January is the month where two of my family members celebrate their bday... dad was last week and sis Wati celebrated hers today.. Happy bday sista! may u be happy always with ur loved ones... no bday cake cos am hibernating.. remember?? hehe
This month n Feb will also see us travelling quite a bit.. we will be heading down to Jakarta early next week and will be flying back on Saturday.. Sunday will see us driving up to Malacca and KL and will be there for five days... the week after.. hubs will be flying to Germany for an urgent matter and most probably Sonia and I will be meeting hubs in Bangkok for the weekend.. It seems tiring but I am really looking forward to it.. will "hotel school" Sonia since am taking her out of school hehe
So ok.. I am not too sure if i will be sharing anymore new recipes this week as i hv to bake macs and a few lapis legit for my customers.. and if i do find the time to try out new recipes.. i will definitely be sharing it with my dear readers..
... Alrighty.. Brown butter chocolate chip cookies happens to be one of my fav chewy cookies.. for some reason i am now a big fan of chewy cookies... not bec my teeth are failing me lol.. i find chewy cookies give out a lot more flavours than the crunchy ones.. anyway.. hubs loves it to bits and ate the whole container himself! geeeshhh why doesnt he grow fat by eating all the dessert that i bake.. i dont know "shrug"
BAKING TIP from Annalise:
"Perfectly baked cookies every time
Pull cookies from the oven when the edges are golden brown and the tops are just starting to turn golden. Once out of the oven, leave the cookies on the sheet pan for a few minutes, where they’ll do a little more baking and setting up. After 5 minutes, transfer the cookies to a wire rack to cool completely and you’ll have perfectly crisp cookies with a chewy center." She's right!!
1 cup (226 grams) unsalted butter - I used semisalted so didnt add the below-mentioned salt.
1/2 cup (100 grams) sugar
1 cup (215 grams) brown sugar
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 1/2 cup (300 grams) all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 cups (450 grams) semi-sweet chocolate chips - I used 250g and added 150g toasted hazelnut
Coarse salt, for sprinkling (optional) - I used Fleur de Sel
In a medium saucepan over low heat, melt the butter. Once melted, continue to cook until it turns golden brown. Swirl the pan occasionally if needed so that it browns evenly. Watch it fairly closely, as it can go from brown to burned quickly. When the color has turned golden, small flecks speckle the butter, and it has a nutty aroma, remove from heat and poor into a shallow dish. Chill in the fridge until it becomes solid. You want it to be soft, but not melted. If it cool too hard, let it come back to room temperature before using.
Preheat oven to 175 degrees C, and line a sheet pan with parchment paper.
Beat the brown butter, sugar, and brown sugar on medium high speed with an electric mixer until light and creamy, about 4 minutes. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing after each. Add the vanilla extract.
In a separate bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, and salt. Add to the wet ingredients and mix until just combined. Add the chocolate chips and mix until incorporated.
Spoon by the tablespoon onto the prepared baking sheet, leaving 2 inches in between each cookie. Sprinkle with coarse salt, if desired. Bake until golden brown, 10-12 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes on the pan before removing to a wire rack to cool completely.
Store cookies in an airtight container at room temperature.
I have to say adding hazelnut really gives it a nice crunch within the soft centre...
I have to say adding hazelnut really gives it a nice crunch within the soft centre...
Source: Annalise of Completely Delicious

so,Happy Birthday for everyone! Have a nice trips for you..*gosh,Rima..you are so busybee' :) - I hope you enjoy the moment in Jakarta, and no longer have waterflood overthere. *I might have summer vacation to see my parents this year :( not be able to see them for 3years ..
I'm definitely giving this a try. Living with all these omputeh kat sini I have to bake this kind of chewy cookies. I prefer my crunch anytime.
Thank you K. Rima for bringing lots of recipes here. You don't know how much I look forward to reading your blog & living my life vicariously through yours over there.
3yrs is a long time hukhukhuk its ok.. not long to go ey.. i hv not been to jkt for a while now.. rindu sama pondok laguna hahaha
CT Zee
awww ty for taking the time to read entah ape aper lah kan hehehe.. am happy to share it with my readers..
I dont know why.. for some reason i suka akan chewy type pulak now.. i guess u can bake it for 15 mins if u want to hv a krap krup cookies :o)
Haven't try out baking with brown butter. This cookies sounds great! Going to make for CNY. Will share in my blog if happen to make. Thanks for sharing. Have a nice holiday ahead.
Happy birthday to your beloved one Kak Rima, kukisnya sangat menggoda...
Ahhh Rima. Another "TO DO" things from my long list. My mom love chewy cookies too. Thanks for the recipe.
Salam Rima,
Just wondering why 1 cup of butter is equal to 115 gm and not 227 gm as the usual measurement I see?
Sonia dah pandai lah! tak payah belajar kat hotel. Bila lagi nak have fun. Masa kecik lah. ;)
Seronoknya tgk org yg rajin buat cookies...tp aku mmg xakn merajinkan diri tuk buat semua ni....hihihi.....aki rajin mkn dah ler....
As'salam Rima
dari tu hari dok nak mengintai recipe cookies ni, baru hari ni terlaksana hehehe. Nanti kak ct cuba okey dear.. thanks :)
happy holiday !!!
oh i love chewy cookies
thks for sharing the tips about baking it, i am puzzled most of the time as when is the best time to pull them out of the oven :)
Hi Alice
Me too.. 10 mins is gd .. Usually when its starting to brown :)
Hi Rima, thanks for the very helpful tips!
do you have any idea what does browning butter do to the cookie - like improve the chewiness etc?
Salam...I Bake this cookies just now....and i really love Love love the taste...its just perfect...tq for sharing the recipe...
the taste...
Kak Rima, mohon share the recipe yea... May Allah swt bless you
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