By the time u guys read this.. we will be on our way to Frankfurt.. staying there for a night bef our flight back home.. we did our last min shopping at La Vallée Village (factory outlet).. hb and his.. what else if its not RL and of cos Longchamp for madame hehe..
Our Paris hols ended this morning.. i did what i had planned to do.. tks to hb.. i managed to go to both Pierre Herme and Laduree twice.. I also managed to go to Maisons to get a few household stuff and bought what i had wanted to buy.. i lap u lah hb for spoiling me here in Paris :op

A lot more choices when it comes to flavors.. cost me 13 euros for 6pcs.. i bought 12pcs and bringing home some for both my sista..

Honestly.. both hb and i thinks that when it comes to macarons.. Pierre Herme gets our two thumbs up.. dont get me wrong yah.. we both love the taste of Laduree macarons but Pierre Herme macarons has a better texture..biting into a PH macaron is more about the filling.. the macaron itself does not overpower. The laduree macaron has a slightly thicker texture so eating it is a melange of the sweetness of the macaron and the filling.. so to each his own.. cost me 16 euros for 7 pcs.. they use luster dust on their macarons.. niceeeee!

A trip to Paris will not be complete w/o gng into LV and coming out with a big smile hehehe
wah best nye dpt go LV cuma dpt go LV petaling sreet or pandan city je.wakkakkakka..have a safe journey back home sis
Such a nice and sweet husband you have, you made me miss paris a lot!
For us (me la..orang lain tak taw ler) mere mortals, lepas kluar dari LV, akan senyum sekejap jer, thereafter replaced by pikiran kusut masai, nak kira baper bulans nak kena posa..muehehehehe
nanti ai sambut u pat airport eh, tolong angkatkan bag LV tu bawak balik trus pi reservoir..kahkahkah...(ayat pendengki!!)
Hanya boleh cuci mata tengok macaron tuh.. Tak perlah.. tengok pun boleh kira kenyang lah.. Anyway, berapa besau K.Rima punya smile after kua LV.. Hehehe... Mesti tido pun senyum lagik yer.. Hope your happy days continues... Take care!
apekah yg telah mmbuatkn kak Rima big smile??xmau tunjuk ke??xcited to know...=)
nak pierre herme, nak lv....drool drool....
Aduyai macarons! Lagi jeles nih.
Kita tahu awak mesti g LV nya, tunjuk sikit gambo beg LV tu ye.
kak rima....
bestnyer Paris!!!...saya sangat suka...insya-Allah nak ke sana jugak satu hari nanti....:-))
Wah....just look at d LV dats calling for u!! Beli jgn tak Beli! Best eh shoppin--m stuck on bed for 2days oready!! Hate fever!! U guys njoyz n have a safe flight home... Li-lin
OMG, I will totally be 10kg heavier if I go to Paris! Lucky you!!
aiyarkkk LV!!!
tidor dlm senyuman la nih :p
saya ingat nak gi disney yang kat paris dulu,yang kat states last,maklum saving the best for last :]
Dah bagus dapat LV cap PS and PC.. boleh tukar2 anytime haha
Awww Jess.. hes not sweet all the time lol.. but when hes in that mood i will not push away that chances hehe
Itew sebab i only will go into LV every 5 yrs or as and when we go to Paris.. if every year boleh kusut masai rambut ku dibuatnye.. hehe
Messy Mummy..
Alah bila keluar senyum lepas tu terkial kial bawak naik plane.. if not cos i nak dapat balik tax return i tak kuasa nak hangkut kotak kesana sini.. buat malu aje.. sampai flight attendant teased me hehe
Alah RIA.. LV = handbag so tak yah lah show show.. malu wei
Nak PH boleh.. LV pi mintak ur hb haha
Actually kan i didnt wanna go in but bef we left paris city my hb drove pass the boutique then stop on the side road.. he said.. go in and get urself one bag.. go..
So i terus jumped out of the car and went in myself.. after 15mins i came out with a big paper bag haha
Kalau ade rezki pergi lah 3E.. budak2 sure suka disneyland.. mak budak lagi lah suka dapat naik all the kiddy rides hehe
There was a super long queue to go in the first night we were there so i told ur BIL tak yah lah.. then out of the blue he drove me there and told me to go in while he wait in the car.. ape lagi.. terus grab hehe
hehe dont ask me how much i hv gained
Cek Chun
welcome welcome to my blog.. dah tak senyum cos too tired ni :o)
Good idea.. expectation always ade if u dah pernah gi yg kat states.. for a starter go to euro disney then straight to to orlando one.. huge huge difference :o)
i'm staring at my pasar LC handbag now thinking.. "bila lah boley tukar jad LV pulak!" hahahaha
pics are gorgeous! (yg ni and entry selepas ini yg snow tebal2 tu... love the landscape mode! )
Hehe one fine day ur LC will tukar jadi LV.. its been awhile since i last beli LV.. last one was a wallet.. this few round i hv been buying gucci.. tak tahu apasal..
I think if u go to europe ape yg u ambil akan jadi cantik one.. different lah when u take shots kat asia..
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