Take a look at my pic below.. its all abt macs.. some are ok.. some look good and some err were cracked! i used to get frustrated.. i still do but it has never stopped me fm trying and wondering what went wrong.. did i screw it up during folding? did i not whip the egg whites properly? is my oven too hot? question question question.. to me.. its always a challenge when it comes to macs.. eventho i bake it almost every week..

Mac cracking day.. yikes!


But one thing is at least now a "constant".. the size and the shape. Am so glad that I now have a baking sheet that makes the shape perfect! The mastrad macaron sheet really does it well and gives me excellent results (but it is not a A-Z solution for good macs!)... anyway, with everybody wanting this and causing the "sold out" sign to come up in my store within 24h, I have decided to have my 4th GIVEAWAY!!
So the gift will be: A mastrad small ridge Macaron Sheet + a mastrad piping bag set to go along.
And the million dollar "question":
"Give me a link to a macaron post in your blog."
- So yes, you will need to have a blog! If you don't and you want to enter, create a blog and make a short post and add a pic! It will take you less time than folding macarons!
- If you haven't made macs yet - TRY!
- The macaron post does not need to show perfect macs. It is not a beauty contest. So Fat, Flat, Skinny, Ugly macs can all join!
- Simply 'copy & paste' the link to your post in my comment box
- Please reply ONLY through the comment box below.
- GA ends 7pm on Sunday 10th July 2011 Singapore time.
- Again winner will be chosen by random.org (so as you can see, I just need the link - the macs don't need to be perfect!)
Good luck dearies!

So ok bef i start my day with my two girls .. i wanna thank Waty for all the repeat orders.. muchas gracias babe! Ty KYati who is in S'pore fm Brunei.. it was nice to meet u and ur 3 sweet looking daughters!! Thank you Sophia for ur repeat orders .. i see u again next wk! and ty Cik Rukiah for the macs orders.. see u later!

Salam Kak,
Dah berapa kali try masuk akak nyer GA. Harap kali nih dapat la ... Amin !
yes...i face thoise humps too once in a while...but yes, i dont get upset just start counting the hours left to make the next batch...hehe
so..here goes!
good luck yani!
Salam K.rima
huhu i wish random.org will be kind to me..hehe
this is my link ;
Kak rimaaaaa ku cayangggg!!! kita suke betul tgk gaya2 akak nyer word expresi tuu wakakaka... yikes! ahahaha... tp ada satu yg kita suke ppuuiiihh! wakakaka.... kita lama cuti buat mac ni kak takut pulak rasa nak buat, tkut terjadi mcm kat atas tuuu :D tp mg nak buat lagi ni sbb ada org yg baik hati kasi kita varlhona choco powder (^______^)
Good luck ladies!
Morning Mekkkk
puiiiiii apasal tak kasi link to ur macs sekali?? dah ade valrhona cocoa powder boleh lah buat macs byk byk hehe
Kak Rima,
I always be your silent reader. Jarang jumpa orang yang amik order but yet still share the recipe bebetul. Some tu ada jelah yang kurang nyer.
Terbaca ada pasal GA ni make me wants to try. So here is my link.
alamak rima! finally! I've to bake mac!! huhuhuhuhu...
owh nooooo~~~~~~ i never make a macaroons before!!!
Alaaaa..segan lah sume org terrer2 kitanyer mac jer penyek2 :D sooo, here goes :D
Haritu nak beli mac sheet tu tapi out of stock plk. :(
Habislah..confirm tak boleh masuk punya..sebab i have not try yet and dont think by 10th sempat nak buat ..wakkakaka..nangis ni..
ketam gigi ler kita..
Ayu curlybabe
huhu tak leh join la GA kali ni rima.. sbb tak pernah buat mac.. hehe
Hi, I have been following your blog daily. Love all your bakes and pictures are all nicely taken, just like pro. Like others, just like to try my luck, here's a link to my blog:
salam rima ... excitednya.. & here's the link to my ugly macs
will i be the lucky one? ;)
tried it twice, but i hv no blog laah..but i still want to wish good luck to all you ladies !!
