Venue: Bkk
Weather: Raining.. Cooling.. I loikeeee
Mood: Relaxing
Peak Agenda: Of cos my peak agenda for today's entry wud be of me meeting my other fellow food blogger.. Ijah of Arah.. shes one lovely woman i must say.. smiling and laughing.. just not like how i laugh tho.. i laugh like a witch hahahha..She came with her son who to me, looks more like a japanese boy than a malay boy.. Ika on the other hand speaks fluent japanese and at that very moment i felt that its abt time i make a little effort to learn how to speak german.. err after a decade i shud at least know how to converse well in german and not just the bad words.. right?? kahkahkah.
Anyways.. we had a great time chatting and hanging out and to put a face to a name is good stuff.. thank you Ijah for taking the time to go to our htl to meet us eventho u had a long day.. the gifts... ohhh u shudnt hv troubled urself nevertheless thank you for the thought.. let me know when u will be in JB and maybe we can meet half way?? hehhe.. take care dear!
On a different note.. both my sisters took the night flight out yesterday and the last minute shopping was hilarious at the same time troubling hahha.. i had to keep on reminding them that they hv to leave early to avoid the bad traffic to the airport.. we only got back to our hotel half an hr bef they were due to leave the hotel.. tsk tsk.. next time no more last minute shopping for u girls!! hahhaa

Pic abv was taken this morning.. room is so so quiet.. for the first time eversince we got here.. i got to sleep properly last night without waking up every hr feeling excited lol

Meeting my fellow food blogger.. Ijah and her son..

