Hb's fav cake... hes a big fan of mousse.. moist... creamy (not buttercream of cos) kinda cake and since hes home i thought what better than to bake him his fav cake.. wink wink - "babe.. my bday coming u know" muahahahha.. no lah.. its more abt me feeling guilty for not been baking him his all time fav cake.. :o)

Marvelous recipe is fm Elkaje.. got to love the desert recipes in her blog.. the cake itself is so so soft that when u eat it.. the whole thang just melts in ur mouth.. the mousse is ohhh so so yummeh.. felt as tho ur eating ice cream.. both Sonia and I had 3 slices already.. burp hehehe

Chocolate sponge cake
5 egg yolks
2 egg whites
40g sugar
30g flour
10g corn flour
15g cocoa powder - i used valrhona
65g margarine - i used unsalted butter
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
pan 20X20X4 cm
Coffee Syrup
1 tsp instant coffee - i used 1 tbsp
2 tbsp granulated sugar
70g water
2tbsp rhum - I used vanilla extract
coffee mousse
1 tsp instant coffee mixed with 1 tbsp hot water
75 g heavy cream - I used double cream
100 gr White cooking chocolate - I used Marmer white couverture
2 LBR gelatine, soak in cold water - i used 4g gelatine powder dissolved in a little hot water - stir
150g heavy cream, whipped until fluffy
chocolate mousse
75g heavy cream - i used double cream
100g Dark cooking chocolate - i used marmer dark couverture chocolate
2 LBR gelatin, soak in cold water - i used 4g gelatin powder
150g heavy cream, whipped until fluffy - I used double cream
Sponge cake
1. Beat sugar and eggs until fluffy and thickened
2. Sieved flour, cornflour, cocoa powder and baking powder
3. Fold in flour mixture gently till well combined
4. Fold in melted butter and mix well
5. Pour batter into greased pan and baked it for 15mins .. 175C
6. Sliced cake into two part and set it aside
Method for both mousse
1. Heat the heavy cream
2. Add into white cooking chocolate and let it sit for 5 mins bef stirring.
2. Add in gelatin and stir till combined.
3. In another bowl, whisk heavy cream till fluffy.. add chocolate mixture into heavy cream and stir gently - place in fridge.
For coffee mousse
Same as abv except u add ur coffee mixture after u add the rest to whipped cream.
- Place a piece of sponge cake in a ring pan (pan without base) square size 20x20
drizzle cake with half the coffee syrup
- Pour coffee mousse
- Cover with chocolate sponge cake
- Sprinkle cake with remaining coffee syrup
- Pour the chocolate mousse
- Let it sit in fridge overnight or at least for 4hrs bef serving.