~ Ddah
Hai kak rima,
kite nak join yek sama..walaupun sbnarnya tak pndai buat tapi minat n terpikat lebih2 lagi tgk mac yg akak wat :)..
Mula2 nak try buat macaron ni takot sgt. Lama sy study psl macaron then baru dpt kekuatan n finally inilah macaron sy yg xbrapa sempurna :)
Terlepaslah GA kali ni sbb takde blog..
Tapi takpe, rejeki yg lain2 ye. Gud luck!!
Ai kak..kite nak join same ye..:)
Salam Rima...
Mac...memang mencabar ...
kak cek nak tryla GA ni....
ni link kak cek....
GoodLuck for meee....:)
Salam kak,
Nak cuba jugak lah.. Mana tau ada rezeki.. hehe... Ini linknye.. thank you.. (^_^)
Owh maaan... kena buat macs juga ehh? *sambil nak tipu buat superimposed macs, har3 *evil to the max*
Hope to be able to make nicer macarons with the Mastrad small ridge macaron sheet.
Here is my link: http://dessert-fanatic.tumblr.com/post/908160263/macarons-macarons
Wah...wah..harus bikin macaron nih kalo begini...mbaaaak Rima mauuuuuu >_<...kalo tidak setor artinya macaronnya gak berhasil..hehe
Haha.. excited dgn GA. terus try buat.. yeszzaaa http://owhh-yummy.blogspot.com/2011/07/macaroon.html
haha.. excited dgn GA, terus try.. yeszzaaaa http://owhh-yummy.blogspot.com/2011/07/macaroon.html
Kak Rima,
My first trying. Mudah-mudahan ada lah rezeki I nanti.
would LOVE to enter but i rase tak acilah.. i've won your wonderful digital scale the last time!
all the best sapa2 yg enter.. this is surely worth a try!
YES u shud!! hehe
Tun telani
U shud start today! :op
Buat lahhhhh.. no harm trying.. ahakss
Eh i thought u dah beli silpat mat?? ade time lagi tu
Cik Som
you make me laugh terbahak bahak u know.. so funny.. why not eyyy hahahah
hehehe ngak apa kok.. kalau tak jadi pun kira entry nye diterima :op
To all.. gd luck ok!
Nak mencuba nasib la pulak.
Nak cuba nasib lah..
Halamakkkkkkk!!!!by the 10th?? confirm tak bule arrr...aiseybedahhh...rugi..rugi...baru nak standby address opis!
Kak rima,
saya pon nak join gak. Saya submit link entry my 1st trial buat macaron dulu. Moga2 ada rezeki..amin..
eh boleh lahhhh pi suruh ur dudan to crack egg for u.. simpan satu malam and do it tmrw afternoon.. got time mahhh.. if menang akan ku buat macam hamper so semua orang kat opis jeles hahaha
salam...nak cuba nasib jugak la...sib baik dah pernah buat hihihi lega rasa
bleh join G.A nih..huhuhu
Kak Rima....tabik...salute la...kak wat contect n encourage them to do the macs..positive effort ni...:)
salam rima - just try my luck
alamak ... nak kene buat mac ... it looks very hard ... wahduh ...
takpe ... see u wen i see u for my 2 sets hee hee ...
with proper equipment i hope to do a good job wakakkaka ... (macam ye ye gitu)
Heheh alhamdullilah.. nak tunggu kita bukak class.. adehhhh tak reti jadi cikgu.. so the only way is to share recipe and gv encouragement :o)
will post the perfect one... I'll try to make it tomorrow... ;-)
Salam Rima
Pretty2 macarons (he he macam si tukang buat jugak) Terima kasih ada terlebih.
