Thank you for all the well wishes.. Sonia no longer has flu but i think shes begining to develop a slight fever.. shes a little fussy today but thats ok.. she's still playing and singing and talking non stop :o)
Hb got home safely and I on the other hand hv been busy since the day he left for Vietnam.. I got to finish up all my ironing - yayyyy.. i managed to do what i was supposed to do since last week.. i also got to take Sonia out and do what most mothers will do with their little princesses.. overall we were good..

This morning I managed to bake the kuih that i hv been eyeing for the longest time.. the thing is.. hb doesnt really know how to eat this type of kuih and to bake it when hes around doesnt make sense.. I knew mom and dad loved this type of kuih so when dad gave me a loaf of bread last night.. i decided that i shud gv this recipe a try eventho i knew today is gonna be another busy day for me.
Mom and dad came by just on time when i took it out of the oven.. dad was eyeing it and i quickly sliced it a few mins after it was baked.. he ate and at the same time commented that its was super yummy.. i guess hes either hungry or hes a super big fan of this binka lauk.. hehehe..
Anyway i cant stay long.. ty Cik Mat for sharing this wonderful recipe.. we all loved it err except my super duper hb who didnt even get to taste it cos it was gone even bef he could take a peep hahaha

10 to 12 slices of white bread - I used 10pcs
800ml coconut milk
3 tbsp flour
3 tbsp butter - melted
3 eggs
Salt to taste
400g minced meat
2 large onions, chopped
1 large potato, peeled and diced
1 large carrot, diced
2 cloves garlic*
1/2 inch ginger * (* finely ground)
3 tbsp meat curry powder
3 tbsp tomato sauce
3 tbsp chili sauce
500ml water - I used 250ml
Black pepper (optional)
Salt to taste
Chopped coriander
Sliced green onions - I didnt use
Sliced red chillies
Fried onions
Binka Bread
Preheat oven 190C.. greased a 10 x 10" pan (I used 9*). Set aside.
Sliced bread into small cubes and soak in coconut milk.. once soften add all ingredients except salt, and mix well. Season with some salt. Pour into baking pan and bake for 30 mins.
Heat oil in a skillet, saute onion, pounded ingredients until fragrant, add curry powder, tomato sauce and chili sauce. Stir well.. add meat, potatoes and carrots. Pour water and cook until potatoes and carrots soften. Add salt to taste and cook until dry. Add black pepper. Leave to cool.
Remove bread binka from oven. Press top lightly. Top it with fillings and continue to bake for a further 30mins. Let binka cools down bef u sprinkle with toppings.

