OMG u guys are just awesome and the comments.. hehehe super hilarious!!! i was laughing so hard.. giggling and enjoying myself reading all the entries.. yes i read each and every comments the moment i got it thru my Iphone... this is fun.. i like it.. am happy and ty so so much to those who entered the giveaway especially to CMG for the shout out!! much appreciated Cik Mat!.. to those who has been following my blog religiously.. no probs remembering that colour ey and to those who took the trouble to go thru my blog to check out the colour of my Mastrad pin.. the lady in dot dot dot heheh.. (macam ambik award pulak kahkahkah).. I will post a winner entry tmrw yah cos i am totally kaput right now..

Anyway i am so so sorry for not being able to reply to each and every comment and i know i still owe a few emails.. will reply soon now that my princess doll cake project is over... yayyyy finally i got the chance to bake my first barbie aka princess cake!! ty Waty for the order and for trusting me with this order!! (By chance the first time i met her was last ramadhan.. she said hi to me and reconised me when she saw Sonia).. i hope and really hope that ur little one is happy with her princess cake.. Happy Birthday Princess Marsha!

Top View.. i had baked the cake on friday.. did the filling and crumb coating the same day

Side view.. the clothing was made of fondant.. not as easy as it looks lol.. took me almost an hr or so to get it right..

Bottom view.. i made the flowers the same night.. let it harden and its ready to be used today..

The actual cake after it was being assembled.. Waty had requested a 2 tier cake and this is what i came out with.. the top cake is TCCC with swiss buttercream.. both recipies u can find it here.. the bottom cake is DFCC with swiss buttercream on the outside.. this baby weighed more than 3kg!.. recipe u can get here.. (oh bef i forgot.. i did TCCCx2 and i did DFCCx4 for the cake batter.. the usual amt for the ganache and also cream cheese frosting for DFCC)

