10hrs later... I got home last night with bad gastric.. body aching and feeling very very tired today... serves u right Rima .. ur not getting any younger u know.. :o(

Photo taken using my Iphone - Sis Lyn (mama to 2 kids), Cousin Nasyita (mama to 2 boys) and Sis Wati (mama to 4 girls) hehehe
Thank you girls for spending time with me.. was good fun.. had good laugh and best of all.. we ended our day sitting in a hairsalon doing hair extensions... muahahahah this is what happened when our better half and our kiddoes are not with us.. we waste money and do silly stuff... now lets see who is gonna go back to the same salon to take it off kahkahkah (definately not sis Wati cos she said she now looks sexy with her new hair ahakkks muahahaha)

And as this morning I woke up to a funny sms fm both my sisters.. i decided sis Wati deserved this pandan chiffon cake for being a "good girl" last night :op
Rima!i ingat Rihanna tadi..hehe.
Lol Sue.. Sememangnye itulah adik ku suka mendengar.. Rihanna in the hse hahaha
Kak Rima,
Nice blog...i linkkan u punya blog dengan i ya....:-))
The best company would be your own siblings .. kan Rima kan?
Chiffon yg kecik tu untuk I ke? *mmg tak malu*
Hehe memang pun.. Gaduh ketawa.. Itu yg tak leh ditukar ganti...
Nak ke?? Nanti next time i go kl i kasi u one small chiffon .. Budak2 tak leh makan banyak2 tau hehe
Ok 3E.. Be my guest n ty sudi singgah..
They still looks sexy :D. What the secret huh?.
SJB bukan sexy lah.. seksa hahahha.. no secret lah SJB.. semua pun lead a pretty stressful day to day job hehhe.. my sis in advert line, acctant.. my cousin secondary school teacher, HOD and my other sis in hospital line so my guess is they look sexy cos they stress with work tak.. or maybe cos they get to go out and work ke.. entah lah.. patut lah i seksa cos i duduk rumah kahkahkah
Sukerrrr ... U kata I budak2 walhal I dah boleh jadi ninda budak2... hehe..
p/s: I nak beli your macarons..
*drool* the macaroons looks nice...nak!...hehe
hehehe somuffins.. u nak beli? err biar mak pikir dulu kahkahkah..
Ain come and get it if u want ok.. siape cepat dia dapat :o)
I toooo deserve d chiffon.... I oso good girl...*uwekkk* :) li-lin
Ok ok i will bake u one lah.. dah beli telur tadi hehehe
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