We got home at almost midnight.. the flight back home was not that good.. turbulence and the feeling was not good - nevertheless i am thankful that we got home safely..

My last couple of days in Bangkok were well spent.. after brekkie at the lounge.. i got to chill by the pool with my Sonia.. i got to rest well.... she did her first manicure and pedicure while in bkk and it was hilarious.. the way she sat looking at her nails.. the way she knew exactly what she wanted made me wonder if shes really 2 and half yrs old lol..

She wanted her nails painted for whatever reason.. i know she didnt learn it fm me cos i am not into that .. she probably saw it fm all the shops that do nails in MBK.. anyway at first she wanted her nails to be painted pink.. i got her nails painted pink.. then when we got back to our room she kept on wanting her nails to be painted green.. i was like.. green??

I finally gave in and took her to another shop the very next day where she got her nails painted green.. not just an ordinary green mind ya.. she specifically wanted them to be luminous green!

We then went back to our htl room and she quickly put on her bath robe and said.. "mama.. look.. my nails greennnnn.. like Ben 10" muahahahah.. so that was it.. that explained why she wanted her nails to be green... arghhhhh.. i hope her craze over Ben 10 will die soon cos really a girl = Ben 10?? hmmmm

Anyway yesterday bef our flight home.. we did get to walk around bkk by foot.. I loved it.. eversince i got to know hb.. i hv learned how to love "walking" muahahah... I realized after our Paris trip (oh wow its been 6yrs maybe more since i last stepped foot in Paris) that the only way i get to see the place and the only way to take good pics is by walking.. Not only do u get to see stuff which u cant possibly see if u take a cab.. u get to even shop in places which u cant possibly shop in if u hadnt walked in the first place.. :op
So ok.. Enjoy the photos below that were taken yesterday..

Who needs an aircon cafe for toast when u can get one by the street?? hehehe

A trip to JT is a must this time around cos we needed to get a few stuff for mom as a gift and to our family friends in France..

Taxi boat.. be prepared to get a little wet and smelly when u get off it.. honestly, its been awhile since i rode on one.. err not that i miss it.. heheh

I feel like baking right now but i cant.. I NEED eggs!!!
Just look at her....mcm dafinah n bibik li-lin...asik nak meni pedi!! hehe.... and d colours--CUTE! Miss JT and tongkang ride.. wasted didnt get to go there..We cant wait to see n hear ur nonsense Sonia---"nak kaaaaaakak!"
Hahaha x blh tahan tgk Sonia, mcm dah anak dara je. Nice pics... Glad that you are safe n sound. Sabar2 lah nak membaking tu, penat pun blm hilang lg...
U miss tongkang ride?? muahahha jaga jaga.. air sungei yg tersplash splash.. satu minggu cuci pun bau nye masih melekat hehe
Shes a little different lah.. the way she talks.. the way she gaya.. semua macam bukan budak baru 2 and half years old.. 2 nights ago waktu kita in a cab.. i asked her to read to me the 4 digit taxi nbr.. she did it without any probs.. adehhh my daughter is growing too fast! :)
me too needs my dose of leisurely baking...now in pd for some legal workshop...hu hu hu...but i got egg whites from the yolks tt i made pudding for a wedding's main table dessert...you know what i hv in mind :p
Hehe.. I know exactly what u hv in mind.. good luck dear.. hopefully menjadi and hopefully to see it in ur blog :o)
sis...me nak nail tongkang..the last time i took the tongkang was 19 yrs ago when i'm in bkk.kok tak naik eh..next time next time next time
Nak naik tongkang ni nak gi mana?? Haha next time if u want to do other things besides shopping stay longer lah..
Sonia nampak macam anak dara lah, especially gaya masa buat pedicure tu. Seingat i masa jumpa dia dulu dia macam baby-baby lagi,bukan ke last year last kita jumpa? she must have grown so much ever since.
my dotter ckp "cantiknya her fingernails"...dia point kat those green colors tu...hahaha dia pun mintak nak jugak
pandai Sonia bergaya....KAWAIIII...
Pejam celik dah serahun rupenye.. How time flies.. Budak makin membesar emak makin tua.. Haha.. Bila kita nak jumpa lagi Sue? I am so glad to be a stay home mom cos i dont want to miss anything.. :)
Hehe jaga2 Zarin.. nanti lepas ni dia nak ben 10 pulak!
Ty auntie Anie! Thumbs up to KAWAIIII hehe
concur with ur hb, the way to know the city is by foot. segala ceruk kita explore.
My Cha Cha pun suka her nails being painted. So creative that she took the highlighter from my pencil case and start coloring her nails. green color jugak u dia pilih. pink highlights is for her toe nails....and i tot my daughter is turning into a boy...
Hey, I would say.. Kanak2 dlm ben10 tu comel2 thats why Sonia suka kot. N zaman sonia now tak de Sailor Moon, jem n etc yang girlish2. Maybe ada tapi x cukup banyak.. hehehe.. Anyway, your Sonia macam super star masa buat pedicure tuh.. It reminds me of Aoki n Ming.. SO CUTE!!
Memang pun.. dulu if u suruh i jalan.. adeh macam2 reason i kasi.. now dia tak kata i siang2 dah ask.. eh are we gng to walk?? hehe
Budak2 sekarang semua dah pandai part2 ni.. sampai sekarang pun she still tak kasi i wipe her nail..
Hehe.. macam aje.. belum jadi superstar lagi.. tak yah jadi lagi better.. less probs lol
Heran kan? girl pun suka Ben10.
Tu lah Sue.. Yesterday dia minta i belikan Ben 10 book.. Lahh semua pun nak.. Water bottle also nak Ben 10.. Ade2 aje
so comel la sonia..hmm
My oh my...so cute Sonia. Kecik2 da pandai manicure...nasib baik dia tak mintak different colours on each nail. hehehe
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