Well ok.. its friday.. its time to play.. hv a good weekend girls!
Dear Rima,
This chocolate cake is so tempting, very neat. Another Good job from you. Will try this out when i got all the ingredient as chocolate cake is always my son's favourite.
Best Regards
christine Ang
Dear Rima,
This chocolate cake is so tempting, very neat. Another Good job from you. Will try this out when i got all the ingredient as chocolate cake is always my son's favourite.
Best Regards
christine Ang
Ty Christine..
This cake is much much simpler to prepare than my hb's other fav cake (opera cake).. am pretty sure urs will turn out good too :o)
ahkakkkkk!!! mmg sedap bangetttttt itu kek! my ninja pun samalah! dia bukan peminat tuk buttercream atau yg sewaktu dgnnyer dia lg suke jenias2 mousse atau fresh cream! masuk list! mcm nak buat skrg jerrrr! wakakakaka...
kak rima, cantik dan menawan kek tu...teror la akak ni...
Wow...sdpnye kek..nk try wt la tuk besday my hb or my besday..terliur la kak..
sedapnya...nak..nak...resepi yg copy ari tu blum lagi dibuat.bila ya?nak suruh kk rima buat le..boleh..ala...sesekali nak manja2...
salam kak rima..sihat je terus bake a cake kan?? bestnyer jadi SAHM ni..i balik keje baru je nak start baking..si kecil 1 thn+ meruntun2 minta dukung..alahai...tak sabar tunggu dia besar...yg bestnyer dia mmg suka mkn kek!!!
salam Rima,i will take it as a challenge lah.rasa cam baaaaaanyak sgt kerja nak buat tu.macam ada 3 step.tapi akak mesti cuba..:D
kak rima... nmpk pun dh sedap.. klu mkn mesti x hingat org kt blkng ler nmpknya... hehehe...
i pun sukerrr this kinda cake..yummilicious..ada lah jugak I collect a couple of diff recipes..tapi collect jer taw, belom terbuat lagik...today ada self discovery tahap siput b****, aku baru taw ring pan is baseless pan...dush..dush..@ myself..
I think u will Ijah cos u very the fast like bts hahaha
Cuba try and if u still hv valrhona yg 64% u use it ok.. :o)
Tak de lah seterror blogger2 yg senior.. i also still virgin lah.. lots to learn fm sifu out there.. :o)
u shud cos dulu i used to only bake this kinda cake waktu bday.. now tak kira masa.. if tekak dah teringin i tell my hb i baked it for him padahal i yg nak hahaha
Insyaallah Anie.. just make sure u come and pick it up ok hehe
SAHM ni macam no life tau hahah.. baik aje dgn cepat pi start beli telur.. not bake a cake but hv been baking non stop pulak tu :o)
Tunggu ur kid besar sikit baru dia ok.. dulu sonia masih baby also i dah start baking.. tunggu dia tidur dgn cepat pi buat.. sampai lah sekarang.. tak berubah ubah.. budak tido mak bake cake hehe
K Ani
Yg banyak step lah u sedap.. orang tua Rima kata.. bersusah susah dulu.. bersenang senang kemudian.. ahhh senang nye part nak makan..hingga menjilat jari haha
Memang tak hingat pun.. tu sebab siang siang dah rembat 3 slices.. saja aje cakap Sonia and me makan 3 slices but kan dot dot dot hahaha
Aduh babe.. dush dush macam cerita tamil mauahahha.. lahhh u kok tak tahu.. but as i said bef.. no point lah benda tu.. no need to waste money on that.. i hv both round and square cake ring.. jarang pakai pun..
U senang u pi buat ni.. sedap and not as difficult as opera cake..
salam rima,
lama dah tak masuk sini..sekali masuk lutut longgar sebab nampak another kek coklat..boleh masuk list ni..
uhhuhhh...mmg tempting..kalau buat, mmg for sure jun yg lebih mkn so..jgn buat lagik, hahahhahaa....x boleh lama2 dok sini..bahaya..chowwww, hehehe
Dun forget my piece k!! Li-Lin
Waduh! Mengancam lah dessert U ari nih.
Nih baru nak salin resepi nak binka roti berlauk nih. entah pukul berapa lah nak siap. Orang lain masak pagi, kita pagi pergi saloon dulu. Haiish.
Kita tak tengok ape ape pun lutut dah longgar.. maklum dah berumur semua pun longgar hahahha
I really encourage u to try and bake this.. punya lah sedap and tak jelak bila makan tu sebab my hb can eat 2 slices in one go.. kek ni kita tak share pun and hampir habis dibaham oleh dia haha
Hahaha Jun.. alehhhh dont bedek one.. nanti diam diam buat bila dah siap diam diap mamam sampai habis hahaha
Lin u want u better be quick.. ur BIL makan like theres no tmrw haha
Best ah gi saloon.. i loike.. relaxing and chilling.. i if no one takes care of Sonia.. tak de chance nak gi.. nanti if take her bukan kita dapat chilling pong :o)
U buat binka roti?? woahhh sodap bai tu hehe
sis..me lama tak dapat rasa pun kueh2 ni.asyik dengar and tengok je...kesian..kesian..kesian
Absolutely nice and professionally done!
You heard of this place? I think if you gi shop this place boleh giler tengok the baking items... Izah
You tau I beli Nodicware castle cake mold kat Chong trading $98 Totts jual on $48.... I pun tipah tertipu you...
Cantiknya cake nie dan nampak sedap banget deh!! hehehez.
Dulu2 masa tak tau buat dkt sini I ada pernah beli choc mousse cake. Sungguh lah aneh kek tu pasal its totally mousse, not even a layer of sponge cake and tak sedap plak tu....hehehez
In the end I buang lah dkt backyard, nak kasi burung makan. (That's what I always do to my rotten bread, kasi burung makan.) Burung pun tak nak makan arh cake tu...hahahaz
i'm an all time fruit cake lover but this, looks sinfully tempting.
coming here may start seeing me enjoying other cakes :)
wow!! klu dpt mkn sepotong pong ai leh fingsan! klu seloyang???! jgn masuk kubur sudah! mati kesedapan! kekekeke...... uishhhhhh tk rela ah! hihihi
sis Beauty.. awat tak datang ambik kuih.. harus cop siang siang lah if not hilang :o)
Ty DG.. :o))
Semalam i baca newspaper i ternampak ad nye but belum survey lagi tempat nye.. jaga2 tau boleh terbelanja hehe
Muahahah.. i can imagine ur look bila burung2 tu tak layan si cake tu haha..
Honestly baik ape cake pun.. buat sendiri lagi shiok ah
Good on u Noir.. this type of cake is of different league then ur typical fruit cake.. u shud someday bake this kind of cake or just go to one of ur fav cafe and order a mousse cake.. siapa tahu u might like it :op
Choiiiii.. touch wood.. if like that better not eat seloyang.. untuk kau Hana.. satu slice suah haha
Rima,baru ingat nak bake chocolate mousse cake..i am deliberating btw triple layer mousse cake or hazelnut mousse cake but decided to hop on to your site instead to see if you have anything similiar.Anyway,i shall give this a try.Thanks for sharing the recipe!Hope you are had a good weekend.
Cubalah Zee.. All of us loved it.. Dah habis pong dibaham by us.. No sharing cos tak sadar pun i biji kek dah habis haha
Hi Rima, tried the cake, super super delicious. Tks for sharing the recipe. Hv a gd weekend.
Hi Chris
U did?? oh wow... glad u like it as much as we loved it.. haizzz it was gone right infront of my eyes lol
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