Wishing all Muslim around the world.. Happy Eid Ul Adha.. May the magic of Eid warm ur world with happiness and fill ur life with joy and good cheer.. :o)

Everyone loves this cake.. the softness... the taste.. the sweetness is just right.. will definately be baking this cake again and again.. ty bro rozzan for sharing this wonderful recipe :op

270g butter - I used unsalted butter and add 1/4tsp salt
250g Hong Kong flour
230g caster sugar
10g cocoa powder
6 large eggs
2 tbsp condense milk
1 tbsp ovalette
1 tbsp tap water
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla / vanilla powder
1 tbsp black forest paste - i added.. u can use chocolate paste if u want
Nutella spread
1) Beat butter, milk and vanilla together and beat until fluffy. Set aside.
2) In another bowl whisk eggs, ovalette, water, baking powder, flour and sugar into a mixing bowl. Beat until fluffy and thick.
3) Combine batter A and B. Mix well.
4) Remove the 1 / 4 of batter and mix with cocoa powder and black forest paste. Stir well.
5) Prepare greased cake tin measuring 8 x 8 inches
6) Add 3 scoops of plain dough and a scoop of cocoa mix, and repeat this method until all the batter are use.. marble it ..
7) Bake cake batter in oven at 180C for 45-50 minutes.
8) Let the cake cool before slicing it into two parts..spread with Nutella. Leave in fridge for a few hrs or a night bef serving.

