Glad i choose to bake chiffon cake instead of lapis legit pisang for my second cake cos while it was in the oven.. hb came home with two of his customers fm Australia...haizzzz.. I had to quickly clean up the mess in our kitchen.. shower and entertain our guest... errr come to think of it.. my kitchen wasnt in a mess at all.. me and my OCD muahahah
Anyway this recipe is one of those that I will definately be baking again.. the texture is not dry at all.. moist and melt in ur mouth type... tastes more of chocolate than banana to be honest but I like it anyway! hehehe

20g cocoa powder (I used koko black)
60 ml hot water
100g banana - mashed/ blender smooth
35g of cooking oil
1/2 tsp chocolate paste
85g low protein flour (cake flour)
1 tsp ground cinnamon (i used 1/2 tsp.. will use 1/4 tsp next time)
1/2 tsp baking powder (I used double action baking powder)
75g caster sugar
5 egg yolks
5 egg whites
1/4 tsp salt
75g caster sugar
Dissolve cocoa powder in hot water. Add bananas, cooking oil, chocolate paste. Stir well. Set aside.
Sift flour, cinnamon and baking powder (i sifted it 3x). Add sugar. Stir well. Pour the cocoa powder mixture a little at a time into sifted dry ingredients. Add in egg yolks. Stir well. Set aside. (I whisk sugar and egg yolks using stand mixer till pale.. add in cocoa powder mixture, bananas, oil and chocolate paste and continue to whisk at low speed.. Add batter into sifted dry ingredients)
Beat egg whites and salt until half inflate. Add sugar a little at a time and continue to whisk till stiff peak.
Add like 1/3 of egg white into chocolate batter and fold in gently and lightly.. add the rest of chocolate batter into egg white and continue to fold in gently.
Pour into 20 cm diameter ungreased chiffon pan (I used 22cm)
6. Bake in preheated oven of 170C for 70 mins

Source: Mia Gourmet
OCD??? how I wish I ada..mine is more of a PCD..P as in Pemalas..ha ha...maunya tongkang pecah from dining table to sink even tho kitchen I tu sekangkang kera :)
LOL Yat.. u ni ade ade aje.. buat orang ketawa .. even my hb pun kata ur friend Yat very funny heheh
I over terajin sikit.. i tak reti duduk diam.. macam sotong.. tu sebab bila sunday tu when my hb macam buat dak aje tak mau tolong kemas rumah.. i macam boleh jadi marah gitu.. haizz why some men macam gini eh.. agaknye dia ade PCD tak?? hahahah
Rima, what is OCD? And one more yg i dok fikir smpi sekarang but couldn't figure it out...SAHM...
Hahahah OCD tu Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.. my hb always kata i OCD cos i selalu get aggitated with him bila rumah serak padahal tak serak mana pun.. (psst yg benar nye i aggitated cos he tak ringgan tangan part part tolong i kemas rumah).. the thing is siapa tak suka if rumah bersih.. betul kannnn :o)
SAHM tu short form for "stay at home mom" .. ahhh lepas ni u tak yah dok pikir lagi heheh
rima dear,
SAHM tu sexy and hot mama...lol
kudos to u, as usual all ur cakes n muffin pics keep me drrrrrooling!
Hugs n kisses to lil sonia n Hv a great weekend ;o)
regards *yan*
LOL at sexy and hot mama.. mana boleh i cakap terang terang like that.. actually kan tu lah meaning yg sebenar benar nye muahahahha.. j/k aje lah Yan... it has to be stay at home mom :op
tqs for the recipe....chiffon cake, another territory to explore!
Chiffon cake ni memang cerewet sikit.. just like when u bake french macarons.. waktu nak fold in egg white harus berhati hati takut egg white nye deflate.. ape ape pun i am pretty sure u can manage cos u r good in baking too :o)
Hi rima, tried another of your chiffon recipe. I'm on a roll. :) anyway, for this one, my 22cm pan was the perfect size for the 5 yolk 5 white recipe. I didn't have cocoa powder on hand so I replaced with Horlicks. I also added a few drops of yellow colouring and vanilla essence. The result: had a nice malty aftertaste with the banana aroma coming through. Thanks again for the recipe and inspiration. - shaz
Hi Shaz
22cm pan is a perfect pan for the 5eggs recipe.. glad to hear that ur on the roll.. dont blame me if u start baking every single day hehehe..
Good to know that horlicks work well with banana.. glad u like it!
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