What can i say.. its close to 1am and I am still wide awake.. doing a little homework on three different bday cakes for next week.. two cfm order and one i am still thinking abt it.. hmm will i be able to handle three cakes?? maybe i shud just stick to two cakes for now?? honestly i get pretty excited when it comes to decorating bday cakes.. am just hoping that i will not crumble under pressure..

Anyway my plans to bake macaron shells today didnt happen.. i took out my egg white and at the same time took out 500g of butter.. knew exactly that i would end up baking my all time fav cake lol.. i miss you long time dear! hehehe

And of cos since i had baked something for my craving.. i had to bake hb's craving too.. hes been bugging me to bake him his fav cookies for a few days.. kept on repeating .. "I dont hv any cookies left in my jar" aka his office cookie jar

I decided to use tollhouse chocolate chips and also butterscotch chips in his cookies today.. didnt add any nuts for a change.. tastes even better with butterscotch chips in it!
Nestle Toll House always reminds me of Phoebe from FRIENDS.. So called resipi turun temurun dari the late grandma, rupanya resipi Nestle, hahaha...
P/S: I just made some cookies too :D
what a coincidence!!someone been asking for cookies here too!!hahah..harus ai wat jugak...his & theirs kiranya..and that's a pretty cupcake cups...love it!ishhh byk benar your pinggan mangkok props u yg cantek2 ni...sgtla berkenan aiii.. ;)
I think now's a good reason for me to try this Sicilian Orange Cake....just bought a bunch of oranges.
oooh I love butterscotch chips too, found them last year & I put them in my cookies. Lepas ni nak cuba K. Rima's cookies with the butterscotch pulak. 'Makasih yaa for all the ideas & motivation. ^_^
Salam pagi Rima...sampai tak tau nak komen apa dah bila masuk sini...haha, semalam i chat dengan sorang student U, dia orang Sarawak anda of coz "awek's"...dan i link kan kek lapis yang u buat dalam N3 lepas..dia pun kagumm dengan ke"halus"an hasil kerja Rima...tiba2 kan mat gebu rasa "bangga" sebab orang puji teman blogger masak2...hahha, jangan heran, mat gebu memang macam tu...kannnn....
oooo nooooo...not this one again? let me check..huh! legaaa...i dun have any orange ...safe for now...eh! i got lemon...can ar? wahahahaha...
i've been thinking to bake that ever so delish orange cake in cups too... u dah buat dulu.. and they look gorgeous!!!!
saje je nak tunjuk papercups u yg cun tu ehh... hihihihihi... geram! kat sini jumpe yg biase2 je.. aritu jumpa yg polka dots habis semua colors i borong. x tau la bile habis tu.. :-P
Salam Rima
cookies ??? I likeee....kena add to my baking list ni...
Bebaru ni akak baked egg white steam rainbow cake...rasa memang cun dah tp sayang dia tak berapa naik or should i say tak naik pun. Kenapa agak nya ye ? Ovelette n baking powder dah letak..should i try to add bicarbonat soda lepas ni ? I'm thinking of giving another go..
For the white eggs, agak2nya boleh replace dgn eggs saja tak ? Coz i tak de stok white eggs...huhuhu
Anyway, family members happy with the product...tq for sharing the recipe
Halo Rima,
Just wondering, if we reduced the sugar amount for the cake and cookies, does it affect the end product?
Madam Sooyaree
Hehhe bila u mentioned itew Phoebe i boleh terketawa pulak.. shes so so seleng hahahha.. my cookie.. now u see it .. now all gone to his office hehehe
all the cutie mutie stuff i like it too.. pakal rumah ku kena banned fm all the flowery stuff if not i think i will ended up having my pinggan mangkuk in polkodots and flower kahkahkah..
Props important to me so bila jejalan and when i see something cute i will get it.. usually i get stuff when i gi overseas but that cupcake case i got it fm Cath Kidston.. so is the pinggan.. both fm Cath Kidston.. their kedai kat tanglin mall.. u check it out if u hv the time ..
No worries dear.. if ade gambar if u malas nak buat also tak menjadi.. u ade minat tu sebab u keep on baking hehehe
Bake it and u will definately get addicted to it hehehe
Cik Mat
I very the segan lah u know if sifu say something like that.. sesungguh nye siapa lah daku.. ceeehhhh wahhhh hahaha.. ty cik mat for all the kind words.. motivate me to bake even better.. huhu
