
Almond Suji Cookies

Just a quick one.. need to prepare food for iftar.. gonna go to mom since today and tmrw hb will not be joining us for dinner..

Managed to bake another type of cookies for Eid.. wooohooo i am on the roll... best part i can bake and bake and bake without anyone telling me "eh u not tired ah..." :op 

Okie i dont know how it taste like.. all i know this almond cookie has that melt in ur mouth was rated 5* by those who had baked it.. will let u know my verdict after iftar.. recipe fm Kak Intan

My verdict: Yep its a melt-in-ur-mouth type of cookie, full of flavour.. mom likes it.. i do too.. this recipe is a keeper!

1kg flour
350g ground almonds
400g sugar (grind)
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
pinch of salt
2 3/4 to 3 cups of oil (i used canola oil)

Mix all ingredients except oil
Add oil bit by bit.. (i used 2 3/4) till soft dough form
Roll into small balls and flatten top
Bake in preheated oven of 160C for 20mins


CS said...

Rima..Rima..Rima .. (geleng kepala in disbelief). Syabas!!

Rima said...

Hehehe... (geleng kepala too)

mrswongjowo said...

Rima...jauh I tertinggal ni...Yesterday I tried the steam cake lumut you...sedap you but the appearance tak cantik lah so malu lah nak post the pic will try it again! Hem...reread the recipe you used 6 x 6 pan..I used 7.5 no wonder a bit flat....Tapi kat tengah ada putih2 sikit..macam tu meaning lum cukup masak ye? And how do you control water from dropping? The biscuit tu must crushed sampai jadi serbuk ke?....TQ..anyway nanti I try lagi....

Rima said...

Mrswongjowo.. yes u shud used a 6x6 pan that way ur cake tinggi.. if u wanna do a bigger cake just double the recipe ok.. regarding putih putih.. maybe air steam tu drop tak?? if possible u bungkus tutup kukusan tu dengan kain putih or lampin bayi.. that way air steam tak titis.. another thing that u can do is to wipe ur tutup kukusan half way thru the steaming process.. yes biscuit i grind it sampai jadi serbuk.. or u can always crush it by placing biscuit in ziplock.. marble it just like when u do marble cake or u can just leave it like u do zebra cake ok.. gd luck!!

zzaabb said...

Salam Rima, my name is zab and i m your big time fan...heheheh...i hv tried ur recipies and non of them fail me. Nie nak try sugee cookies n i was wonderin if i can replace almond with hazelnuts instead.....tq n keep baking n posting.....Fyi ur cheesecake is my signature for any family gathering.

zzaabb said...

Salam Kak Rima,
My name is zab and i m one of your greatest fan.....most of your recipes i tried never seem to fail me...your cheesecake is my signature dish whn thrs any family gathering.hehehehe. by the way today nak buat biscuit suji nak tanya sikit if i can replace the almonds wit hazelnuts instead tak...tq n pls continue baking and posting....salam...zab

Rima said...

Salam Zab
I think its ok.. almond will gv u more flavour.. i think... both nuts gv out same kinda of oil... yeah.. u shud gv it a try... no harm done...

About Me

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Hi.. I am a SAHM to 2 kiddoes..19yr old boy n 2 year old girl.. met my Austrian hubby here in Singapore and hv been living here all my life... my love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stop eversince.. I hope to learn as much as i can abt baking and decorating and then share it with u along the way..