Its been a long week.. we are still in KL and driving to Malacca tmrw morning for a quickie.. honestly?? i miss my kitchen.. i miss baking so much.. i know its weird but this month i've only baked once and the only desert that i've prepared was my chocolate mousse.. haizz i better get my act together as i hv to prepare something for my cousin's engagement party this weekend..
Another thing that I miss so much.. taking pic of what i bake.. huhuhu

Sonia watches me so much taking pic of what i baked that she now has her own camera.. not the one that shes playing with lol.. but a real digital camera.. she wud place a few things nicely and take pics of it.. hehe

See u guys back in Singapore!

i miss your baking pics too! just got back from pd and melaka. no longer serene like they were but still passable. stay well, madame
cantikknyaaaaa new background blog k.rima....hehehehe...new year blog kekekeke...so coming more new cake recipe hehehehe ;)
kak rimaaa... wah dah berwajah baru bisousatoi ni.... hmmm. tu la, rindu jugak dengan masakan akak..cepat masuk dapur balikkk.ehee
Tell me abt it Noir.. i was thinking of my kitchen all day long yesterday hehe
Melaka memang tak macam dulu.. kereta lembu no longer can be seen on that huge padang.. all dah ganti dgn shopping mall :o(
Hehe Insyallah.. kadang tu bila dah balik lain pulak ceritanye..
Ty ty.. i loike it too! "op
Haizz Izah .. kalau saat and tika ni akak kau ni berada di dapur sudah tentu butter dah dikeluarkan.. ingredients yg nak dibake dah tersusun haha.. esok akan ku usaha kan.. but first nak drive to melaka then drive to sg and then nak kena tukar uniform jadi "maria" hahaha
yes! mana kek-kek you! loved your new home!
I like your new template!
love your new layout rima! and camera kotak sonia tu, cakap dgn si kenit tu aunty edi nak pinjam boley?? hehehe...
i know how u feel.. but try to have fun while u're away from your kitchen ok ! :)
Rims!!!! R u still in kl??? I lost ur number lah. Email me eh kalau still kat kl.
eh eh tgk tu dia punye curls ... i loike ...
hihi..agaknya sonia tu dok perati je ..
Hey Rima! Where's this art place that Sonia seems to be enjoying? Looks g8 for kids! Is it 1Utamaa kl?
Alamak Yani.. i really hope i can bake a few bef year end seh...
Ty Wen.. its simple and i like the colours too..
Hehe Edi.. dia dah buat winter castle baru lah dia ternampak camera kotak tu.. lahhh punya lah susah nak suruh dia return benda tu haha..
Ty ty.. i got someone to do it for me.. nak harap buat sendiri tak menjadi lah rumah baru ku :o)
Lah Sue! i didnt get any sms fm u and thought u masih kat Perth.. am back in Sg.. if u nak turun Sg let me know ok..:o)
Hehe Ilah.. itu dinamakan keriwil
Dia duk perati and then now dah pandai susun barang and then take pic.. so funny lah si Sonia ni Fara..
Yep Hawa.. whenever we mention KL she will always say.. Mama.. I want to do art.. so of cos we will always take her there.. its at 1utama.. right next to MPH.. an hr session is M$45
She's cute and smart!
umh da berwajah baru..santekk sgt..i loike!!ria pn bru smpi umh..blik umh mentua kt aloq staq..nk keje mls gile..hoho..nk baking rjin..hahaha
Ty Hawa
semua orang pong itew macam.. yg kita tak kerja also belum start baking.. banyak kain baju nak di urus kan..
Kak Rima,
Cepat bake.... Hehehe.. Saya cuci mata everytime K.Rima masuk dapur :D Nak mencuba tak boleh lagik.. Oven tak der. Hehehe.. Anyway Kak, Sonia tu comel la haiii.. Dia besar skit jer.. Bagi dia jer yang snap picture.. Sure lagik gempak..
Buat masa sekarang ni Messy Mummy i am very the busy lah.. i bake but tak sempat pun nak update blog.. tmrw i lagi busy bangat with christmas order.. haizz nampak gaya once dah selesai baru lah dapat update my blog macam dulu kala :o)
Hello Rima,
Merry Christmas to you and your family. Hope you enjoy the celebration and the holidays.
Warm Regards,
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