Has it really been close to 6weeks since i last blogged? geesshhh this is what happens when there are too many things to do.. too little time to play with.. As Salam peeps... hope all is well.. hope u guys still remember me.. i am still pretty much alive.. am still baking away .. i usually will update my fb and IG on daily basis so pls follow me there.. the only diff is that .. i hv been stuck in Singapore.. didnt travel simply bec i had lots of orders to fulfill.. thank you so much for supporting my bakes.. ty for the trust...
So whats new.. err.. where do i begin.. lets starts with Hairi.. hes doing well.. hes been working hard and wants do his degree .. Sonia is growing far too fast and is in K2 since last july.. am glad that we stuck to our belief: to let her see and experience the world first hand is the best way for ur kid to get exposed.. i know there are parents out there who believe in sending their kids to classes.. music lessons, ballet, sports at a young age.. we dont but that doesnt mean that we will not let her do what she wants.. for now shes into arts.. been years and still shows interest in it.. as for me.. am happy where i am right now.. busy baking for orders on wkdays and spending lots of time with my family over the weekend.. hubs wants me to go slow since i hardly hv the time to try out new recipes and to update my blog.. he doesnt want me to burn myself out and wants me to remember that i bake for my passion... :o)
Alrighty.. i am actually blogging fm Jakarta.. this week is officially my off week.. i had planned for this week simply bec its school hols in Singapore and wanted to spend more time with my little girl; and since hubs has to fly to Jakarta.. he thought it might be a good idea for us to tag along.. ya know.. for me to hv a totally ME time is impossible when i am at home.. his wife simply cant sit still lol
Ok lets talk abt these cuppies.. had baked it to recreate the salted caramel cuppies that we had in one of the cafes near Tiong Bharu.. do check out Plain Vanilla if u are around that vacinity.. check out their cafe.. wud love to set up my own cafe in that style someday.. cough cough hehe
I used moist vanilla cuppies recipe fm Honey and Butter and whipped up a batch of swiss meringue buttercream which u can get fm my previous post.. salted caramel recipe is fm Brown eyed baker or if u dont hv much time.. u can always use store bought.. up to ur preference..
1 cup (2 sticks) of butter (room temperature)
2 cups of sugar
4 eggs (room temperature)
3 cups of sifted self-rising flour
1 cup of whole milk (room temperature)
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1/2 tsp butter flavoring, optional
Preheat oven to 175 degreesC. Prepare cupcake liners. Using a mixer, cream butter until fluffy. Add sugar and continue to cream for about 7 minutes. Add eggs one at a time. Beat well after each egg is added. Add flour and milk (alternating to creamed mixture), beginning and ending with flour. Add vanilla and butter flavoring to mix; until just mixed.
Divide batter equally into cupcakes pan. Bake for 12–15 minutes (depending on your oven) until done. Cool for 5 – 10 minutes. Remove and immediately wrap each cuppies in plastic wrap to seal in moisture. Cool completely on wire racks.
Salted Caramel
2 cups granulated sugar
12 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature, cut into pieces
1 cup heavy cream, at room temperature
1 tablespoon fleur de sel (or any other flaky sea salt)
1. Add the sugar in an even layer over the bottom of a heavy saucepan, with a capacity of at least 2 or 3 quarts. Heat the sugar over medium-high heat, whisking it as it begins to melt. You'll see that the sugar will begin to form clumps, but that's okay. Just keep whisking and as it continues to cook, they will melt back down.
Stop whisking once all of the sugar has melted, and swirl the pan occasionally while the sugar cooks.
2. Continue cooking until the sugar has reached a deep amber color. It should look almost a reddish-brown, and have a slight toasted aroma. This is the point where caramel can go from perfect to burnt in a matter of seconds, so keep a close eye. If you are using an instant-read thermometer, cook the sugar until it reaches 175 degrees C.
3. As soon as the caramel reaches 175 degreesC, add the butter all at once. Be careful, as the caramel will bubble up when the butter is added. Whisk the butter into the caramel until it is completely melted.
4. Remove the pan from the heat and slowly pour the cream into the caramel. Again, be careful because the mixture will once again bubble up ferociously. Whisk until all of the cream has been incorporated and you have a smooth sauce. Add the fleur de sel and whisk to incorporate.
5. Set the sauce aside to cool for 10 to 15 minutes and then pour into your favorite glass jar and let cool to room temperature. You can refrigerate the sauce for up to 2 weeks. You'll want to warm the sauce up before using.
I love the moist vanilla cuppies so much so that both Sonia and I enjoyed it bare.. as for the buttercream.. it didnt taste the same.. the buttercream that they used is definitely not swiss meringue.. their vanilla cuppies is a lot more denser which i am not a big fan of to be honest.. oh well.. moral of the story.. i did try to recreate what i tasted.. full stop heheheee

Salam K. Rima,
Thanks for this update. Kalau takde update macam rindu banget =) Something different for me to try someday.
Just like you, we also believe in letting our girl see the world, experience different cultures, something we are blessed with and very thankful for.
Enoy your Jkt trip! Rest well.
Hi Rima
Kind of miss you when you have not update your post. Glad to hear you have been busy...means you are good and well in life. Love to give this cuppies a try especially the salted caramel cream.
hi Rima. Love your cupcakes so much.. may i know wat nozzle that you use to piping the flower shape for the second pic? thanks~
Salam Kak Rima,
adoi rindunya sbb dah lama u senyap sunyi :) keep on posting :)
Oh my, Rima - this is so strange, happened to me 2 times today, I've been thinking about 2 people today, friend of mine and another one is you - kind of miss each other, all sudden she call me, and this morning I check your blog in case I missed your post, but NO .. no update blog until now :))) Miss you girl ..
Alright, I will add you on fb so I will see you more often Lol..
Take care dear.. those cupcake is beautiful..
Salam sis. My daughter kept pestering me to fill up her cookie jar so tried your amos cookies. She kept eating it non stop! Haha! Great recipe. Thank u! Want to try ur macaron next. Can u tell me where I can get those round types of clear boxes tt u use for ur macs? Been looking ard bt in vain.
you'd been missed by me for sure! was wondering where you'd flown to... good to see you back and lovely lovely cupcakes!
miss u n ur food rima..n sonia tooo....
Canteknya cupcake itew Kak Rima....teringinla nak mamam..
the decoration looks so exquisite!i'm not good in deco, need to brushen up in that department.hehe
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