As salam everyone... oh gosh... i miss this space of mine.... its been a year since i last blogged..
Here is the deal... I dont think i am able to write as much or as interesting as before... its been too long and i am very sure everyone knows that my blog has been inactive for the longest time... am sorry if i hv not replied to some of the private msg in my fb too... its just that at times i dont even know what to answer as to why the sudden decision to privatise my blog..
My life has been pretty standard .. wake up early.. prepare Sonia's lunch box.. drive her to school and start baking as early as 9am... i hv been baking non stop and i love it!
My life has been pretty standard .. wake up early.. prepare Sonia's lunch box.. drive her to school and start baking as early as 9am... i hv been baking non stop and i love it!
Anyway... i am back (for now)... my blog is open to the public and i hope that the recipes that i hv shared so far will benefit others... am still trying to figure out where i placed my tripod stand and my props for my food photography.. u can clearly see that my pic is not as sharp as bef.... oh well... time to get a new tripod and what not!
Alrighty.. I am sharing a recipe that i managed to try bef our KL trip... we hv been travelling back to back since last month and i am not complaining... (i dont get to travel as much now that Sonia is no longer in kindy).. I wud also like to thank all my followers on Instagram and FB for all the likes and comments... hugsssss
Crunchy Lemon Poppy Seed Cookies
Preheat oven to 160C. Line a couple of cookie sheets with parchment paper or Silpat.
3 cups All Purpose flour, bleached - i used cake flour
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cream of tartar
1/8 tsp. salt
1/2 cup butter, unsalted and softened
1/2 cup vegetable shortening - i use butter
1 cup granulated sugar
1 large egg
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 tsp. lemon extract
2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 and 1/2 tsp. fresh grated lemon zest
2 and 1/2 Tbsp. poppy seeds
In a bowl, measure and whisk together the flour, baking soda, cream of tartar, and salt. Set aside.
In a large mixer bowl fitted with the paddle attachment, mix together on medium speed the butter, shortening, and sugar until fluffy (about two minutes). Add in the vanilla and lemon extracts, the lemon juice, and the lemon zest; mix until combined.
On the lowest speed, or by hand, gradually mix in about one third of the dry ingredients--except for the poppy seeds.
After you've mixed in about one third of the dry ingredients, pour in all the poppy seeds, mix those in, and then continue adding in the rest of the flour gradually. Don't overmix.
Chill the dough in the fridge or freezer for at least 20 minutes. (Good idea to chill your cookie sheets in the freezer or fridge also, if you can manage it.) After the dough is cold, portion them .. Place the cookies about two inches apart.
Put a few tablespoons of sugar in a shallow bowl. Find a small drinking glass that's completely smooth on the bottom; dampen the bottom and dip it in the sugar, then use that to press down the cookies. For each cookie, dip the glass again in the sugar.
Bake the cookies on an upper rack in your oven for approximately 10 to 12 minutes, just until the bottoms are lightly golden. If you're brave and you want super crunchy cookies, bake them a couple of minutes longer.
Let them cool on a rack . . . and then feel free to start crunching.
Recipe is fm Janessweet
Feel free to try out this recipe... we all love the taste... the crunchiness... lemoness (is there even such word lol) in this cookie... i will be baking it during the upcoming Eid.... for sure!

Salam dear Rima....welcome back...yahooooo happy bangat gitu...haha...Eh, I better quickly copy all the recipes that I wanted...haha...Thank you Rima...You inspired me much...Hugs...
-KNur Terengganu-
W'salam knur!!! Woahhh first to comment.. I is missing this space..
Yeah! Welcome back Rima! :D
salam krima..def will try this recipe.thanks krima
Thank you for sharing.. Wud love to be a baker like u but im juz not cut to be one. Selalu sajer my cakes either tak jadi or hangus..hehe..
Salam Kak Rima,
Welcome back......thanks for sharing with us again ur blog . Missed all your recepies and ur write up........
Thanks a lot Rima ...I'm your biggest fan too & Alhamdulillah for sharing again the recipe with us. May Allah bless you & your family. Aamiin. From nor baaiah @ lecottagebakery.
Salam kak rima,sebelum ni sy silent reader je,so this time i must comment to say tq tq & tq fr bringing back ur blog to public.
At last I managed to read your blog....I simply luv looking at yr cakes but unfortunately I dun hv yr talent. How I wish I can bake like u? 😊
Yeayyy too nk C&P rcp yg x sempat hr tu.Tq so much dear,really miss yr blog.TC
okaysss...where do I get poppy seeds.. *cheeky grin*
Faeez.. Haha been awhile!
Merah baldu.. U shud.. Let me know how it turns out
Beautiful life.. Keep On baking.. Am Sure u will be good at it.. Follow method closely n u will be ok
W'salam Anne.. No worries.. Nak raya.. Can try try recipes
Nor Baaiah.. No worries.. Ty cos still follow bisousatoi :)
Atilia.. W'salam.. Am happy to be back
Mona.. Welcome!!! Do gv a few recipe a try.. Its pretty straight forward :))
Rima, Rima. Where art thou Rima? Hurray! Rima's back! Alhamdulillah. Hope all is good for you and family.