Oh bef i go.. My trip to TOTT - Superb!! do go there tmrw girls cos that place is heaven!! hahaha
Selamat hari raya buat Rima dan keluarga juga. MasyaAllah, gambar-gambar Rima ni buat mama teruja je!
salam aidiladha buat rima & family juga ya..nordicware kat tott dah 1/2 the price yg kita beli dulu, apa lagi rembat lah 2-3 ..hehe..korban duit ai..tak apa REDHA!..hehhehe..
ai masuk sana, kehulu kehilir, tawaf, semuanya ada..tak sedar dah kat dalam tu lama sangat....beli punya beli sampai dapat jadi member kau..kakakakahhh
Salam kak rimaaaa!!!! salam aidil adha kembali buat akak se family! weeeeee.... nk buat jgklah kek kat atas ni! sbb ari ni kita KEKURANGAN kerja sikit wakakakaka.... alamakkkkk TOTT tuuuu mmg heaven lerrr org2 yg berpenyakit mcm akak dgn kita jgklah! wakakakaka... sonoknyerr lah klau kat sini ada jugak! huh!
salam aidiladha buat kak rim sekeluarga..semoga bergembira menyambutnya...sangat cantik marble kek ni..... tangan sifu yang seni memang sangat admire!!
salam aidil adha wat rim n famili..ko msk apa tuh rim?? bau menyengat kat idong aku! mau mauuu..... kek spoloh buku jgn lupa! kekekekeke
salam aidiadha to u & ur family rima. nnti post pic of ur raya menu ok!
Same to u too Mama.. hv a good one and thank u Mama :o)
Ah ah seh.. yesterday sebelum gi my mom house sempat i paksa my hb to take me there.. sampai sana my hb said.. take what u want.. i pun ape lagi.. terus tolak itew trolly hahahha.. sampai tak sedar waktu bila kat disneyland aka TOTT hahaha..
Korban memang harusssss.. mana boleh keluar lengang kangkong hahaha
Penyakit macam kita itew diharus kan.. bukan nye kita buang kat mana mana pun duit they all.. kan kan kan.. balik balik buat they all kenyangkan perut.. save duit tak yah gi cafe ahakkkksss
Eh when u balik pontian.. singgah sini.. i take u to TOTT.. :o)
Same to u too Izah.. i no sifu lah.. sama aje kita ni semua.. ade kala marble jadi cantik.. ade kala macam muka akak kau jugak.. kerepot kerepot hahahha
Kau bak sini itew soto.. i loike very the much lah makan soto :o)
Tak masak pong.. semalam malam raya makan kat rumah mak.. then nanti lunch time gi rumah mak again.. and dinner go rumah my nyai.. kan dah settle.. tak yah susah susah basuh periuk hehe
Likewise Maya and congrats dear!!
selamat hari raya aidil adha untuk rima dan keluarga...jangan lupa tayang menu raya ye! ;)
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha Rima. Will definitely try this out coz i have lots of sweetened condensed milk in my pantry.
Salam Aidiladha Rima & Family,
hehe...ketawa knur baca comment u itew..haa seronok bila boss dah beri green light take what u want...sib baik u tak cakap I want all...hehe.
Rima, marble kek tu menguder, seperti biasa baking u mmg tip top...foto pun menguder kalbu...dah rima knur tak boleh puji byk2 nanti u tergulek2 keriangan gituu...hih.Don't mind erk just joking only!
Likewise Zarin.. hope u had a good one.. no menu raya cos i no masak.. makan rumah my mom and my nyai :op
Salam aidil adha to u and ur family too.. cuba lah.. no 1 hit kat rumah my mom tu hehehe
Alahhh KNur.. its ok.. i no tergolek.. just sengaja golek golek atas lantai hahaha..
Eh when hb said take what u want.. dalam hati ade berkata kata.. nanti karang aku ambik semua pandeh muko mu hahah
Babe, Ada tinggalkan ai sebijik nordic tak???kang ai pegi..dah no stock, dibalun oleh cik ayu & cik rima..ahakssss..apakan daya, ku tak bule korbankan trip to in-laws today.....belum kluar rumah, telefon dah berdering..."dah kluar lom??" amacam nak menyinggah ke TOTT kan...
u mean to the "talk of the town" hehehe.. dah habis.. tak yah gi muahaha
Tak pe.. tdy tak singgah.. tmrw can singgah.. if tak de chance.. tunggu sampai weekend.. :op
Aiyoooo kak rima, bukan pontian lorrr Wakakakaka.... Kota tinggi, dekat aktres dgn seberang :D
Muakahkahkah.. ada salah kahhh.. aiyoooooo kan dah cfm akak kau dah tua kerepot.. hahahha
Hi Rima.. i hv just recently been a silent lurker in ur blog. therapeutic sekali tengok pics of ur bakes ! Inspiring :) I was at TOTT tuesday evening..i ternampak u and cam star-struck gitu..malulah pulak nak say Hi!
Suka ah tempat tu..will definitely return :)
~ Ddah
salam eidul adha kak rima...nak tanya ni...nutella spread tu akak letak masa nak serve ke? i ni budak baru belajar...i salah kak rima ajarkan blh kan???
Ty for leaving footprint Deedah..
Ye ker?.. lahhh u star struck kat my little Sonia tak?? hehhe.. next time must say hi lah.. boleh kita berkenalan hehehe
Likewise Linda.. tu nutella u spread once ur cake dah sejuk and dah dibelah dua.. then after ur spread nutella.. u wrap dgn cling wrap and terus masuk fridge.. after a few hrs boleh lah u slice em.. :op
Tks Rima :)
Raya Haji ni, i baked 4 Sicilian Orange cakes to give away to fmly and frens..sedap !!
Alhamdullilah deedah.. sicilian orange cake senang and sedap dimakan :o)
Salam Kak Rima.
I'm just curious. How do you slice the cake into two before spreading the nutella? Boleh dapat even slicing ke? Any tips you want to share?
I'm a beginner baker. so amatlah helpless nye when it comes to this.
Salam Anonymous.. i hope i will be able to adrs u by name someday :op
I sliced all my layer cakes using the wilton cake slicer.. u boleh adjust the height ..
Ohhhh, that makes sense to me now. i was imagining slicing was done using a knife, hence the question of getting an even cut. forgive me, the beginner.teehee. thanks so much sis. as a nutella lover, i must try this.
Anon = ita. =)
No worries Ita.. Cuba lah n let me know the outcome.. Gd luck!
Hi Rima, I tried making this cake, it came out oily i.e. u can actually see a layer of oil on your finger when you touch the base of the cake...i m a beginner in baking. could not figure out why it happened even though i followed the steps and ingredients thoroughly:( any idea what went wrong? thanks:)
Hmmm did u leave ur butter far too long bef u beat em?? ur butter has to be room temp and shud not look like a melted butter..
that could be it....so the butter must hold its shape? how many hour(s) do you leave your butter at room temperature before beating it?
for abt 2hrs.. depending very much on what brand of butter u use yah..
thanks Rima:)
Halo Rima,
Regarding this HK flour, is it cake flour or pau flour? or something totally different?
Hi Freida
Hmm.. i think Hong Kong flour is also pau flour cos some ppl use hk flour to make pau.. if u dont hv hk flour u can sub with cake flour..
Halo Rima,
Thanks so much for your prompt reply.
I will try this tonight with Cake Flour and let you know how it went.
Your blog is a de-stress tool for me. Reading it & looking at all the beautiful photo of cakes make me forget all my problems. It is also a source of inspiration to me to learn to bake and decorate cakes.
May god bless you and your family.
Ty Freida
How did it go??
Hi Sis Rima,
I baked this nutella marble today bt the cake is uncooked in the middle aft 50mins at 180C. Put it back in bt still soft in the middle. Did not get the fluffy cake like yours. I plan to bake again. Any advise Sis?
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