Nanti anak2 balik kerja boleh tayang. Cik dah TERmakan 7. Suka yg kuning (lemon filling ke?)
Hi Rima,
Would love to join this GA, but I don't have a blog. Not planning to make one soon and not planning to make the macs anytime soon too.
So will stay tuned to see who wins this GA :)
Hope you have a good weekend.
*crossing all fingers and toes* i hope i win! hehehehe...
regards, dotty
Hi Rima, thanks for the opportunity!
Here's a link - http://esjoie.wordpress.com/2009/12/29/sweet-sweet-sweet/
Kak rima,
Saya nak cuba nasib jugak wlpn dah beli! Hehe.
Menarik...dah pernah buat juga mac ni tapi tak cun sgt..:)
Insyallah.. with a good intention sure akan menjadi one hehe.. see u soon dear!
Salam cik
Alhamdullilah.. it was nice to meet u cik.. sorry to keep u waiting.. macs ni memang tak sedar bila part makan.. aleh aleh dah tinggal kotak ajer hahaha.. the yellow one is orange curd.. saje nak try my latest colour.. lemon yellow! hehe
Hi Kak Rima,
Kita nak join lah! Here my first time making the macaron. Don't know will be my next try....:o(
Macaroons are so unpredictable... Dah follow all the rules pun kdg2 kena humban dlm tong sampah jgk...
salam rima,
here's my link:
hope i can be one of the lucky person! hehe
Farah Nasuha.
Buat macarons? boleh, boleh, boleh but alamak...I hv no blog pulak. Tak boleh.
But good luck to everyone!! I just tumpang gembira jer lah. hehehehe
Hi Rima,
I will be praying extremely hard tonight so that I could be the lucky winner for this 1st Giveaway that I'm participating in your blog......my blog link:-
Cynthia aka Mumto4Angels
nk cube nsib lg..even my macs huduh gle..=(
Mbak Rimaaa...thanks for your inspiration finally I made my first macaron. Kalau tak dapat hadiah setidaknya I'm happy sudah berhasil cuba buat macaron, here is my link http://hesti-myworkofart.blogspot.com/2011/07/chocolate-macaron-finally.html
Salam Rima..I pun nak trylah to show off my 1st mac yg tak smooth ni!! he he that was my 1st trial..tak smooth but still happy coz ada feet..
here's my link:
I just finish baking that crunchy Lemon Cornflakes ..this is my 2nd round making that cookies..!! your blog really cool!! With so much recipes that I wanted to `TRY,TEST,Experiment' ha ha ha makan makan makan that's it all about!!-Zurien
Macaroon ni mmg unpredictable betul. Kdg2 walaupun dah follow all the rules masih kena humban dlm tong sampah jugak...
hi rima. :)
I tried baking macrons but failed most of the time :(
So here's some of my pictures.
Check it out yeah?
Can u gv me another link to show that u bake macs? ty dear!
an entry with other people that inspire me to do macs and my macs. hehehehe. http://sitizya.blogspot.com/2011/07/mad-about-macs.html
pick me oh random picker!! hehehehe.
Nak join juga...my link http://haiza-din.blogspot.com/2011/05/finallymy-macaroons.html
Salam K.Rima,
My first time ever entering a GA. Thanks for the opportunity.
This is the link to my macs yang tak seberapa nie..
Hi Rima,
My macs cracked! Hehehehe...i'm definitely gonna try batches of these again soon...until i can get it close to being as pretty as yours!
here's my link for your GA...
You need to gv me an active link.. i need to see that u hv bake macs.. ur blog is a private one
Sorry dear...my bad...i've changed the setting already...it's active now.. :)
still the same add:
Ok Rima, I did it! Kalau tak kerana u, mungkin I tak buatlah bendani..... Anyway, bila tengok nanti, jgn ketawa eh.....
My link is http://fuzzymazing.blogspot.com/2011/07/is-that-macaron-or-sandwich-cookie.html
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