Time: 09.42pm
Venue: Dusseldorf
Weather: Very very cold.. freezing.. yikes!
Mood: Not soo good.. not too impressed with the weather to be honest.. probably i dont even know what to talk abt on this post as i am having a brain freeze lol
Peak Agenda: Well yeah.. we got into Frankfurt safely yesterday.. flight was delayed fm Sg to KLIA.. flight fm KLIA was delayed to Frankfurt and bec of that we missed our train to Dusseldorf.. oh well.. typical.. expected. But to hv to pay like 170 euros on top of what we had already paid online is a little frustrating.. Scheisse ey..
Taking ICE train was Sonia's first experience.. we thought its the best way to get to Dusseldorf.. renting a car was not an option since hb doesnt need a car to get him to and fro to the exhibition center for the next few days.. anyway when we got into frankfurt it was snowing slightly but as soon as we passed Cologne area.. we noticed that the area was covered in snow at least 8cm deep!
Long story short.. when we finally got into Dusseldorf it was snowing lightly and Sonia was like in awe lol.. it was the same when i first got to touch snow 15yrs ago hehe
Hb's sis flew in fm Vienna to Dusseldorf the very same day and has been spending every little time with little Sonia eerr except when she sneaks out while we're putting Sonia to bed to head back to her hotel.
Below are some of the pics taken fm the time we were waiting to board on the ICE train till the time when we had enough of the cold weather for today lol

Brrr.. brrrr and brrrrr.. yikes!

We hv been to Dusseldorf three times so far and our first at the Melia Dusseldorf.. the room is 'spacious' for European standards.. big buffet spread which to me is important cos it means different kinds of bread that i can enjoy hehhe

A park that is right next to our hotel.. Sonia lovessss it! this morning we woke up to -3 degree temp and we still took her to the park after brekkie.. she was running around and wasnt complaining abt the weather at all... I on the other hand was feeling super cold eventho i had like a few pcs of clothing underneath my jacket.. maybe i shud be running around like her to make myself feel warm?? No?? err

Kissing under a mistletoe tree.. hehe

Oh yeahhhh Rima.... why of all the positions do u hv to bend down like that!! eewwww what a sight hahahaha

The Rhine River promenade. Lots of tourist boats and container barges. The Rhine is the most important transport method through Germany. A lot of goods are still sent up and down this river...

You girls wanna know what she calls a maple leave?? hehe featherrrr.. why?? .. beats me.. and ahem bibik Silvia .. whats with that sexy look?? haha

Papa's little angel...

There are a few Christmas markets all around Dusseldorf.. The Christmas markets are spread throughout the City and feel very movie-like. The smell of spices and pine trees. A lot of people looking at Christmas souvenirs from hand blown glass ornaments, to paintings and wooden figurines. There are stalls selling Sausages, Crepes, Gluehwein (heated red wine with spices). There are shops selling tablecloth and bretzels. One of the Christmas markets even has a 450m2 ice skating rink. So more pictures of that in a few days time!

She went crazy over each and every merry-go-round she could see...Yep.. she will ride it at least twice..

Taking a short break.. its like a must just to get ur body to that warm state again bef u start to walk again..

Bro and sis.. dont u agree that they look alike.. err well except hb has lost a lot more hair eversince he got married into the Kassim family muahahha

