Time: 13:29
Venue: Shangri-La Jakarta
Weather: Warmish
Mood: Bagus bangat dehhh hehehe
Peak Agenda: We got in safely last night after 2 and half hrs of queuing at the immigration to get our passport stamped.. for some reason there were a lot more tourists arriving and since we flew with Lufthansa this time round the timing sucks cos it coincided with other international airlines and thus causing a lot more ppl queuing at the visa counter too.. other than that.. Nothing much happened except oh we saw hb "bff" last night while checking into Shangri-La.. yikes.. hes here for the conference too! We will be here till next Monday bef flying back home with my parents.. err hv i mentioned that my parents will be flying in this friday?? wooohooo... cant wait for my babysitter to arrive muahahahha.. no no kidding lah Mami.. dont worry I will take u to Mangga Dua.. Tanah Abang.. Blok M etc etc etc.. I promise no big malls when ur here OKKKKK hahaha
We will also hv a car and a driver .. ahem courtesy of Janssen and wifey (jkt big boss) to take us wherever we wanna go for the weekend.. so thats gonna be good.. ty for "loaning" us one of ur cars and driver.. hope u guys like the steamed fruit cake that I baked :op
This morning Sonia and I had our brekkie at the club floor and it was nice.. pretty much thats it for now.. Sonia is sleeping and once shes awake I am gonna take her to the nearest mall, Grande Indonesia i think for look see since i dont think I am able to do all that once mom and dad are here :op

Cik Sonia tak bawak rantai beads kah?
Hehehe.. rantai beads dia tertinggal dgn my sis waktu they ajak her jln jln last weekend.
Salam Rima...waaah first time akak masuk sini, lompat dari blog Hanamemories tu ..bestnyaaa resepi semua..pict semua menarik...akak follow yea..
Salam kak.. actually kan Rima dah lama masuk rumah akak tau cuma tak tinggal jejak aje.. hehehe maklum Rima ni pemalu .. ahakkksss.. ty cos sudi singgah rumah Rima yg tak seberapa compare tu akak.. come again ok kak :o)
babe last pic u praktis mamarazzi ek??? hahah...
love Sonia's pics too!
aku jeles ko ada supir buk!!! ai punya kawan tak leh harap..nama jer asli jakarta tapi keje kat batam..in the end dengan dia-dia sekali kena klentong naik teksi jalan jauh..ingat dia pandai jalan..ai pun rembat ah rounding ngan dia..in the end buat muka tak malu call my ex-boss suruh jadik supir tak bergaji..hmmmm...
Mamarazzi tengah tangkap boring time Sonia tido kahkahlah.. dalam toilet pun sempat ambil gambo.. kalau kat rumah nak buat kerja macam gini semua tak leh cos sibuk bangat hahaha
Ah ah normally si Husin (hb's jkt sales guy) will take us around but this time round si jkt boss nak kasi kita driver dia.. kita pun ape lagi.. bedal lah.. janji can take us just abt anywhere but kan if only si supir and car tu ade magic kan best tak yah nak go thru all the machap here.. eh babe.. u want to pesan any thing fm Titan?? loyang ke.. bolu kukus mould ke? selagi selagan ke.. boleh i buy for u..
wahhhhhhhh bestnye shopping ti hehehe jelesss nyeeee kekekeke
lol Moxchubakes.. bab bab shopping ni jgn nak cakap u.. i also like that one bila orang lain pi shoppping hahaha but kan only if orang lain pi shopping barang baking.. yg lain lain i not interested sangat
bestnyer kak rima g holiday...seronok baca blog akak...very inspiring....nak tanya leh tak?cam ne kak rima menten slim dgn tiap2 hari baking kek yg sedap2 tu?kek yg akak masak tu, takan akak jamah skit jer?eh cite skit tak?hehe
Salam Noor
Kalau merayap memang best aje.. I am lucky cos i get to travel with my hb..
Slim?? ya ampunnn.. nak turun punya lah susah lepas dapat kan si Sonia ni.. what i bake usually i will eat a slice untuk rasa and gv review in my blog.. i will keep 2 slices for my hb and Sonia.. yg lain i gv it away.. kalau benda kat depan mata sure nak cemelan one... so better share share what i bake hehehe
Oh! ibu mampir ke Betawi ya. Kok sudah dilihat potretnya ibu jadi mamarazi. Dirgahayu! Semoga jadi mamarazi yang baguuuuus sekali.
Jangan lupa ya potretkan yang cantik-cantik buat Puteri Sonia. Saya suka sekali melihat dia.
Kok saya juga punya kakak ipar Jakarta(Jawa Keraton) gitu. Dia marah pun masih senyum..
Hi Babe
Thanks for the offer..appreciate it ;) kang aku order selagi selahan kang satu guni LV lak u pikul..
Have fun bershopping..kapan pulang babe?
Melati kok aku baca comment kamu kayak macam orang indon gitew.. waduhhh bisa penasaran deh hahaha
My yayi and nyayi fm my father side were born kat Jawa tengah, Kendal i think so i know very well.. they still senyum simpul eventho they tengah marah lol.. I also like that but bec i ade thai blood in me fm my mom side.. lagi difficult tau nak cam bila i marah or not.. senyum aje muahahahha.. yelerrrrrrr
I balik next monday lah babe.. sat onwards baru lah holiday I start.. tmrw pong my hb working so i sudah hantar supir pi jemput my parents fm the airport..
Selagi selagan tu cuma stands for baking stuff aje hahaha.. so tak mungkin sampai ke tahap satu guni hahahah.. nanti ade pulak orang yg mengomel
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