Sorry guys.. we just got back fm JB.. So ok... there are two ways I cud run the random numbers. I cud do it the hard way and number the CORRECT entries from 1 to xx OR I cud just simply run the number 1 to 94 (I have 94 comments as of Sat 7pm) through random.org and the result will then be checked against the comment number beneath the GA post. So I decided for the second option since it is simpler.
But before I continue.. what do u think is the answer? Well, there are a few posts in my blog which have a mention of my MASTRAD rolling pin (and just by typing in MASTRAD into the search box u can actually find the answer quite easily) and the answer to my question is PURPLE.. yayyyy!!
Soooooo without further ado, the very first "generate" random number I clicked gave me a correct result.....I would like to announce that the winner is....
Number 35 : Mrs Plain-June!
Congratulations dear! Please send me a short message via the "Contact Me" button in the menu on the top of my blog.
Anyway guys, thank you ALL for taking part and watch out for the next Giveaway!!!
Have a good week ahead yah.. cheers!

Congratz to the winner, there goes my dream of swatting that crazy pompuan in the opis with the spatulas...sigh..but a girl can dream, cant i??
MUahaha babe.. actually i had wanted to reply to ur comment but better not cos nanti nbr all lari lol.. eh if u nak i can always mail u mine.. boleh u bedal that crazy pompuan hahahah.. eh better not.. nanti masuk Tamil Marusu punya front page pulak hahaha
Congrats to Mrs Plain June sbb menang hadiah.
I nak bawa hati yg duka lara tak menang hadiah ni lah...sob sob....
woohooo! lepas ni boleh la I pegi rumah Ju utk tengok her Mastrad gift. grats Ju.
Rima, I dunno why I answered pink. I think I'm colour blind. hahahha
Aiyahhhh...terlepasss lagiii!!! Uweeekk... LiLin
aishhhh unlucky again.. hu hu.. tp kan akak tak taip keyword tu tau, jus dig jer kat label cookies.. pastu nampak la rolling pin kaler purple yg gojez tu.. hu hu..
apa pun, mmg enjoy betul masuk contest rima nih.. jgn lupa buat lagi ya.. bg la lebih2 sket! hahaha... psst!! always love yr blog.. & the sweet face of sonia :) erkk bukan bodek ni ya.. :)
and to mrs plain june, congratulation!! ^___^
waa..tak memang ke??
ok ok..I wait for the next one
congrats to the winner!
kak rima, saya syak saya buta warna!hahahaha ;p
errrr....next giveaway, kasik mastrad rolling pin arrr..bule ai roll that crazyewomanwhomakesmymondaytofriday@theaofficecrap over..mueheheheh...so jadik???kahkahkah
Aisaymannn no 35? Err Entry I no berapa ya? 34.75 kut (then boleh round up to 35 kan? Hahahaha) Tahniah to Mrs Plain June. Kalau colour rolling pin yg u dapat tu tak sesuai dgn u, pass kat kami2 ni yg sure suka any colour hehehehe.
Tahniah2 pd pemenang. Takpa2 next time kak t cuba lagi k....huhuhu
Skrg kita tenung ajalah yg ada kat sini. mastrad mastrad mastrad...ku seru nama mu...hehehe
Thanks rima..
kak siti
Congrats to the winner! Kalo tak nak, pass la sini ye. Hehe!
I guess 35 isnt my lucky number, LOL *sour grape ni*
Good luck to the winner "mintak satu spatula, boleh tak?"
Nak bawa hati yg duka tok sah jauh jauh.. mai sini .. boleh kita show u where to get it hehe
When i got ur entry i was like.. adoiii shidahhh kenapa pink pulak hahaha.. bukan colour blind cuma waktu u post the answer u were thinking abt ur newly arrived corelle right?? heheh
hehe go to Tangs and get it or just ask ur bro to get it for u.. got discount one hehe
Insyallah KNor.. siapa tahu if they want to gv me more for giveaway.. dgn rela hati akan ku adekan another GA.. tak pun tunggu towkey kat sebelah Rima ni lah jadi sponsor lagi hahah..
congrats to the winner.mmg enjoy ngan contest akak nih...hehe..