Ok kids.. we really hv to get back to the hotel... Mama is freezinggggg
Its close to 11.10pm here and i am heading to bed now.. i dont even know how many times i will be waking up bef sholat subur.. nevertheless tmrw the temp is gonna be -6 deg.. OUCHHH
Sonia is so adorable looking! Macam a cuddly bear ready to be hugged with all the winter clothing.
And Mama Sonia looked kesejukan, hehehe....
salam pagi Isnin dari Johor untuk rima dan keluarga...seronok singgah blog u ni, boleh release tension, longgar sikit muka ku yang ketat ini..haha, yang penting tak "pengsannn" dah... ;-)
sonia....so comel n so cute je dengan itu bibik sexy tu ;-)
owh, like ur phote yg black n white tgh jalan ngan sonia tu...comel
anyway, have fun babe! although i know the wheather is super duper freezing eh ;D
can i be your step bro,son, dad, whatever? love those pics...you have a great time rima
wa..best tgk gambo2..rse cm ikot skali p sne..hehe..tang gambo sonia lg la geram..cntik itu topi lorr..mau 1 bole ke kak??hikhik..
have a great snowing fun sis and good to hear you arrive safely there."KASUT MCM KENAL AJE"
woww suka la sonia pic kat park tu.. sejuk nya dah negetive tapi sonia tetap maintain mcm tak ada apa apa pun...bijakkk bijakkk...hehe
couldn't stop sniggering with your remark 'Married into Kassim family'... I agree ... my hubby is balding too (penangan Kassim clan) and so is my bro... :D
Have a good holiday..
rima...beautiful, cantik, pretty, gorgeous.....no matter how you pose ok...and of course your darling sonia and the entire family! enjoy!
Salam kak rima, wah dah sampai ek..selamat bercoti-coti;)
bestlah nengok permandangan sana walau sejukkk..;)nk smpai san ntahkan bile so hayati gambar2 kt uma akak ni..tu pon ok dah..
Hallo, und wie Sie sind...Rima
(konon2 nak "speaking"....hope it's sound right)
Sonia looks so cute! Enjoying herself in spite of the weather.... Good on her.
Tried your "Condensed Milk Pound Cake"....it turns out nice and so yummy. Thanks again Rima.
Nehmen Sie Sorge und tschus jetzt.
Salam Norita
oh oh oh..... saya sungguh jelous!!!!! bestnyer rima.. i miss snow too... cantiknya tpt tu... and the park..
betulla kids mmg mcm 'kebal' dengan sejuk... i read somewhere kids can adjust their body temperature better than adults sbb tu they all ni mmg tak sejuk ketar mcm kita kalau kat tpt2 camnie.. sonia mcm model iklan gap! hahaha... have fun and pls post loads of pics k!
Hello from Singapore Rima. Nice holiday pictures.
Your daughter looks so cute and smart in the winter wear...
Comelnya Princess Sonia. Emak dia pun comel gak. I suka gambar black & white tu, so nostalgic.
Nanti cite pasal roti yang U makan tu e.
finally a new entry fm u....feels like sumting missing wen i dont get to read new posts fm u these few days.
For a 2 yr old kiddo Sonia is def very stylish
Budak kecik ape they wear pun tetap akan look adorable and mama dia bukan nampak aje.. tulang ku semua sakit.. maklum kulit dan tulang dah lama pakai haha
Cik Mat tension ke? salute sama u cos macam mana tension pong.. tetap ade posting di blog mu
Nebermind wokey.. singgah here and i will take away all the ketatness on ur face muahahha
Will do Zarin.. macam mana sejuk akan ku lalui cos tdy is monday aka shopping malls open and that means.. walking to town is a big YES YES muahahha
Heheh ur saying that just so u can come here too right?? kahkahkah
U wouldnt want to be here right now haha.. sejuk sangat sampai nak keluar malam kena think twice hehe
Muahahha sis Beauty.. yg pasti boot kulit ku tetap membuat jari jemari ku kaku.. akan ku pi beli different boot tdy :op
Budak Sonia maintain cos dia terlonjak lonjak and lari lari.. kita kalau start buat tu semua nanti orang ingat.. apakahhh?? haha
