[On 13th October: Its late .. will update soonish.. missing my space here .. night night xoxo]
How do i begin.. where do i start.. each time i start to type in something.. i end up deleting it.. its been awhile.. been too long since i last pinned my thoughts here.. suddenly i feel like a virgin all over again muahahaha
I hv been well.. not been travelling that much this year.. every year come December.. i will sit back and try to think of what i hv done for the year.. i had wanted to do something more fruitful this year and i think i managed to do that.. i wanted to bake more celebration cakes and i got to do that almost every week.. each week i will keep it to two or three orders of bday cakes cos i know that if i were to take in many.. i will not be able to enjoy what i am doing.. i love to try out new designs for my cakes.. even if i hv to keep on using the same technique (customer request) i will still try to make it look a little different..
With that said.. guess what.. hubs signed me into another macaron class in Paris... am super excited to be able to learn more on macs.. there are never ending things u can learn abt these little devilish thingy called Macarons.. its not true that once u mastered it.. ur good to go.. hopefully with all my knowledge on baking .. i will be able to open up classes and teach to those that are interested to learn abt baking.. i know for sure that if u hv the passion for baking.. u will be able to bake just abt anything under the sun..
So ok.. lets get on with this long overdue recipe.. i guess with all the FB and IG spreading viral on anything that uses salted caramel.. there is no harm for me to share another good salted caramel recipe.. i hv a few which i hv shared bef in my previous post.. i personally like this recipe tho.. always remember when it comes to making caramel.. keep a close watch on ur sugar .. dont burnt it or u will not like the taste..
1 1⁄2 cups flour
1⁄4 cup plus 1 tablespoon dutch-process unsweetened cocoa powder
1⁄4 teaspoon salt
10 tablespoons unsalted butter, cubed and softened
1⁄2 cup plus 2 tablespoons. confectioners' sugar
2 egg yolks, room temperature
1⁄2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1. Prepare the Crust: In a medium bowl, combine flour, cocoa powder, and salt; set aside. Using a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, or in a large bowl with a electric hand mixer, cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy; mix in yolks and vanilla. Add in dry ingredients. Divide dough into 6 equal portions. Evenly press each portion into the bottoms and sides of 6 3.5-inch tartlet pan with removable bottoms. Refrigerate tartlet shells for 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F, prick the tart shells all over with a fork. Bake in preheated oven until cooked through, about 13-15 minutes. Transfer to a rack and let cool.
1⁄2 cup heavy cream
4 oz. Bittersweet Chocolate, finely chopped - I used Valrhona
Vanilla Fleur de Sel for garnish (optional)
Prepare the Ganache: In a medium saucepan over medium heat, bring cream to a boil. Put chocolate into a medium bowl and pour in hot cream; let sit for 1 minute, then stir slowly with a rubber spatula until smooth. Spoon ganache evenly over tartlets and refrigerate until set, 3-4 hours. If desired, sprinkle tart with sea salt and slice. Serve cold.
Makes about 2 cups
400gm sugar
165gm butter
250ml cream
Salt to taste -i used Fleur de Sel
Heat the sugar in a heavy based pot and as soon as the sugar has all dissolved, remove it from the heat and add the butter in parts whilst continuously whisking . warning it is VERY hot - the butter will splatter quite a bit, just keep whisking and ensure that you do not touch this sauce.
Return the pot to the heat and add the cream immediately, still whisking vigorously.
When the sauce has become smooth and amalgamated (this happens quickly) remove it from the heat and add a good sprinkle of salt which dissolves.
Allow it to completely cool and stir in another good sprinkle of salt which remains in its granular form.
If you add the cream to the sugar too soon it may split. If this happens return it to the heat and continue heating and stirring vigorously and it should amalgamate to form a sauce.
Crust and ganache recipe is fm My baking addition

miss you much !!! :) and won't scare to try this one..
really missed u here dear... muaaaccchhhhhh
Assalamualaikum Rima cayang, apa khabar? Alahaaii lamanya x jenguk, x sempat2 konon akak ni...x tau bz apa... Tp x tahan masuk dapur Rima ni taaauuu...gugat iman semuanya...hehe
Salam kak rima...rindu nya dkt akak...plis update cepat..
Wooow kelihatan sangat elegant dan yummy kak,tak sabar tunggu recipenya. Sehat selalu ya kak, we miss u so much...
Selamat hari raya Aidil Adha Kak Rima..rindukan post dr Kak Rima :)
Assalam Rima, Im missing your blog with your new recipes. Please, please come back. We really really miss you.
Hi rima
Missed u n glad u are back. Am also interested to attend classes in Paris. What culinary school did u enrolled in and are classes in English? Tks
miss u lah. more postings please please :)
Hi Kak Rima,
I realllyyyy realllyyy loveeee how your tartlet looks like. I've been wanting to make that kind of round tartlet but can i ask where you get the tartlet pan ?
Thank youuu <3
wow...by looking at the pix make me drooling...thanks 4 sharing the recipe
Hi Rima,
Deeply admired your masterpiece and picture, it's an ART!
TQ for sharing!
hi rima
setiap hari check untuk entry baru..... tak pe. Tengok gamber2 lama pun ok gak. Miss cerita2 baru si comel sonia....
assalamualaikum Kak Rima. Lame xjenguk blog akak.. Rindu banget kat lovely pictures & recipes for sure.. Busy sangat la konon ni..hihi..
Those look yummy. Really pretty. I hope you post soon again have a great new year..
Awesome presentations, beautiful recipes. I was very happy to eplore your space in this blog.
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