Hey peeps.. I am a little confused here as to whats going on with blogger.. It says that unusual traffic is coming from my IP address to that specific domain (my website)... weird but it's been like that since yesterday morning.. I hv no problems updating my blog.. i can publish it but i cant even view it.. i can read my comments but i cant even reply to them.. arghhhh .. so so sorry guys.. u know i will usually try to reply to all :o(

Anyway hb will try to rectify the probs and if all else fails.. i might finally hv a reason to switch to wordpress.. so ok.. heres what i baked for the family and also for hb to munch in his office during his coffee breaks with his working colleagues.. hb had wanted me to bake him something with espresso coffee and he found a recipe online but i wasnt in the mood to bake it simply cos it says that it has a brownie texture to it and today i felt like munching on cookies.. so with him wanting coffee flavor and me wanting cookies texture.. i decided to try out this recipe and added coffee oil to it.. this is what u call... compromising hehe
200g margarine
50g butter - I used 250g unsalted butter
75g caster sugar
90g brown sugar
3 egg yolks
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
1 tsp coffee oil
120g of chocolate chips
100g of cashews, toasted, chopped - i used hazelnut
350g flour
15g cocoa powder - i used cocao barry
1/2 tsp baking powder
1tsp salt - i added
- Preheat oven to 160 deg C.
- Grease a pan with margarine.
- Beat butter, sugar and brown sugar until smooth.
- Add the eggs one by one, beat till combined. Add vanilla essence and coffee oil.. beat well.
- Add sifted flour, cocoa powder, salt and baking powder mixture and stir well.
- Add chocolate chips and cashew nuts. Mix well.
- Bake in hot oven for 15 minutes.
- Remove and let cool.

