Christmas songs hv been playing non stop and i hv yet to get our christmas tree.. i think its been 4yrs since we last used a "fake" one.. i much prefer the live tree.. it gives that wonderful pine smell around the house tho it means i have to vacuum the floor twice as much.. oh well.. its ok.. u cant hv all the good things in life without having to work extra ey..
So some hv requested me to show what i got at LV.. i am sorry but i cant do that.. its just weird showing off things like that.. i much prefer to share what i got associated to say.. baking stuff and kitchen gadgets like this one below hehhe.. my new coffee machine.. finally i got to take u home with me "George Clooney" ahaksss .. this sexy machine makes super super nice espresso.. i love it!! it is now sitting right next to my less than a year auto coffee machine :op (But its ok... they dont fight... they are both DeLonghi hahaha).

To be honest.. I think my 18kg of excess baggage comes mainly fm my baking chocolate.. i brought home with me a big carton box containing just baking chocolate and yes i think it will last me for a year lol.. am happy cos hb has no issue whatsoever when it comes to baking stuff.. he doesnt like it if i buy just a box or even one or two bars of couverture chocolate.. when i buy he makes sure i buy lots.. period..

When Vero told me that the best chocolate is not even Valrhona.. that most of the pâtisserie in France hv been using Cocoa Barry since it has been around since 1842.. I was literally sold.. (but whether it is really better is yet to be proven..)
So off we went to this small shop close to their house that carries mainly Cocoa Barry products.. they are only open twice a week (wed and sat) and i was lucky enough that we were there on one of the open days.. when we got to the shop.. i was like in la la land .. they hv different kinda of chocolate as in percentage wise.. they got ur typical praline.. they got ur baking and drinking cocoa powder.. they hv tempering powder.. they even sell callebaut barry mousse powder.. i was like.. geesshhh i wish i cud buy all of them but i cant.. we dont want any excess baggage do we hehe .. anyway i bought a few boxes of chocolate.. bought their cocoa powder and also their mousse powder.. i had asked my SIL to buy me Marmer couveture chocolate fm Vienna so that settles it.. i was a one happy woman that day :o) As it turns out the shop is not just - a shop. Its the retail outlet located right outside the Cocoa Barry factory!

Well ok enough intro abt my new found chocolate.. after 2wks of not having the chance to prepare anything in my kitchen.. I decided on this simple desert which u can prepare within 5 mins.. u need 200g of mousse chocolate powder.. u need 1/4 litres of milk.. whisk it using high speed for 5 mins and pipe it into ur desired mould.. cling wrap it and let it set for 2hrs .. this callebaut dark chocolate mousse is to die for!! yummehh

Note: U actually can get Cocoa Barry at Kitchen Capers here in Singapore!
ya ka can get @ KC? i thoti only saw Valrhona..this calls for a trip down kan..thanks for sharing..da 3 tempat nak kena pegi ni..SL,ToTT & KC
and that mousse...da leh imagine kelazatan dia!!!!
alamak rima,pagi2 dah buat air liur i meleleh he3
btwi nak tau yr personal fav for resipi for biskut suji n chocolate chip cookies coz i saw u has a few. tks
coklattttttttttttt.... geram haku menengoknyer! huH! kiut la rim bekas mousse tuh! coffee machine tuh pong dah lama aku mengidam.. mmg nak bli tp bila pikir2 nak balik mesia, better bli mesia... haiihhh semua bende aku nak! hahahahaha
bekas mousse pn bru punye jugak ke kak??never seen b4..hehe..
wow... choc... memang betul2 la la land.. welcome back Rima.
salam rima...macam mana yea nak komen, sebab tak boleh nak tulis dah, semuanya cantik2..lawa2..moga rima dan family baik2 saja yea...
Hi Rima,
You are right. Cacao Berry is the best (not valrhona) :)
yes i agree why want to flaunt your lv, itew utk syok sendiri....well at least tt"s what i do, he he!
nak nak cocoa barry!and good to see back in baking arena!
