Been meaning to update my blog bef our trip to KL.. hb has to go there for some meetings next week and we decided to spend the weekend there as well.. anyway i baked something for my concorde hotel kaki's .. not this chiffon cake tho but baked them chocolate chip cookies this time round...

So ok... i decided to bake chocolate chiffon cake yesterday simply cos Hairi loves to munch on chiffon cake... i knew i would not be able to see him this weekend since hes only gonna come home this afternoon and we would be long gone by then.. didnt wanna bake him the typical pandan flavor plus i was thinking of Lyn's son, Danish when i decided on chocolate flavor.. (took some to moms yesterday since Danish was there).. No doubt.. the taste, texture and surprisingly the moisture of this cake is something that i never thought it would be... I loveeeee it!! will definitely be baking this again and again..
7 egg white
100g caster sugar
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
7 egg yolk
150g flour (i used cake flour)
50g cocoa powder (i used valrhona)
150g caster sugar
125 ml evaporated milk
100 ml corn oil
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda

- Preheat oven 160C
- Whisk egg white and cream of tartar till foamy.. add sugar in 3 parts till stiff peak.
- In another bowl, mix sifted flour, coco powder, baking powder and baking soda. Make a well in the middle and add egg yolk, evaporated milk and corn oil. Stir till well combined
- Add in 1/4 of egg white mixture into egg yolk mixture.. mix thoroughly.. add another half of egg white mixture and fold in gently. Pour in egg yolk mixture into the rest of egg white mixture and continue to fold in.. do not overmix..
- Pour batter into ungreased chiffon pan (24cm)
- Bake for 50mins
- Once done.. change the temp setting to 175C and continue to bake for another 10mins

Well ok i better get my butt going.. we will be leaving in half an hour time.. see u guys is KL.. cheers!
Source: Yasa Boga cake and pastry book
safe journey dear...balik bawak oleh2 for me..he he..Nandos fiery hot peri sauce will do..muah ha ha!! :)
salam Rima,
Have a safe journey and have fun!!
chocolate chiffon cake, boleh masuk list ni!! so far tak pernah buat & makan chocolate chiffon kek..
normally, pandan & orange aje pernah makan..and that beli aje..hehe
Thank you Yat.. kenapa tak mintak belacan ke.. keropok ikan ke muahahahah..
If u really want u know i will get it for u.. no worries.. my hb tu peminat setia Nandos.. if we go to aussie land ke.. or south africa ke.. especially kat M'sia .. Nandos jugak yg dia tuju .. but ah do u know that u can get that sauce in mustaffa center??
Salam Ayu
Hv fun makan ade lah muahahhaa.. I pun baru first time bake/rasa chocolate chiffon cake.. sedap tau.. try ah.. ur kids kan suka anything with chocolate.. i am pretty sure they will like it..
Rima...seriously??? Mustafa ctr...gosh sungguh ketinggalan zaman aku nih!!!! tapi tak pernah seen it there..really ah mustafa centre??? gosh if dude tau..nak kena beli 1 cartion ni!!!!
You know lah kat mustaffa center tu.. u hv to look for stuff.. banyak betul barang they all.. but yes.. seriously.. u go to the new section of mustaffa center.. frozen stuff area.. ahhh kat atas.. hmm u try cari kat daerah atas frozen prata freezer.. u can get the sauce there.. hb bought it for our bbq that day..
salam Rima,
ya u are right, my kids memang suka kek chocolate..
cant stop help myself reading about the nandos sauce..kat mustaffa ada ya?..oo..kalau gitu tak payah pergi kl ler..hehe..boleh beli kat sini..
Thanks for the info.
Apa2 pun I would like to say thank you for the wishes..rasa terharu sangat and touched..nak nangis ni tau..ah..
LOL ahhh ape lagi Ayu.. pergi serbu Mustaffa malam ni jugak dah tu lepas shopping gi makan prata opp mustaffa tu.. "Man... mintak 2 kosong campur kuah plsssss" mua hahaha
Hi rima
Been baking chiffon cakes a lot the last week! oh no. im addicted. Anyway, wanna ask you. My cakes crack quite a bit at the top. Do you know why? (So far tried, your pandan, chocolate & chocolate banana)
ur lucky u get to bake chiffon cake as often as u like.. my hb is not a big fan of any spongy cake.. especially chiffon cake so when i do bake em.. it has to be moist and not dry type.. anyway maybe what u can do is to use a slightly lower temp?? crack is normally cause by the heating element.. sometimes that happen to my cake.. 20mins into baking i usually will use aluminium foil to cover the top
Haha my hubby doesn't even like cake! (though he said the sugee cake I made 2 days ago was not bad) my two boys love chiffon (Esp my younger who's 10mths and doesn't have much teeth) thanks for the tip.
Gonna try Swiss rolls next. :)
Hi, I was halfway through making this recipe when I realized that you didn't mentioned the 150g caster sugar in (B)...so I didn't add that in (B)... Do I need to add in B? Thank you :)
have u ever bake chocolate indulgence cake? i tried to search the recipe in your blog but i couldn't find it! or i might missed it?
Kalau saya guna cake pan biasa, bukan yg ada lubang ditengah tu ok x?
W'salam Amira... Preferably yg ade lobang.. Non grease type..
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