Sweet lill thang.. wonder how both will look like when they grow up?? hmmm

Thank you aunty Ijah... Sonia loveeeees it!!
Luckily I'm married to a Kiwi so tak payah learn another language, hehehe. But my hubby pun, after being married to me for nearly 15 years still tak tau ckp melayu jugak! hampeh betul! :-D
hi kak rima! seeeee my debab face! wakakakaka totally beza dgn muka akak yg kurus n awet tuuu :D, auntie pun sukelah sbb ika(mean squid in japanese :D) sonia suke the trains :D lucky me sbb akak dah mentioned kat previous post apa yg dia crazyyyyy sgt2 kan so, senang nak bg, since sonia girl kita carikkan emily nak bg thomas takut tak suke pulak hihihi...
The nxt time nak jumpa mesti kena plan awal2 ni kak senang leh outing together gadher :D jimba sana sini ya :D show me the way nak pergi baking shop kat bkk
Neway, thanks ya kak rima kesudian akak jumpa dgn kita malu+takut sbnrnyer sbb akak kan sifu segala baking2, n bangga sbb akak tak somvong ;-), till we meet again! hugs tuk little sonia sian dia asyik panggil sotong jerrr :D kek lapis akak mmg d best! ten Q!! khob khun kha, arigatou gozaimashita!! :D
kita follow blog ni dari blog arah "ijah"....
we run run run run run run run run run like some kind of mad woman n man....for a cab...sampai didnt get to say hi at ur blogger fren & cause i keepon hearing voices saying,"u all better be fast ah--if u guys miss ur flts i dunno ah!" hehehehe... Li-Lin
My hb tosah cakap.. sampai kan si Sonia pun tak pandai cakap german.. dia berbual dgn sonia in malay and english.. dah tu malay dia malay pasar.. habis lah bahasa malay Sonia kalau gitew haha
Hope to see u soon again and i will definately take u to the baking shop in siam sq hahaha.. eh pi lah jln jln sana.. shiok tau.. if nak cut hair i can recommend u one shop.. dapat 50% discount lagi if u go there bef 11am hahaha
Anyway hv a good week ahead ok and i am sure gonna miss bkk when we fly back this thursday.
Sila Anie.. ty for dropping by :o)
LOL Lyn.. of cos mah.. i bet sampai sekarang also u can still hear little voice saying.. 'u guys better hurry up or u will miss ur flight!!' muahahaha
aikkkk...sampai siam nyer bkg shop pong taw ka?? time b4 ai merayap mana2 nak tanya u dulu ek for the places to buy the stuffs..hahah...
sape la yg gedik2 pakai tudung pepel tuh erk rim?? ishh ishh isshhh... cabooott nnti mek siam dtg bwk sotong kurita! kikikikiki
akak delay flight ke? or kita yg silap dgr? ingatkan akak fly back sg semalam on tuesday! rupanyer thursday???? looks like bkk nak HUJANNNNNNNNN lagiiiiiiii semalam jer sunny day!
Insya'allah akan ku tolong tunjuk kan tempat tempat yg boleh u derma kan wang ringgit u kat sana hahahah
Situdung purple tu adalah si manis Ika@Ija@Ijah hahahha.. alehhhh kita dgr awak kelakar giler.. if i see u sure satu hotel bergegar.. dah tu masuk kan sekali member member lain yg ketawanye macam witch.. habis satu hotel.. kena halau jugak kan kita semua muahahahha
Mana delay flight.. memang my hb punya conference ends today.. so tmrw ade lah time lagi untuk kita berdating sebelum our night flight.. dgr tu.. harus booked yg latest flight out so i still got the chance to do eye lashes lah.. do treatment for my hair lah.. hahhaa
Hi Rima, boleh bagi tau nama kedai & nama jalan kat Jakarta yg jual black forest paste tu? I can go and look see when I go there nanti :-) Thanks so much, Ana...
Hi Ana
U can get ur black forest paste fm Titan.. jalan fatmawati and at mall of indonesia.. u hv to google the right adrs ok.. also u can get that paste at any supermarket.. err i think.. i got a few bottles fm the supermarket near the htl that we stayed in.. lupa the name of the supermarket pulak
Thank you so much for the info! supermarket near mulia senayan? that would be great! i'll check on the others too.. have a safe trip home yeah... Ana
yuhuuuuu kak rima! buat apa hari ni? sure akak tgh lepak niiii shopping2 untuk last round ehehehe... take care kak! cuaca sekrg ni kejap terang nanti mendung balik kang hujan pulak, kim salam sonia yg lemah gemalai tu :D
The supermarket is located at grand indonesia.. Close to shangri la htl
Waving back frantically at Ijah.. halloooooooooooo.. hari ni jln jln.. cari barang orang.. dah tu pi buat bulu mata hahahha.. then now tengah nak siap go dinner kat seafood supermarket.. Esok ade chance lagi if nak gi last min shopping but rasanye dah settle semua hajat dihati.. insyallah tmrw night kita pulang ke tanah air ku.. sob sob
Hope you have shop all around Bangkok, JJ Mall, Chutucak, Platinum Mall, Sampeng (wholesales pl). If not in yr next visit you can give me email and meet up.
I am yr follower but not a food blogger yet, I love to bake but just hv the time to set up a blog.
You should bring Sonia to the Safari World....I hv a 3 yrs old daughter and enjoy going there.
Hv a safe trip...hope balik sin belum bangkrup....
Hi Rima,
Was copying and trying out Bro rozzan's kek lapis blueberry. Noticed that you also did not get the color right. So , did you find out what went wrong ?? Mine was a bigger disaster ! the purple batter turned GREEN !! sounds impossible ??? believe it !!.... outcome was layers of yellow & green !! wakakaka ...
Kahkahkah Serene.. masih belum kira how much damage i hv done for this trip.. nampak ape also i want.. especially looking at all the glittering for my iphone.. bling bling..
6 months ago we bought cheap tickets to bkk for march next year so will definately check out safari world as i hv never done any touristy thingy whenever i am here.. bkk trip has always been abt shopping lol
Where are u fm Serene? u can speak bahasa?
Bef i baked blueberry lapis i did baked another lapis that uses purple as one of the colour.. if i am not mistaken it was haw flakes lapis.. that purple layer turned out perfect as i had used wilton gel purple and not those typical violet colouring that comes in the bottle.. for whatever reason when i baked my blueberry lapis i didnt use wilton but instead uses the one in the bottle.. bid mistake.. colour turned greenish/grayish lol
So next time when u do bake it again.. try to use wilton gel or powder type (the ones that u use for macarons) so that u can get the colour that u want
sis...msh ku ingat tentang the kedai hair tu..lain kali me nak go bkk lagilah..tapi bila eh???me doakan u selamat pulang ke sg k
I am a Malaysian, has been staying in Thailand for almost 5 years now.
Jumpa yr next trip provided I am still here lah...
Hi Rima, akak suka masuk dapur Rima ni, wonderful cake recipes with wonderful shot! Waaah Rima bertemu Ija...tu belum masuk Hana..hehee..kalau masuk akak, lagi lah boleh banjir tempat meeting..hehehee...akakpun anak2 cakap ketawa ala2 witch..hahahah..adeiii...hanya Mat Gebu yang tau...adeehhh!
salam rima..akak pun dah jumpa dak ika mek siam tu dulu.memang best..maybe next year nak gi singapore.tapi tak tahu bila.
Hi sis Rima, love reading your blog especially the cooking part. Sis, i nak tanya a few questions on baking lah..u dont mind liaising with me at :)
Hi Rima....
Come back pls....soon....miss your updates! It's one of the things which help me keep my sanity as I endure the drudgery of work...
love and respect
Akan kamu ingat buat selama lama nye tempat hair salon tu.. cheap and nice hehe
Ahhh so theres a chance u and Ijah can meet up for coffee too since both of u girls live there.. shes a malaysian too.. hopefully when we go there again u will still be around.. can meet up for a coffee ok
Ty akak.. kita segan akak kata gitew.. maklum kita kan budak baru belajar..
Kalau kita semua jumpa toksah banjir.. kene halau dari hotel lobby cos bila all the witches dah turun pakai broom.. bersepah semua guest lari hahaha
Ye ke Kak Ina KL.. shiok eh bila dapat bertentang mata.. ku sangka kan kelu lidah but but.. macam impossible gitu haha
Glad ur enjoy reading it.. hopefully u dah try a few recipes in my blog.. anyway if u hv anything to ask.. u can email me at
Awww Zelda.. i know what u mean.. baking help me keep my sanity too hehhe..
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