OMG Rima.. your chocolates haul are to die for!!!!!!
wahahaha, byk giler choc bars...ur hbby suka u beli byk2...other thing also count x? if dat d case..i shud go meet u la rima..then can introduce my hbby to urs..kot2 leh bg advice kat my hbby? hahahahaha
btw, i mention to my hbby, if we happen to go to s'pore..i nk g totts...dia ckp ape ade? bila crite aje..dia jeling panjang..hahhaha
hi Rima..welcome back ! that's a mean machine you've got there :) cantik ramekins for your mousse tu !
After we got home fm that little shop in france kita terus google if this chocolate ade kat s'pore.. it says KC jual but i tak tahu lah if ade ke tidak.. the last time i saw cuma ade Valrhona kat sana .. probably cos thats what i was looking for when i last went there.. sekarang maybe KC carry cocoa barry too?
Any kinda mousse memang hot fav ku especially chocolate hehe
My fav suji is the one that i bake waktu nak raya and chocolate chip of cos the 'almost famous amos chocolate chip' :o)
Hana.. kita kalau boleh semua pong nak hahahha.. bila gi negeri orang barang dapur jugak lah yg kita tengok.. kalau boleh selagi selagan mesin nak bawak balik.. pakal aje berat nak mamp*s .. anyway that bekas i got it fm Maison kat sana.. tempat tu .. fuyuuhhhh power temak!
U coming back to M'sia?? bila tu? nanti bila balik boleh lah bawak balik si george clooney ahakss
Ah ah lah RIA.. bekas tu baru ku beli kat sana.. cute mute tau barang they all ni.. if boleh nak hangkut semua haha
Ty Yan.. memang lah kita owang pompuan ni.. part chocolate suami depan mata pun tak nampak haha
Ty Cik Mat for ur doas.. alhamdullilah..
You think so too Sally?? i hv yet to try it out.. so far Valrhona gave me the taste and colour that i want.. we will see when i next use it in my baking.. :o)
Ahhhh part shiok sendiri yg paling shiok tu haha
Hehe Betty Boop.. i am still in la la land :op
rima,yr resipi tk blh cut n paste ye?
i nak print tapi tak blh :o
Muahaha Jun.. mari sini and i intro ur hubby to mine.. nanti dia akan basuh sikit ur hb kah3.. yg benar my hb malas nak drive me to baking shop tu sebab dia kata if nak beli.. beli lebih2.. barang lain dia tak suruh lebib2 pulak haha
Si George Clooney tu memang nampak mean kan hehehe.. ty ty.. i am well rested now.. :o)
Sabariah use control C to copypaste
Hi Rima,
Confirm KC have it. http://www.kitchencapers.net/shopstore/ingredients.htm You can find it at their website here :)
ohhhh choc! i luv it so much...
Rima,,tks for de tip abt KC..Selama ni didnt know abt its existence..based on wats on their website I like wat I see...several brands/stuffs tak pernah nampak kat SL, AiLin n PhoonHuat,,,I'll surely make a trip there one fine Sat..location pun takdelah jauh sngt coz i stay kat eastern part pun
Rima, the chocolate look so marvellous heehee.... alhamdullilah u dah selamat pulang ke tanahair....sebab berita bagi tahu salji tebal melanda paris.
Dan akak nak said TQ sebab ari tu akak buat chocolate cookies ala2 amous resepi rima heehee... memang sedap pun tapi akak lupa ambik gambar sebab xcite nak makan...
hi rima,just wanna dbl cfm,the suj resepi is it the one using ghee or ground almond?coz i tot u did both during eid.tq :]
sabaria with no 'h' :x
i almost choked looking at the mousse pictures. just love dark chocolates
one of the reasons why, when it comes to food blogs i only visit yours and two others...no more no less
welcome home dear! wonderful picssss too!
p/s: cepatX2 ler warm up the oven..tak sabar nie...:P
I know Sally.. thats how i found out that they actually carry it but whether they really do carry em i dont know cos the last time i went there i didnt see.. all i cud see was valrhona..
