Hello world!!.. oh my.. oh my.. how i miss blogging abt what i baked.. its been a little crazy in my kitchen and i am so so glad its all done.. now its time for me to enjoy my long weekend bef our flight to Barcelona.. yep yep thats where we are heading next.. cant wait!! my first time in Spain and i am so so looking forward to the errr errr shopping?? hehhe nahhhh am a good girl.. i dont shop till i drop unless well.. i am forced to kahkahkah

So as u can see.. pics of my macs.. my thermometer went dead on me in the middle of everything and i had to bake half using italian method and half using french method... which one do i prefer.. well both actually eventho italian method gv me a much more steady mac..
After baking more than 300 shells i decided to do marble effect on a few batches.. the colours came out good.. i think i must hv baked like 600 odd shells in total for the past 2 days..
Teh tarik, lemon curd, blueberry white ganache, fleur de sel caramel and double valrhona chocolate macs.. ty Pancy, sis Lyn, Ramlah, Fadzilah and not forgetting Waty (my loyal customer ahakss) .. ty dearies for the orders!.. (pics of all my unpacked macs hehe)
Ramlah and Fadzilah also ordered layer cempedak and also chocolate banana bottom square.. hope u girls enjoy it!

.... And last but not least... this morning i managed to prepare serimuka durian for my mom.. she bought me 2 boxes of durian a few days ago but i was too busy to prepare her fav kuih.. so here u go mom... :oP
Well ok i hv to go now.. we are heading out in a moment.. its saturday and its a long weekend.. love is in the air as i watched the now named Duke and Duchess of Cambridge getting married yesterday... uh uh i love her wedding dress!!

barcelona? hmm.. interesting.. tc kak rima..
miss u arrrrr!!!!heheh..
ishhhhh bawak la ai ke spain!!! ai nyer Español sampai dah berkarat tak der orang nak praktis..kalo u pegi Pamplona, kirim salam pelok cium ai pada el matador si Banderas..muahahha!!
Salam Rima,
Love reading ur blog. I always prefer Italian method over French. So far sekali je French method I yg menjadi. Italian method eventho sometimes mengecewakan but most of the time I can rely on them but urs looks really nice n wonderful.
Do drop by mine here :)
uish.. musim makan angin ke skrg ni ya.. kut ya pun nak gi makan angin jgn lupa ole2 nya ya.. hihii..
Ish ish ish.....loyal customer aka gemukz aka kuat makan eh....hehehehe :)))) enjoys ur holiday babe...shop shop till u drop...but jangan drop terus eh ..lupa diri tak per jangan u lupa I....muhahahahahahah :)) see how hyper I am after munching UR macs....
Yep .. unlike other places that i hv been .. this time round i am pretty excited cos its a totally new experience for me and the moment we got into barca hb is flying to germany for a couple of nights.. so it looks like i get to explore barca first bef he joins us again
Alamak mana ni dah tulis panjang panjang boleh hilang pulak niii
woahh long time no play five stone here.. u tinggal kan i ey?? shiok kan part nak pergi.. part nak balik tu ade kureng cos nak kena prepare kan mind and body.. maklum nak kena berperang dgn kain baju hahah
Mari lah.. i need someone that can speak Espagnol.. i sepatah haram dont know and then when we sampai .. malam my hb dah fly lagi.. tinggal lah kita terkapar kapar hahaha
Salam Anna
ty for coming to this humble blog of mine.. i any method also can.. janji menjadi.. sometimes my macs hancus.. nasib this time round menjadi if not.. nangis mak!
Buat diri ku.. selagi sonia belum sekolah and selagi ade tenaga dibadan akan ku sambut pelawaan suami ku ahakss.. nanti if sonia dah school baru padan muka si Rima hahaha
Hi Rima,
It was good to finally meet you this morning...actually I abit the segan and malu...heheh..and sorry I was woozy..sebenarnye tengah ngantuk skali...in the end semalam tak boleh tido end up pergi Mustafa..haha.
Oh and the torch cantik skali! Yang sibuk bukak the packaging and start baca tu manual pun my hb..selamat belum ade gas..kalau tak dia dah start main api. Entah ape benda dia nak bakar..must be something with men and fire.
Ohh and thank you so much for the macarons...so sweet of you to let me try some..I sayang nak makan pulak..hehe masih simpan kat fridge...maybe besok I pack skali in my luggage and makan on the plane. :)
Have a good time in Barca! Don't forget to see Sagrada familia..I remember visiting Barca a few years ago with my sis...shopping mmg best kat sana...the Zara and Mango was cheaper then! Oh and there's an outlet around Barca as well..La Roca Village or something...tak ingat sangat...worth checking out if you have time! :)
Hi Rima,
Have a great vacation!
Hallo Arlin!
It was nice to finally meet u too!! u no need segan segan with me lah.. i very the super friendly one hehhe..
Kita faham lah u tengah woozy.. maklum kan baru balik and then besok nak fly again.. ish ish.. ku sangka ku aje yg suka merayap rupe rupe nye kita serupa hahaha
Anyway yes we did our homework well and definately will be going to that outlet once hes off duty hehehe.. zara .. mango.. massimmo dutti.. nanti yg ku kerap pergi si H&M jugak cos banyak baju budak budak ahakss
Hv a good trip and dont forget to balik for election ahem ahem
I sure will! tks!
Rima, next time I order, I want teh tarik & blueberry, ok. And of course the fleur de sel caramel. By the way fluer de sel can be used in cooking? Rima, have a save journey to & fro. Enjoy yourself to the fullest!
Assalam Rima..
Happy holiday n KITA ENJOY..he he he
Eh how come ur msg only came in now.. ish ish.. where got gemuks!! u r funny lah girl.. always make me ketawa one when we chat or sms.. anyway tks and yes i will shop but not until i drop lahhhh.. heheh
Okie dokie.. sms me when u want it yah.. err in 2 wks time ah heheh.. anyway yes u can use fleur de sel in food.. the other day hb did scrambled egg and he admitted using my fleur de sel in it!! yikes.. i told him.. "we hv normal salt u know!!" hahahah
Ty and i know i will cos my sis in law will be flying fm vienna to barca next week.. so i ade geng :o)
I wure will.. ty
happy holiday kak..take care ok
miss u so much!!
All along you make that macs shells using 'free hand' ke?
Oh yes, have a nice holiday. Jangan pakai baju merah sangat nanti bull kejar (if matador ganteng kejar, takpe, hehe).
Ty.. miss u too lah hehe
Cik Som
free hand tu cam mana?? i use cookie cutter and then dip into cocoa powder then i print satu satu ah.. that way i will get even shell..
Hehhe alamak nasib belum pack.. tak akan pakai warna merah pun cos kulit ku macam tak ngam dgn red colour hehe
have fun!! u need the break :D
Ty and yes i do need a break.. april was a hectic month for me and sonia has been sick since 3 days ago.. haiz i just hope she will get better bef tmrw :o)
Hi Rima,just to let u know i saw yr resv,ada orang tak undi yea? Also i saw u ada rq child meal for Sonia,i ada tambah kan rq no pork coz the last time my family and i trvl my girls dapat nasi goreng with bacon!!! Hope u don't mind. Have a safe trip and enjoy yourself.
Hi Sabaria
On the one hand .. thank you... on the other hand.. scary
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