Kak Rima,
Sangat sungguh cake itu....I kalau decorate guna buttercream sure messy gile!!! Btw, nice work!!!
Ty 3E.. this is my first barbie cake sooo cud be better tho..
Buttercream if messy u can wipe it back cuma u hv to make sure ur 2nd coating betul betul harden or else waktu u wipe it everything jadi lagi messy..:o)
wow! not a fan of girly stuff but this can only come from skillful and steady hands. 'respect'
that baju barbie tu kan, i rasa macam nak nangis je masa buatkan for my dotter's cake last year..aduss susahnya nak pakai kan baju dia...
cantik gaun kembang tu, nanti nk try lah the buttercream recipe
beautiful cake and colours
That is gorgeous! My daughter would shriek in delight if I made that for her bday! My mum and I r in Spore and we will be on the baking shopping spree thanks to you! : )
Ty Noir.. not all the skillful ehehe.. sometimes when i deco a cake it turns out ok.. sometimes it turns out yuckie hahaha
Oh u ever do eh Zarin?? ah ah seh.. nampak senang but kan makan masa eh nak melekat kan dia.. bahagian dadonye tu yg leceh.. asyik nak tertembus aje ahahah
Ty Torviewtoronto.. i like it too :o)
Absolutely gorgeous!!!! dengan gown kembang santek arr kena dengan barbie nyer rambut kembang ala seripah aini..this is beautiful..Good job!! Well done!nasib baik my sons dah tua bangka & tak main barbie dolls..ahaks..tak tido seminggu ai kalo kena wat ni.. :)
sangat sangat sangat sweettttt...kira ni princess singaporean la kan kak, kalau blond nanti dah mcm princess sonia dah..hihi
saya suka la main ngan buttercream mcm ni, tapi tak suke nyer bila budak kecik kacau n cuit cuit..duhhh... hilang semangat!!mmg kerja tangan akak 1st class!!!
Cantiknya cake tuh. Harus la susah nak buatkan? Anyway, good job kak!
babe! u can find it here! http://zarinbahrin.blogspot.com/2010/03/hasya-is-5.html
aiyyyo itu dada memang ahh asyik tembus je tau!last last i taruk a small flower in the middle tu hahaha..eh, i salute u coz u did it on your own..i buat tu kena mintak tolong cikgu ajar haha...and it took us one whole day to complete that cakes...paling lama nak buat is the baju and also that ruffles for the gown kembang tu...told my dotter, ths yr im not gonna do that kind of cake anymore tau! hihi teruk punya mommy kan i ni...btw, i noticed kids don't like to eat that keras fondant topping tu...they just gobbled the cake and those buttercream aje hahaha
anyway, mcm meleset je sangkaan i about my dotter tuh..dia tengok your barbie cake and terus mintak for her birthday nanti uhuhuhu... i hope she'll change her mind nanti :P
wow! most gorgeous barbie cake i've ever seen! thumbs up sis! haha.. sis yat.. betul la.. mcm seripah aini :))
Wow Rima..this is fabulous!!!!...m planning to make one too, tp kena master my butter cream skills dulu...ehehe...sure messy gile klo i buat! *sigh*
Gorgeous! Cantik n akak ada bakery ke?
Halo Rima,
Georgeous cake :) Keep up the good work.
P/S: If you do not want to dress up the barbie, you could always get the real barbie doll, wrap it with plastic wrapper and insert it into the cake will waist level. So the barbie dress will be it's original dress :)
It's breathtaking! Good job!
hi Rima,
Just wondering, since this is a tall cake, how do you pack for delivery / collection cos i cannot find tall cake boxes. can advise?
i want to bake for my son 3rd birthday, 3 tier cake and we are doing at chalet tu lah yang curious.
anyway yang the cake stand its rounded? can hold well? boleh share how it looked like and where you buy?
last skali, do start baking class can? i will be the first sign up. heh, like now you're already my sifu!
TY, Janna
wowww...cantik betul kek tu....klu nmpk kat anak mas Ain, mesti dia suka....
aduh! duh.. duh..duh... woooowwwwww!!! cantiknyer Rima....... i likeeeee more and more and more.....
eeeiiii sayang nak potong wei!... klu ita dapat ita frame... hari2 tgk dan sorang pun jangan cuit....
mmg cantik sesangat.....
rima, cantek la. baju barbie tu cute. lepas ni bleh jadi fashion designer juga
Babe!!! Thank u thank u 4 accepting my order..the cake was superb in both it's look n taste...too much compliments received ....it's worth every penny. Talking abt the birthday gerl..ish ish ish she just couldn't get her eyes away from the cake till we got someone 2 guard it till cake cutting!! Kalau tak..memang hancur kek tu dibuatnya. We serve the guests the DCC while the doll cake aka TCCC we kept it till today for us to enjoy!! When I cut e doll cake tis morning...si Marsha say " oh no...princess cake gone??!!"... Dia ingat dia bole simpan cake to 4ever agaknya...sorilah baby..mummy tak sabar nak indulge.. Hehehe...many thanks again babe :)
Oh yeah?? lol enjoy enjoy singapore and of cos the baking supply shop here! dont forget to buy cooking chocolate! :o)
Babe.. u ni ade ade aje.. part sharifah aini pun ku boleh ketawa.. ah ah seh.. only era kita akan ingat kak pah hahahah
