Dear all,
One year has gone by in a flash and I count myself blessed to have found so many new friends through this blog... It started simple with some posts on baking and has now become a passion, and so has blogging about it and the challenges in taking nice pictures. The people I have "met" thru this blog are encouraging, patient and kind :op.. Thank you all for the wonderful comments you leave...you are all true "blogger friends"...
I look forward to many more years of baking and challenging myself.. Insya'Allah . I guess we will all be very busy for the next few days and most of us will not be spending much time online... I am taking this opportunity to menyusun sepuluh jari memohon kemaafan sekiranye ade terkasar bahasa and gurau senda yg terover hehehe.. If you are planning to "balik kampung".. pls drive and travel safely ok!
Finally, I wish all of you Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir dan batin.
Selamat Hari Raya to u too...maaf jika terkasar bahasa tatkala kita bergurau senda di alam maya... :)
Have a blessed Eid and bila mengunyah kek lapis yg u wat tu...ingat2kan lah ai pat sini ya..
Salam Aidilfitri...
Salam Rima
Eid Mubarak to you and family. MZB..
minta halalkan recipe2 you yang di try test.. Have a joyful raya!!!!
Senang hati I bila you kata that your oven has officially closed, heheh (taklah I asyik tak karuan jer).
Selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin (that's for terlebih jeles, terlebih gurau dan terlebih haha, hehe, huhu)
Sonia pakai baju kurung n all the trinkets ke?
Salam Eid Mubarak kak rima.. halal kan naaaa segala resipi yg aida cilok from here & tips segala macam soklan yg aida tnye.. :-)
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to u n family..
Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri Rima and Family!
Selamat Hari Raya to you too!!
Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri to you and family! Have a wonderful raya! (hope you do get to rest too :D)
* am one of your many silence readers and been following your recipes and tips, have to say.. they're all yummy!
* mencelah lagi nih.. huhu!
I can't help but notice that you have amazingly yummy photos in your blog (who wouldn't notice, eh? :D) and you disabling the right click option is a great thing to protect your photos.
If I may..
Tho disabling it like that, there's still a way for people to "steal" your photos (like Mat Gebu's cases) by simply clicking at the photo (which will direct them to a new window) and then they can easily save the photo.
I would recommend that you take out the image link in your entry, to avoid the mentioned situation above.
* just suggesting and sharing coz I'm in Info. Tech stream :D, moreover.. it's not ethical la kan, to steal other people's work and creativity. :)
Salam everyone..
Same same .. semoga gurau senda kita .. ketawa riang.. gundah gulana ceeehhhh bahhh dapat kita take it like a pinch of salt.. hv a blessed one yah..
Semoga everything that i share kat alam maya ni mendatang kan benefit buat u juga ye ..
Cik SOm
Selamat Hari Raya to cik kak yg selalu make me he ha he ha he ha.. always a joy bila u and Yat make me ketawa terbahak bahak..
Will take lots of photos of Sonia dgn baju raya nye heheh
Selamat to ur family juga ye.. semoga ape yg ade in my humble blog ini menepati citarasa u.. :o)
Selamat Eid to u and ur family too.. hv a good one yah!
Yours truly
Ty .. hv a blessed one!
Hi Ellie
Hehe Thank you for the wishes.. hv a good weekend!
Aida Rezuan
Thank u dear.. u take great photo too! will look into it as soon as i can find some time.. i know exactly what u mean... memang kadang tu macam geram bila orang buat gitew..
Selamat Hari Raya to u too!
Salam Hari Raya Rima. Mohon maaf kalau ada tersilap kata, terkasar bahasa.
Selamat Hari Raya to you and your family.
Sama sama lah kita Yan..
Ty SJB.. hopefully we can resume our visiting activities this weekend :op
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