Muahahaha lemon i dont have tu sebab tak ter try but sicilian using lemon.. sure sedap lagi kan.. but for now i am happy with my sicilian.. i dah ngap 5 cupcakes in total and will hv even more later.. senang kata.. when rima bake sicilian.. no sharing plssss hahahaha
rima...dok pikirq pasai this cake tapi time tak dak...btw kalau you lalu dekat kedau juai bundt pans tu can you grab yg half dozen, tlg email me acct no, i hantarq duit. bila bila you mai kl i pi coollect ya!
hmm...pi buat semua 3 cake xox...and take care :p
hehehe of cos! i very the like that paper cup so so much.. dalam ade 72pcs aje.. dah pakai 20pcs pong.. whenever i go overseas and i see cute stuff i sure will buy one but this one i got it fm here.. which means if habis i can still go and get more hehehe
Hmmm i wonder why... all baking ingredients u dah check expiry date??
I think there is a recipe out there yg pakai whole egg.. dont know if that recipe can work if u pakai whole eggs...
I dont think so.. if ur not a sweet person u can reduce the sugar a little ok..
I dah confirmed my orders for next week.. pray for me ahakss
Eh i will be in KL this thursday lah but am not too sure if i hv the time to go to that kedai cos i hv to go to Holland to get valrhona for someone tmrw.. arghhh i hope i can finish all my m'sian orders by tmrw morning if not mati lah i... tak sempat nak pi beli kan barang orang :o(
Halo Rima,
Thanks for your feedback on the sugar amount. Don't worry ya. I am pretty sure a baking diva like you can complete baking your orders on time. Enjoy your malaysia trip. I was thinking, why dont you setup an online shop and take orders for valrhona, etc, and then post it to your Msian counterparts.
Hi Rima,kalau bake macaroons jgn lupa saya,got my mail? Making yr biskut suji again this w/end with the girls,cfm cepat 'hilang'. hehehehe
Hehhe right now my hands are full.. i am supposed to hv my mastrad thingy up and i hv not get around to it.. maybe someday ey.. :o)
I replied to ur first email the very same day.. didnt get any reply fm u.. tak dapat my reply ke??
Biscuit and kids.. memang laju aje hehe
Assalam Rima,
penat kita mengayuh basikal ni..dari satu rumah ke satu rumah..banyak lagi ni nak kena kayuh ..hari dah malam...hehh baru ni sempat sampai kerumah you.. aduhai..
ada cake yang sedap ni..bolehlah hidangkan kita...hehe..kalau ada air pun baik juga..lepas tu kalau ada lagi balance2 cookies tu boleh juga longgok kan sekali dengan kek..hahaha..
ni kita datang nak ucapkan thank you for the wishes for Iqram..mudah2han semuga doa2yang baik dari auntie2 semua makbul..insyaallah..
hi Rima..been admiring ur bakes...all simply yummy!
Talking abt Mastrad, I saw the Mastrad set to make microwave chips set....looks interesting. Have you tried it? Not sure if it's cheaper in Sg or US? What do you think?
Yr blog lah yg menjadi motivation for my baking. Good luck with the baking & shopping.
Niat di hati nak longgok kan cookies but my cookies satu botol dah kena kidnap.. nak longgok si cake .. err macam tak leh share hahahah.. u dont want to know how many cuppies i ate today.. kwang kwang kwang..
No worries.. I hope igram had a good one :o)
Ty for the compliments.. will visit u soon ok.. :o)
Bila lah i hv the time to sit down and do the mastrad thingy.. am hoping i will find the time soon..
Belum go thru their latest catalog.. not tried their microwave chip set either.. if u are interested i can find out the price and let u know mana lagi cheaper..
That Mastrad set will only be in US in May. Kalo u get the chance let me know the price boleh?
Btw...talking abt His & Hers...which is Sonia's pick? =P
Maju Tak Gentar mbak...
Sis, u mention xletak nuts but change tu Butterscotch kan..? yg ground almond tu letak x..? hehehe.. nk cuba buat utk besday anak nnt..utk goodies bag..
Sonia jangan kasi batu dgn pasir.. semua dia ngap.. tho i must admit shes addicted to dark chocolate.. pantang tengok mama dia buat genache.. dia tukang kasi bersih itew spatula haha
Insyallah i will ask for u
Hehe now i know what u meant by caps lock hahah.. men! ahakss
Yes of cos.. tu kira basic ingredients.. any additional like nuts and what kinda chocolate chip u gunakan.. its all up to ur own preference.. :op
K Rima,
nak tanya kat mana u beli buterscotch chips tu.. hihi..i know u dah list supplier tp still nak tny lg specific hhuhu
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