Who doesnt ey Moklong.. dari budak hingga mak budak.. hingga ke nyayi .. semua suka chocolate hehe
Ohhh so ur in singapore eh Laksa.. i didnt know that .. well yeah.. i hv only been there twice.. they hv all sorts of cookie cutter.. go there lah and they are open till late..
Tak boleh! muahahha.. eh when u do come here go and get baking chocolate lah.. kat sg ni ade all the good chocolate there is..
Idaman Hati
ty ye kak for trying that cookies.. tu my hb punya fav and guess what.. esok pagi i hv to bake it for someone.. maklum christmas around the corner so hv to bake to gv to close friends.. anyway yes waktu kat paris airport they all tutup and waktu kita kat frankfurt... airport they all pulak tutup.. lucky the next day waktu kita due to fly back.. frankfurt airport dibuka semula.. :o)
opssy daisy.. sabaria.. sorry i thought ur name ade "h" hehe.. ok the suji recipe is the one that i bake during ramadhan.. the one that uses ghee.. that one sedap macam suji bai..
LOL Noir... i still hv it in my fridge.. nak?? hehe
Ty ty.. glad u berkenan this humble blog of mine.. :op
Ty babe.. i dah well rested cuma i cant do much cos tmrw we will be driving up to Penang .. so it looks like i will only really start my engine when we come home fm our short hols..
Lots of chocolates.
Rima..can i ask where to get the mousse powder tu..?
Arrggghhhh Rima, banyaknya chocolates... Kalo u rasa terlalu banyak, pass kan lah pat sini sikit... heheheh... cam tak tau malu gitu eh...
Btw, nak tanya, have you ever come across resipi kek lapis ice-cream?
Oh and welcome back!!!! :)
wah wah wah ... tgk tu chocolate dia berbar-bar ...
kak rima wen u say cling wrap it for 2hrs ... meaning in room temperature or in the fridge?
Tell me abt it SJB.. i am in heaven hehe
If ur in sg try and call up kitchen capers if they do sell em.. i got mine in france :o(
Ty Azlin
I think i hv heard of cake lapis ice cream but i hv never try baking em.. nanti one fine day when i am little bit free.. i will try and look for the recipe and bake it..insyallah..
Nak chocolate?? hehhe :op
..amboi, dari France !! ok tks i cuba tanya KC. tks Rima !
u cling wrap the top then u place it in ur fridge to set.. min 2hrs ok
yep i got it fm that little shop yg sells cocoa barry.. u call KC and see if they sells the dark chocolate mousse powder yah..
ic ... hee hee ... thanks kak rima ... have a good day
Salam Rima,
wah Rima you are back dear! Hahaha must be enjoying ur life ya...itu chocolate buat knur jadi juling melihatnya...hahaha.
No worries Ilah and hv a good weekend ok
I looooove yr blog. And I constantly check to see what you have. Give me semangat to bake pulak. hehehee
Btw, I'm heading to Paris in a week's time....boleh share with me tak the address for the store Maison & Cocoa Barry in France? I need to stock up on some chocolates too. Or maybe lots of it. hehehehe.
TQ Rima. Bisous Bisous.
salam kak rima..
akak professional photographer ke?
cantik betul laaa gambar tu..
n i really adore your photos and your baking styles..
Ah ah lah KNur.. my pantry fridge penuh sesak dgn baking stuff .. my hb kata macam ade cafe haha
Salam Fara and ty ..
Tak ah.. i am not a professional photographer hehe.. my hb bought me this camera last christmas so kira baru setahun jagung lah akak berjinak2 dgn my camera.. i hv a lot more to learn dear :op
Ooh, that picture on top is so drool-worthy!
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