Adapted from: Ningnong

Kak Rima,
C kuasa 4 ni sungguh menggoda jiwa...wajib dibuat ni...mesti my kids suka dengan C kuasa 4 ni.....:-)) btw, nak tanya skit....coffee oil tu apa? minyak coffee ke?
kak rima..
nak cookies sebalang....
wat makan sambil tengok tv...
cantik dan menarik cookies tu...
Dear Rima
I can't make comment yesterday for that reason. This comment box was not available yesterday.Hu..hu..hu
Yes, I really dengki yesterday ngan Mango Mouse Cake. I also could not find mango pureed in modern supermarket today. Next time, if U are coming to KL, you have to bring Mango Pureed from Mustafa. He must have brisk business then. Remember to jack up the price little bit. He..he..he
CCC, a must try. Looks sinful delicous.. especially munching it while watching soap opera w/o realising it that my waist is growing side way. Duh!
Does the taste is same as Pak Itam Famous Amos? Eh! my son just bought this biscuit. Yummy!
Salam Kak, nak tanya, since this cookie has coffee oil (same as your almost famous CCC) is it safe for kids? Does it have the same effect as the real coffee?
And 1 more qns (sorry eh, byk songeh pulak :D), for your 101 dalmations egg whites cakes, 1 of the ing is sprite, for what purpose? Can I omit or sub with something else?
Hehe, itu saja kemusykilan saya. Sorry eh....
Dah 2 weeks tak masuk blog u, ada je yummy surprises! By the way whats a coffee oil?
I think that there's a problem with blogger. I cant load all other blogs yesterday :( and I tried to publish my entry yesterday pun tak boleh. Nasib baik masih ada dlm draft....kalau lah tak boleh save...mampoiiii arh nak kena type lagi. Tak kuasa u....
Hehe C kuasa 4 ni memang shiok buat munching.. even my dad yg tak suka benda manis makan berkali kali.. sampai i had to ask him.. "sedap pak?" hahaha..
Coffee oil is added to enhance the flavor of my cookies.. lain fm coffee paste and its in liquid form.. i know its difficult to find it in m'sia.. u can replace it with coffee paste tho..
Pagi ni check.. ahhh dah boleh balas all comments.. i wish i can gv it to u but semua dah hilang dari pandangan ku.. satu cookie pun dah tak de.. :o(
I dont know lah whats wrong with blogger.. sampai i frust tau tak leh nak view and reply to all comments.. hopefully after this episode it wont happen to me again..
Sana tak de?? tak kan lah.. pi cari kat supermarket lain if all else fail terpaksa lah u turun singapore hehe.. seriously if u want it i can get it for u.. berapa kotak u want? hehe
Si pak hitam famous amos tu siapa yg tak suka.. eh eh dah lama tak beli cookies dgn pak cik tu..
I added coffee oil simply cos we like our cookies with a hint of coffee taste.. if u tak nak letak its ok.. just omit it.. pasal effect.. i dont think so lah kan.. not as bad as when sonia drinks coffee ahaksss
Sprite is one of the main ingredients in that recipe.. u hv to add it dear..
Coffee oil is added to enhance the flovor of my cookies.. if u cannot get it there.. u can sub with coffee paste.. if u tak nak add also can.. jadi CCC aje lah instead of CCCC hehe
Ohhh eh.. u also got some probs with blogger eh.. haizz macam stress tau if kena type balik.. nasib urs ade dalam draft lagi.. mine this morning i try via iphone boleh load my page.. ape lagi dgn cepat i log on lappy.. cepat cepat reply to comments first hehe
I am now studying wordpress sikit.. a lot of work to be done if i pindah rumah.. part tu lah malas sikit
Lain ni dari resipi biasa, nanti nak cuba jugak lah :D
rima,do u know tt when i click to all the 5 blog which is yr fav,all went to easy bake? all 5 of them!
Cuba lah ok.. siapa tahu menepati citarasa u :o)
Oh ye ker?? lahhh tengok lah ape dah jadi.. ade ade aje.. :o(
eee memang tengah gila buat choc chip cookies. nampak plak ur recipe k.rima. best best. nak try ni
Assalam Rima,
Ur cookies betul2 menggoda akak....terasa nak makan dah ni....harap2 sempat buat ptg ni...marvellous..
Assalamualaikum Rima
Salam Maulidur Rasul buat u sekeluarga ya...
Itu cookies sungguh buat akak terguder...boleh masuk list ni.
woww..ni mmg betui2 menggoda..wat 3 balang pun x cukup nih..hehe!!
hello rima,
my name is roe, stumbled upon yr blog to find recipe for chocolate cake. gotta say im very impressed with yr baking skill! im jealous that u can juggle everything in yr life. im a wife with no kids and i still find it hard to juggle my time to do everything.
u could be my new inspiration. :)
Oh ye ker?? buat ok and let me know if u like it..
Happy baking!
Idaman Hati
Heheh dah buat belum?? ok tak?? kat sini dah tak nampak hampas nye pun hehe
Salam Maulidur Rasul buat akak sekeluarga juga.. masuk list harus dicuba tauuu hehe
Jaga jaga.. not healthy tauuu hehe.. bake 3 balang.. makan 3 ketul.. ok tak?? hehe
Hello Roe
Welcome welcome .. hope to see u here more often.. dont be jealous lah.. penat weiii and if tak betul betul memang tak leh tahan but so far so good.. alhamdullilah .. selagi diberi energy i will use it to the max hehehe
Dear Rima,
I am curious, is this cookies on the crunchy and crispy type or chewy type. But, overall i love your addition of the coffee oil. Something new and my daughter love anything with coffee smell. Hopefully will try out in one of these days.
Best Regards
christine Ang
Its crunchy and crispy type but if ur into chewy type all u need to do is to shorten the baking time.. bake it ok and let me know ir ur daughter loves it..
salam kak..dah selalu gak skodeng sini, tp baru harini perasan lom follow..hehe...mengancam sungguh sekut2 tuh...masuk balang yer..:)..rsp masuk list..
Goodnite Rima,
so sorry, kak nur minta izin ambil resipi CCCC ini ya...sedap I likeeee it! Thanks for sharing the lovely recipe.
Dah try ker?? memang sedap kan benda ni.. krap krup anak anak makan heheh.. glad u like it and no worries.. sharing is caring hehhe
Salam kak
can i know what type of flour did u use?
I use normal flour.. tepung gandum biasa ajer
Hi! By 250g butter, did you mean that I should omit the 200g margarine & just use all butter instead? Thanks!
yes ur right Iman.. i dont like margarine so i used all butter..
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