Muahaha Lisa.. ty ty.. i guess the Kassims got the power!
Ye ker?? lain macam aje pose i kahkahkah.. yg benar camera woman hardly dapat di potret kan so bila my hb took photo of me.. begitu lah jadi nye :oP
Salam Mummyseri
Orang kata bila tengok gambar terasa macam kita kat sana juga.. shiok kan tak payah naik flight.. aleh aleh dah sampai hehe
Adehhhhh mu cakap bahasa ape tu kahkahkah
I hv been well ty and am trying to figure out what to wear this morning hehhe
No worries.. that cake.. i like.. glad it turned out good for u!
Bis bald!
Only Sonia ke yg macam model Gap.. mama nye?? muakahkahkah
Kita ni semua sama tau.. bila dah lama tak gi tempat snow kita miss it.. bila dah sampai kita macam nak lari lintang pukang balik hotel haha
Budak memang gitew.. they all ni bukan ape.. they tak realise how sejuk the weather is.. everytime kita nak keluar macam ade war zone cos tak nak pakai selagi selagan baju.. tak nak pakai thermal lah.. tak nak pakai jacket lah.. yg kita tua bangka.. part nak keluar aje nak kena mentally prepared hahaha
Ty Sally and Wen.. shes adorable isnt she :o)
semalam niat dihati nak ambik gambo roti kesayangan ku tapi ape kan daya.. ramai sangat orang.. nanti orang ingat kita macam jakun pulak nak ambik gambar roti haha
adehhh u miss me kah?? hehehe.. ty ty.. bila lagi sibudak sonia nak gaya cam gitew if not winter time.. cuba pakai cam gitew balik sg... berpeluh peluh dibuatnye hehe
Kesian u kesejukkan Rima...Sonia is such a cutie. Luv her leopard pwints beanie...hehehez. Dia tak cabut pulak tu eh, such a gd girl. My daughter pakaikan aper dkt kepala semua dia cabut...nasib baik lah skarang dah ok. :)
Enjoy urself and keep warm..pakai thermals 2 lapis sekali lah utk menahan kesejukkan....hehehez ;)
sonia so cute....bak cini...comelllll.....mama sonia jg comelll....siap tangkap seksi lam gmba....
gorgeous b&w pics..love it!..have a great time!
hello..hello..from malaysia..hahahha....sejuk eh rima? dekat sini pon..tp no snow, just rain..pon i dah x tahan...so, cannot go oversea lah..hahhaa, gud reason eh? nway..njoy ur holiday..just go to the shopping mall..sure can make u warm a lil..keh3
Salam Rima...waaaaaaaaaaa on holiday rupanya....sukanya tengok Sonia n mak sedaranya tu eh...mesra alam betuiii...x kesah jek eh...Rima, may you have fun and enjoy your holiday...sonok tgk gambar2 Rima nih...mcm kata Mat, release tension..tp akak x ketat muka cam Mat, dia mmg la...tgh byk masalah..hahahaa (*mati kena hempuk kalau Mat baca nih)! Bye Rima..
So so beautiful with d hat on--lil model of the year.. Shud let her join model impact wen u comes bck to lion city k!! :) Njouzzzzz.....
Hehe Anie.. bukan badan ku yg rasa sejuk.. kaki.. jari jemari ku yg kesejukan.. sampai kejung hahahha.. now dah ok cos dah beli boot
Sonia selalu memang tak nak but mana kan dia ni fav the feline species tu lah yg dia asyik nak pakai aje.. can u believe whenever we take her shopping.. dari baju sampai ape ape lagi lah mesti nak yg ade print tiger, lion, leopard, jaguar or kucing.. :o)
Ye ler Anie.. nagoya.. sexy ke ape.. buruks ade lah haha
Babe.. ty.. b&w untuk gambar tua kerepot macam I memang sesuaiiii hahaha
Great minds think alike hehehe.. harus gi shopping mall but kan semalam kesejukan cos shopping mall on sunday semua tutup.. tu sebab rasa badan macam sejuk semacam aje tak leh shopping hahaha
Hahaha KUmmi.. jaga2 nanti aleh aleh cik mat attack dari belakang.. habis! oppsss cabutttt
Ty KUmmi.. am looking forward for this weekend cos thats when my hb dah start holiday dia sampai tahun baru.. :o)
Alamak sis Lin.. dont want lah.. nanti part dia rewel habis the whole runaway kena cancel haha
Nice hat Sonia.
We lost it yesterday in our htl room.. weird.. i know.. sigh..
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