Friday is almost over... heres what i know... time flies too fast when ur busy and having fun... well the busy part is nothing new... but fun?? I am having fun looking after Sonia on a daily basis.. shes growing too fast...shes super cute and she talks a lot... these few rounds shes been singing non stop... be it when shes watching telly... while having a shower... while in the car... she sings just abt anywhere.. bottom line is..... my girl loves to sing lol
Anyway yesterday I had to send Hairi to hospital cos he fractured his finger a few months ago while training in the army... Doc said he doesnt need to go thru an operation since his bone is slowly healing but my son wants to go ahead with the operation since thats the only way for him to hv his knuckle back in place... honestly?? I think hes just finding excuses so that he will be granted light duty after the operation... but again if he doesnt do it now.. he will never hv his knuckle back in place ever again... sigh... what ever it is.. i just wish he wud just forget abt his super duper idea of going thru the operation... the thought of him going for an operation is just too much!!
So ok enought abt my kiddoes... today i baked a simple desert for mom.. she lovessss bread and butter pudding.. well her all time favorite is still creme caramel but give her bread and butter pudding and she will gv u the same smile and will tell u the same story abt my late grandmama who loves her bread and butter pudding soaked in coconut milk instead of fresh milk! Oh did i ever tell u guys that my late grandmama is an actress during the P Ramlee era?? heheh well she was and so was her late brother.. Yusof Latiff .. :o)
10 pcs white bread
500ml fresh milk (I used 300ml fresh milk and 200ml evaporated milk)
300ml whipping cream or evaporated milk (I used whipping cream)
100g sugar
5 eggs (grade A)
50g raisins
1 granny smith apple (peel and slice thinly)
Butter (spread on bread bef cutting into small cubes)
1tsp vanilla essence (I used vanilla pod)
Simmer fresh milk with vanilla pod for a few mins .. stir and let it cool (if ur using vanilla essence u dont hv to simmer the milk)
Hand whisk eggs and sugar till the sugar dissolves.. add in the rest of the ingredients except raisins and sliced apple
Greased pan and place half of the bread cubes and top it with raisins and sliced apples.. place another half of the bread cube and pour milk and egg mixture onto bread and let it sit for abt 15mins
Bake using bain marie method for abt 45 to 50mins on 175C
Let it cool bef serving
Source: SueJoshua blogspot
Wahhhh...Rima...famous pple in the family ;) And your late grand uncle (izit kira yr grand uncle?) is the famous actor En Yusof Latif??Wahhhh...lagi!!! No wonder yr girl loves to sing eh??
Ah ah Yat.. actually my grandmother side ramai yg main wayang as orang dolu dolu say.. my grand uncle was the famous actor En Yusof latiff... we called him Tok Ngah.. I remember waktu my grandmother passed away punya lah ramai orang wayang datang..
Hmm u ever heard of Azhar Nor Lesta.. the sg actor?? well he is my mom's cousin .. so kira the wayang blood is in our blood ah.. but ah that blood not in mine pulak hahahha
..melencung jap ..
I suka Yusof Latiff the actor even when I was small. I like the way he talk .. very sempurna sebijik2. Mustaffa Maarof pun mcm tu ..
p/s: i love bread pud with custard sauce, nyum!
Arwah tok ngah memang soft spoken by nature... if dia bercakap kita semua automatic dengar kata dia hehehe.. i think orang dulu dulu memang gitu ah... lelaki melayu terakhir hahahha
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