Ty lah babe.. nak pipe kira ok lah.. nak tampal si baju dia ni.. aduhhh .. dadonye tu tajam sangat.. sampai berkali kali ku harus tukar baju dia.. asyik terkoyak aje.. ish triple D size lah hahahah
Park buat baju and also all the crumb coating terpaksa lah tunggu si dak sonia ni tido.. then bila part nak icing the next morning i told my hb to take her out if not... aduhhhhh dia punya gelitis tuhan aje yg tahu!
Ty Izah.. i am pretty sure u can do it too..
Ty Messy.. nasib baik semalam time deco tu tengah ghairah nak deco hahah
Woahhh Zarin.. pwetty lah ur barbie cake.. memang betul lah.. jgn nak cakap budak.. mak budak also tak fav makan cake yg ade fondant.. lagi shiok si buttercream then icing..
You persuade lah ur daughter.. si sonia at first kata nak princess cake for her bday now dia dah tukar pikiran pulak.. haizz
LOL Mrs plain jane..
Sebiji lah.. kata yg buat cake ni pun oldies kan.. hahaha
I hardly get to play with buttercream and if i get order baru lah dapat practice.. maklum kita bukan nye attend any class pong :o)
Lahhh Fara.. mana ade bakery.. cuma me and my kitchen aje hehe
Yes i thought of that too but its not as shiok as making everything fm scratch .. i get some kinda satisfaction if i do everything myself.. :o)
Ain Ain.. meh auntie kasi tengok ni princess cake.. ask ur mom to bake it for u ok .. heheh
Ty Wen.. am happy how it turned out..
Ty ty.. as for ur question ..if ur doing a tier cake and planning to place ur cake on top of one another.. there is no way u can fit it in any kinda box.. if ur planning to do a tier cake with cake stand u can always place all ur cakes in seperate boxes .. easier for transporting.
The round tier that ur talking abt is actually fm wilton.. u can get it fm BIY or any phoon huat outlet if u live in singapore and yes it can hold ur cake very well.. i like it so much cos it doesnt make ur bday cake look like ur typical wedding cake..
Hehhe Azlita.. to be honest after everything dah siap .. i also like that.. asyik nak tengok aje si princess cake tu.. maklum kerja tangan sendiri.. bila menjadi macam suka gitew :o)
Ahakkss cik chun.. if onlyyyy.. tak dapat jadi fashion designer.. jadi patung punya fashion designer pun ok lah jugak kann
OMG babe! ur Marsha so so cute!! i can imagine how sibuk nye dia dgn cake princess dia.. alhamdullilah.. so glad that u guys like it.. itew cake SOC is my all time fav.. u baked it well.. right texture and taste.. ty ty for the order.. ty for letting me play with buttercream hehe.. and oh guess what.. the moment i stepped into my car .. my hb kata i smell of lovely lace shop hahahha.. haizz teringat rumah lama kuuuu.. windu gitewwww
fuiyooooooooo gojezzzzz!!!! pingsan nengok weiihhh!
LOL Hana.. kau jng nak pingsan.. nanti besok siapa nak goreng telur for ur hb pulak hahah
Wah terangkat kek tu! Suzy kagum la!Suzy masih lagi buat kek yang senang-senang aje. Nanti dah ada confident lebih sikit, boleh cuba lebih tricky lak. Next project nak try resepi party cake
Rima lak. Gorgeous kek tu!
the barbie doll is so pretty! I baked twice too but yours definitely beat my 2 baking hehehe...
hv done twice barbie cakes but all in fondant! think i'll fail miserably wt buttercream!
This was my first princess cake.. not as easy as i thought it wud be.. nevertheless i salute those that have tried making it.. urs looks pwetty too!
Where can fail.. if messy all u need to do is to ratakan balik ur cake dgn buttercream heheh
Good luck Suzy.. kita semua hv to start somewhere.. i ni self taught.. so tak lah seperfect mana hehe
TY Rima!
really glued to ur blog daily! :)
Gorgeous!!! I'm so envious of your skills n patience. I salute you K Rima.
Hi Rima,
Would like to ask you, for the fondant are you using home made fondant recipe or you just buy the ready made pettinence fondant?
Most of the cakes in your blog which I have tried, turned out great :) Maybe one day you can consider putting them all into a book and publish your own book.
Ms V
Hi Ms V
I used Satin Ice for all my fondant cake.. much prefer the taste..
Ty and yes if i hv the time i wud love to do that.. both hb and i hv been talking abt it since i started blogging hehe
Hi Rima,
Thanks for your suggestion on the fondant. I will try Satin Ice and let you know the outcome :). Pettinence is not good for asian weather.
All the best for your book & I wish you all the success.
You are one kind person who shares all the good recipes and tips with all readers.
Ms V
Hi Rima,
Can i know how you baked the skirt of the doll?
I wish to try this for an upcoming birthday...
Thanks a lot,
Hi Carol
I used wilton kit for it.. set consist of the doll and the mould for the skirt
hi kak rima..i nak tanyer siket..mana kakak beli 'happy birthday' tag kaler merah tu?
I bought it in a bakery supply shop in bangkok
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