No updates.. had a busy weekend but that doesnt mean i didnt bake anything.. friday i took Sonia for a train ride to papa's workplace.. she is super excited when it comes to train rides cos her mama is too lazy to take a train anywhere.. i hv no issues if ppl are courteous enough to gv a toddler a seat but it pisses me off if someone just pretends to close their eyes aka "sleep" even tho they know theres a toddler right infront of their nose! haizz dont know why some err most S'poreans behave like that :o(
Last Saturday we decided to stay in and do our typical weekend housework and only went out for dinner.. I was down with very bad gastric flu cos typical me.. i had forgotten to eat anything the night bef.. soooo lesson learnt.. eat something even if its small.. anyway.. on Sunday since i was still recovering fm gastric.. i decided to stay in and called sis Lyn's kids to come by to play with Sonia.. they stayed till late.. mom and dad came by.. my cousin, sis Rita came by with her hb and son.. in the end our house was full with guests and what did i baked in time of emergency?? Congo bars hahaha
I had baked macarons the night bef and had a few slices of my mousse cake.. so desert wasnt an issue.. i cooked soto and baked pizza for dinner.. no pic of pizza, no pic of soto and no pic of congo bars cos i dont take pics of food that i cooked :op
Today i managed to bake two types of cake for Eid.. which i will be posting tmrw cos right now i am really kaput.. half of my day today was "dedicated" to clean Hairi's room cos that boy... sighhhh... dont know what to say.. hes 20 and he can be a pain.. u know how boys can be and i am too tired to even nag at him anymore.. long story short.. i managed to do what i had wanted to do today.. the only thing that i didnt get to do is to take pics of my bake today.. i promise i will try to do it bef i go to my moms place for our typical eve of Eid family reunion dinner tmrw.
Bef i go.. i thought i share with u girls something..and to our men in our life.. get it?? hahaha

Salam aidil adha utk Rima sekeluarga...
Salam kak rim! selamat hari raya aidiladha buat akak n family! dah ok ke kak? jgn lupa makan okeyyyyy org gastric ni mmg begituuu.. statement kat bwh tuuuu, kita biasanyer yg no 6 tu wakakakakaka....
hahha..this is great, should be distributed in a flyer..haha..many a times, I've seen a thanks a lot escalated to whateva!!!! bware!!!ahakssss..
and i thought i've mastered the language of women :}
p.s nice music collection
i used all d words..wahahaahaaa...selamat hariraya korban rima n family....take care...raye2 x best sakit..hehe
Ty Cik Mat.. Salam aidil adha to u n ur family too.. :o))
miss the sunday event..emmm..was very2 buzy with the things going on with my inlaws.will catch up with you girls with eid k..misss you all
Dah ok cuma kadang to perut tegang.. Ade gas. Haha...
No 6... woahhh itu dinamakan diam2 tapi berisi.. still better dari me yg most of the time used all 9 muahaha
Babe.. this is my scenario when i am pissed off
Hb: Why?
Rima: Nothing... walk away avoid eye contact
Hb: Then why ur face like that?
Rima: Nothing lahhhhh (the calm bef the storm hahaha)
Hb: There must be something..
Then blahbalblablahblahhhhh%^&^%$%(&&%#@!
Tks alot
Dont worry abt it.. I got it!
and i hv nbr 10 tau..
Rima: Ok ok.. u win first prize.. want a garland ard ur neck??!! kahkahkah
Muahahaha... No u hv not mastered anything kahkahkah
Hahaha.. all the words eh.. itu dinamakan wanita melayu terakhir.. just like me.. ayu and anggun diluar.. didalam berbisa tauuuu hahahha
Sunday event wasnt a planned one.. just so happened they come over to my place.. for the sake of hanging out.. see u later Beauty!
tabik spring kat you..dalam keadaan emergency boleh lagi prepare macam2 for your guests...heheheh.. mcm ni i pun nak terjah rumah you lah..hahahaha
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha to you and your family..
Betoi. betoi, betoi. Ha..ha.ha.
Selamat Hari Raya Haji. Ari ni puasa hari Arafah. Harap-harap hujanlah petang ni, sejuk. Taklah kehausan.
press for time...make congo solution too...salam aidil adha rima!
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha to u and ur family too..
Terjah?? bolehhh kita tengok siapa yg kenaaaaa hahaha
Kat sini hujan lebat bangat.. termakbul permintaan mu wakai cik Melati heheh
Selamt Hari Raya korban buat u sekeluarga ok.. :op
Salam aidil adha to u and ur family too..
Congo Bars.. the fastest the easiest and the yummiest hahaha
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