Source: Kak Hanieliza
that is a seriously yummy bingka..never baked one coz sini dia orang tak braper fancy..and my minced meat kalo beli usually end up as shabsuka...but i'm gonna try baking it one day for my beloved sista who's a fan of all bingka & kuih bakar...mana taw dapat free epok2 from the tokey epok2..hehe..
btw, that macarons is really tempting..but i envision mine will turned out flat without legs aka flat feet so tu yg tak brani try lagik.. ;)
kak rimmmmmm!!! aiiii missss uuuuu!!!! akak sihat? :D waduhhhhhh! itu maccaron yg kat bwh sgt cute lerr! bingka berlauk ni pun enak banget! sonia ok ke? my son saw sonia kat sini dia kata in japanese after dah di translate, mama!! dah jumpa!! wakakakakaka.... maksudnyer pernah jumpa lerr tu :D speedy recovery to u sonia chan!!
kak rimaa..dah ramai pun yg try kuih talam ni..dan ramai yang kata sedap...senang-senang nanti nak cuba juga lah..bila baca ur father kata super yummy ni yang tak tahan ni..hihi
Dat kuih is one super yummy piece!! Hv never tasted dat kindof quality if I bought it outside... D toppings full of meat n d taste---- WA LAAA!!!!! Tks for letting me n Mitzi a taste of it.... Li-Lin... (N i forgotten to sign out for my below comment too!!! Sowieeeee... :) )
kak nmpk sedap. tliur ina dibuatnya.
salam rima,akak dah pernah buat ni..memang sedap..by the way,akak dah buat banana chocolate cake..sedapnya..1 hari je habis selesai semua.ni nak buat lagi..ada yg nak utk raya haji nanti.thnx rima.
When i first saw it i can imagine kesedapan benda ni.. i memang big fan of binka lauk or kuih bakar lauk.. tu yg bila my dad gave me an almost expire bread dgn cepat i pi buat benda ni.. rumah ni sentiasa ade stock daging cincang err infact semua pun ade hahha.. both my sis bila datang sini.. both my fridge kena raided.. they said macam gi supermarket.. semua ade hahaha
Tu macarons once u dah try and if tak jadi u akan mau keep on trying cos selagi tak menjadi selagi tu lah u rasa tercabar hehe.. one fine day if buat kek lapis lagi and if ade telur putih.. aged it and try to bake it.. make sure u pi beli tu candy thermometer dulu ok... dah tu bila dah berjaya boleh invest in that silpat mat :o)
Woahhh Ijahh.. orang kata .. tak kenal maka tak cintan hahaha.. Sonia if i let her look at bkk pics she sure akan said.. Mama.. frienddddd sambil finger dia pointing to ur son hahaha.. budak2 niii
Ty.. this morning dia bangun no sign of fever so lets hope shes gonna be ok cos its weekend dei.. mama nak merayap hehe
Tekak orang tua ni memang boleh dipercayai hehe.. cuba buat cos memang benda ni sedap.. semuapun cukup.. i added lebih black pepper cos tekak orang tua harus yg pedas pedas and since my hb tak minat dgn rela hati lado merah and black pepper harus diperbanyak kan hehe
Patut both of u makan laju aje hahha.. after u balik .. G asked me.. eh how come i never get to taste it.. i said.. oh u tak suka mahhh.. kesian.. nanti kalau dikasi makan dia kata i want to kill him pulak cos pedas hahaha
Memang sedap and i will definately be baking this kuih again and again :o)
Ye ker kak.. alhamdullilah.. bila kita buat and benda tu habis licin hati senang.. if orang order.. lagi lah kita suka :o)
Salam Rima, waaaaaahhh akak tengok ni pagi2 kat ofis (*curi-curi jeling..hehe) lapar la pulak..! Mintak 2 ketul, ada lg tak...? ^__^
Salam K Ummi
Jeling tak pe.. jgn sampai tak leh kerja teringat benda ni.. heheh
Tadi pagi jalan jalan kat rumah Ayu dia pun biasa buat and k ummi also dah try eh.. sedap eh binka ni kak :o)
tqs for this recipe....sure ank ank i suka...bila nak try ek?
Ambooooooooooii! Dah sihat, 2 jenis sekali dia buatnya. Alhamdulillah.
Binka ni mesti try. Nanti I beritahu.
Tadi I dengar lagu ayat-ayat cinta. Lagunya best juga, bukunya best juga. Have read it b4? Me & my daughter shared books.
biler la aku nak menerai bingka nih.. rasanya dah doblas elai kertas aku tulih resepi nih.. tp semua ilang! sape ntah yg suka makan kertas kat umah nih.. pelik haku! hahahahaha...
salam ziarah rima, suke akak nengok menu rima, cntik2 belaka, kecur gak nengok bingka berlauk tu..!
Bila nak try Yani?? malam ni pong boleh try for tmrw brekkie if u hv all the things in ur fridge... :op
Hehehe Melati.. dah sihat engine bergerak laju balik.. alhamdullilah..
Tak baca buku nye but i watched the movie a couple of times .. memang shiok cerita dia and the song mengusik jiwa hahaha
Agaknye budak dawish tu ke?? cuba tengok kalau kalau dia sorok kat mana mana or tak pun u write it down again.. malam ni boleh buat hehe
Salam akak
Benda ni senang nak buat kak.. muai and sedap pulak bila dimakan :o)
Tolonggg...oksigennn..nak pengsan nihhh..lawa sangatt...hahaha...
Hahaha Mat .. jgn sedut oksigen byk byk nanti bila khayalan menjelma siapa yg susah.. akuuuu lagi yg susah matttt hahaha
Salam Rima,tadi knur dah buat ni.sedap bangat nih...mengapalah ku tak try sebelum ni,memang yummsss.Lily pun loves it so much.TQ Rima,for the recipe
No worries KNur.. memang sedap bangat benda ni.. akan ku buat kan for my sis in law.. sure berdesut bila dia makan cos pedas hahaha
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