Tahniah pada pemenang....and rima, blog u ni kan ada potensi jadi blog femess...
Tungguuuuu hehhe
LOL Hotmama.. tak pe .. ape kata lain kali i wont do a contest that has got to do with colours hehehe
kahkahkah Babe.. ok ok akan ku pertimbangkan ur suggestion.. maybe purple is her fav colour too?? haha
I baru asked my hb.. "eh can u ask them if they can sponsor me a pink rolling pin for my next GA" hahahha
No worries KSiti.. keep a look out for my next GA.. jgn malam ni tak leh tido pulak cos asyik seru si pakcik MASTRAD lol
LOL PatinPasta.. ty for participating!
Cik Som
25 is my lucky nbr definitely cos that nbr reminded me of the day i got married to my hb .. ahakss. macam syahdu gitew hahaha
Blushing.. insyallah.. cik mat doa doa kan lah ok.. if tak jadi fames dimata orang.. fames di mata family sendiri pun jadi lah hehe
Yg penting pada akak.. janji orang tak segan nak join.. lagi ramai yg participate.. lagi seronok kannn..
congrats to the winner
alahhhhhh..melopeh den...dah tahu punya,
i am always unlucky with lucky draws, giveaways dan games2 yang sewaktu dengan nya....
Congrats to the winner, mrs plain jane..
Thank you for organising..Rima!
next time kalau ada yang senang2 bolehlah i masuk lagi ya..(yang senang2 aje tau..heheh)
Congrats to the winner..better luck to me next time..maybe the mastrad purple rolling pin..my love at first sight..hehe..
U know my 3 young sons yg terlebih excited nak tau siapa the winner of ur GA. Blh remind2 lagi..hilarious betul.. Btw they praised the princess doll cake tat u made. 3thumbs up!! Bila la gaknya mummy diaorg ni can be as talented as Sonia's mama. Sonia's mama tats wat my sons called u..ok enuf of my grandma stories.. U n Sonia hv a great day. Cheers..
Sue A.
Aiseyman.. purple is not my lucky color.. (kata2 orang sour grapes tak menang..uhuks!)
Congrats to Mrs Plain June.
ooo.. subhanallah!!! thank u so much sis!!! thank u! thank u! terketar2 nak taip nih.. mmg sgt tak sangka.. i never am the lucky type.. plus, i imagine you'll take the 1st correct answer.. itu yg mcm give up je mula2.. tp try jugaklah. alhamdulillah.. rezeki nak dpt sicantik merah itu! thank u so much sis rima! and thank you again for being so inspirational! to others, thank you for yr wishes.. :)
hehe.. i tak baca semua komen sblm post dgn tangan terketar2 tadi.. kak sizuka.. u're most welcome! mmg dah jodoh agaknya dgn KA merah kat dapur tu ;)
wakakakaka this is so fun!!!
I am pretty sure shes feeling high Akheela.. hehe
I also like that.. if enter anything sure susah nak menang.. sampai lucky draw kat D&D nak dapat teko kecik pun melepas hahahhaha
Dont worry next time can try ur luck again.. never say die Ayu hahaha
Sue A
Lahhh cute betul lah ur 3 sons.. how old are they anyway?? Sonia's mama memang loves to bake but never has the time to go and attend any class.. ish macam ade unsur unsur nak mengadu nampak hahahha
Muahaha Mariah.. then what is ur lucky colour haha
No worries June and congrats!! u r indeed our lucky winner.. hold on to ur seat cos i will email u once i've send it to ur place.. tks for participating .. was good fun!
It was good fun Ilah.. ty girl for joining!
rima, tak yah contest lah, bagi hadiah bday i nanti LOL!
mrs plain june...i still owe you the macarons tutorial...can use the spatula eh nanti!
Congratulation Mrs Plain June :) Yeah!
congratulation to Mrs Plain June *green with envy nih...or maybe it should be poipoi (purple) with envy?* hehehehe...congratulations once again and thank you rima for having this contest. (boleh dapat brownie points tak sebab puji ni? hehahaahahah!!)
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