lama lama sure boleh buat lapis gulung :o)
Aiseymennn.. lemak cili api sama ajer macam orang lain buat cuma akak if buat pedas merahang sampai my hb kata.. "eh u want to kill me ah" hahaha
Dgn asking question lah kita boleh jadi pandai tauuu hehe.. spekkeok tu bumbu rempah ratus.. like cengkih, kayu manis, nutmeg, vanilli etc etc.. harum bau nye tauu
owh daku sungguh tergoda dgn yang ini! hehe, tapi buskit raya cam malas nak buat this year!
Im speechless..tahan mata je nih..tahan rasa tekak sekali..:)
Hi Rima,
OT sikit. Nak tanya lah, agak2 Rima boleh tak i gunakan multigrain bread utk buat bread & butter pudding tu? Thanks, Hana
Hi Kak Rima,
Noriha here.. slamat berkenalan :)i happen to bum into yr blog last week while googling for recipe horse shoe cake..konon nak try untuk raya lah..
Luv all yr recipes.. they're superb and you're soooo talented. insyallah will try them soon..
Hi Noriha
Ty for coming to this humble blog of mine.. pls do try out some of the recipes in my blog.. let me know the outcome yah
Eh why konon.. hv to bake it ok.. horse shoe cake ni memang selalu paling first habis.. last year i didnt bake it.. maybe this year i shud bake it for my mom
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