Zahara.. Anywhere outside sg
Zue.. Copy n Don't bookmark.. Nanti hilang Again hehe
Rindu blog akak... Thanks 4 Sharing. Must try
Nurwin.. I am here darl.. I need some space n I got it.. Ty Ty.. We are good..
Mazni.. try ok
Mazni.. try ok
Yeah... finally. Alhamdulillah... Ty Sis... hope I can try your recipe.
Alhamdullillah..welcome back sis..thnx for sharing..:)
i am your biggest fan. how i wish i can cook like u sis rima!!'re back. Been a silent reader the past years...ur blog used to be the 1st one I go to if I wanna bake for my kids n family before you privatised it....n all bakes turns out well. Thank you so much for making this public again sis...can't wait to try out more recipes...
Alhamdulillah.....lookin forward to try ur new recipes...
Alhamdulillah kak, thx you so much for hvg this blog again, yeah sukeeee skali, miss it so much nk 2x resepi dia kan�� selamat menyambut Ramadan...Suriyani Harun
Alhamdulillah, Tq rima. May Allah bless you and your family. Aamiin.
Assalamualaikum kak rima sayang!!!
Alhamdulillah praise to Allah coz He open your heart back to open your blog to your reader back!! After hassle here n there kan..(apsal ai speaking ni? Xcited kot tetiba perasan omputih lol)
Anyway saya doakan akak diberi keberkahan oleh Allah atas ilmu dan perkongsian yg ada d blog ini..muahciked 😘😘
Yeay.. alhamdulillah you are back Rima. Thank you so much for the recipe.
Assalamualaikum Kak Rima. Sy Anisah, one of your silent reader. Thanks for opening up this blog for public again. Sy nak ucapkan terima kasih banyak banyak kepada Kak Rima for sharing all the recipes. Dah banyak yg saya cuba and keep cos my kids suka esp german cookies and choc chip cookies & some of the cakes. Thanks again.
Hi Rima
Thanks so much for sharing again. Thank you!
Tq kak..sayang akak!
Finally.... Rindu dengan blog u kak Rima.. -Rohani Khalid
Hi Kak Rima. Welcome back
Love your work of art. u are such a inspirational baker, photographer, blogger and stay-at-home mum/wifey. I learnt a lot about baking and blogging from you. Thank you so much, Kak Rima..
Cheers, Mariezka
yeay.....Alhamdulillah...thanks for coming back Rima....been looking hi and lo for your deep choc sour cream pound cake. So craving after seeing it in yr ig. Thanks again Rima, for sharing..nanti kalau I dah buat I tag u ya... :)
Miss you so much~
Hi Kak Rima, this is the best day of the year!! Your recipe has always been an inspiration for me to bake. Thank you for everything!
Hi Rima.....welcome back so so so so Happyyyyyy you're here so I got something to read about all your wonderful story
Yeah..tkasih k.Rima..rindu blog ni..
Salams kak. I have an enquire to make la. Hmm. Ur macaroon tower for the next year wedding january da boleh order?
Assalam Sifu. Thank you for giving us another "chance". Babap siapa yang curi gambar my Sifu nanti.
Salam sis, i try cari yr rich chocolate marble cake nya resepi by which u melt the chocolate tapi tak jumpa. I am very sure i see b4 in yr blog. Am I rite? Tks sis. Sabaria
TQ Rimaaaa hugssss..I lost my recipe book ... May Allah
reward you with the best of this world and the Hereafter for your kindness..Really appreciate it babe!
Ya Allah Kak Rima, Thank you sebab bukak balik your blog. Aritu i dah siap beli bahan. Lepas tu.. tutup. Dis time kena copy siap2. hehehe.. May Allah bless you kak Rima!!
<3 <3 <3
Sayang kak rima.. x sabar nk baca experience overseas, gambar kek cantik2....😉
I am glad that i can now browse through your blog and get inspirations to bake. Thank Youuuuuuuuuuuu so much for opening up your blog again. Rajin rajinlah update hehehehe.
Alhamdulillah youre back! God knows how happy I am. U have always been my inspiration to bake and Ive never bake since I bought my kitchenaid a year ago haha When I wanted to start, your blog wasnt available anymore! Now ure back, Im gonna try ur recipe and its about time to use my rusty kitchenaid yeay!! Thanks Kak Rima! May Allah bless you
Assalamualaikum Rima. Am just a silent reader of yr blog. It's very beautiful and beneficial.. tq fr sharing. Barakallah hu fikum
Very happy to see you back in action! :)
Thank you sis for making this blog public again..i was so sad when you privatised the blog before this as i love all your recipes! Thank you for sharing with all of u sis! Selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin.
Yess! Thank you Sis Rima !
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