Its been almost a week since i last updated my blog.. am not gonna gv any reasons for my missing in action.. been busy baking for orders and at the same time been hibernating lol.. the weather has been kind to all of us that it makes my body feel all rested.. its cooling and nice..
Last Friday was my dad's bday and bec i hv orders to fulfilled.. i only managed to see him on the weekend.. err talking abt wkend.. geesshhh its true what Kak Ummi said... either the time flies too fast or life becomes too short... wkends come and go without us noticing it :o{ .. I am also getting more and more emails fm people who ask for last minute orders... I am flattered that I am asked.. but I also need my time with family and I dont bake as a "business"... its still a hobby... and it only stays fun if it remains a hobby :)
Yesterday i met up with my best mate fm secondary school.. we hv been friends for 31yrs and hv not seen each other for more than a decade.. so u can imagine how heartfelt it was for both of us.. we hugged and just then.. tears rolled down our cheeks... there are too many stories to tell... too many things to share.. especially abt our kids.. we talked and talked and talked... it was really nice to see her again and to just catch up :o)
... Now.. to be honest.. i dont hv that many friends.. not that i am too snobbish to mix with others... but i became overly protective of myself.. there was too much talk going on abt my divorce at that time and all i wanted to do was to shut everyone out of my life... i guess back then that was the easiest way out for me.. i hv no regrets tho.. we make friends along the way.. we loose some along the way.. thats life... i am happy like this.. less talk and for sure.. less probs.... and more baking hehehe
Blogging world has taught me to mix with different ppl fm all over the world... its like ur close but not actually close?? ya know.. u comment on each other's post.. u talk to one another and keep in touch thru FB and IG.. whatever it is... u get to know and sometimes meet new ppl in ur life and i love it... blogging is something that i hv been doing for the past 4yrs and it has become part of me.. bottom line is... thru blogging.. i get to challenge myself baking something that is beyond my comfort zone.. thru blogging i learn how to take pics which are far fm perfect but soothing to my eyes.. thru blogging i get to share my knowledge in baking.. thru blogging i leave something for my kids to flip through anytime they to those that hv been following Bisous A Toi for the past years.. i thank you for ur time... i thank you for sharing it and i thank you for all ur comments.. to those that read and later talk bad behind my back.. i thank you too lol
So ok.. enough rambling... i have been meaning to post this fab recipe yesterday but didnt hv time to take pics of my bake.. Banana Chocolate Butter Cake was the only cake that i managed to bake for my family.. i decided on it while browsing thru Kevin Chai's book... its another type of butter cake... a cake that u can whip while waiting for ur mac shells to dry hehe.. bake it when ur in a hurry... bake it for ur mom cos i know ... every mom will appreciate a moist butter cake :o)
250g butter
200g sugar
4 eggs
80g chocolate (chopped) - i used 55% valrhona
80ml fresh milk
250g plain flour
5g baking powder - i used double acting baking powder
1/4 tsp bicarbonate of soda
15g cocoa powder - valrhona of cos!
200g banana (sliced thinly)
Preheat oven to 160C, grease and line a 18cm (7") square baking pan
Beat butter and sugar until creamy. Add in eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition
Melt chocolate with fresh milk over low heat. Cool aside. Stir into batter until blended
Fold in sifted flour, baking powder, soda and cocoa powder.
Fold in banana slices, mix until combined
Spread batter into prepared pan. Bake in oven for 50 to 60 mins or until cooked.
Source: Buttercake - I love buttercake too2 by Kevin Chai

ouch so touched. so honest when u said bout ppl talking bout ur divorce.. well i pun actualy belajar byk benda tiap2 hari kan ada je benda yang datang. tapi bila d so called 'dark period' dah lepas, bila tengok balik sekarang ni lega....tapi ada lagi dugaan baru yg datang lebih mencabar. thats life. chill aje lah
Sedaplah pulak nampak kek Rima ni...
Your blog really inspire me, not only in baking, but also on life, family and friends. We all have our story to tell. I'm so glad i found your blog, and along the way, i discovered new blogs and friends.
Will bake this BCBC. My son really love Banana Chocolate Bread and he sure to love this one. :)
Rima,baru a few days ago knur baked your choc bottom banana squares...yummm..dulu kat Trg selalu kwn2 order tu,now kat sini pun dapat order lagi...hehe..TQ for sharing the recipe.
Sentiasa berfikiran positif Rima,insyaAllah hidup kita akan aman...Orang nak ckp behind our back,let them be..
Hugs and kisses to dear Sonia and salam to Hairi.
Take care Rima and TQ...
Hi Rima, I think u are a strong woman with a kind heart and a great baker....u hv inspire so many ppl, me including. Thanks for sharing yr bakes, yr life, yr family and yr thoughts! Keep it up babe and please dont stop! May 2013 be a blessed one for u n yr family! Hugs and kisses, Zarinah H.
truly friends come when you 'down' - I live far from my family, and in this country I learn who is your true friends, who is just coming when you have 'sugar' :p *its so funny and sad in the same time, that we can talk much better to a 'virtual' friends rather than person who sit by you .. you are strong woman, you can carry all your problems by yourself and with some helps from your dearly family.. :)
Thank u all for ur time... alhamdullilah... we all learn fm our experience... i learn it the hard way but it makes me a stronger person :o)
Hi Rima, i've tried this cake and my kids, hubby and neighbor loves it. Bila nak datang KL lagi? Anyway thanks for sharing the recipe. I know it's not easy to go through all that experience but we all learnt through it, betul tak? Respect sangat kat you!
Thanks for sharing the recipe! Memang sedap cake ni samapai kan neighbor pun suka.
Sedap kek ni Rima,thanks for sharing the recipe!Dah buat dah sampai neighbor pun suka.....keep baking baby!!!! love your blog!
Hi, Rima!
It's me again
I really want to try this recipe but I can't use baking soda/baking powder for health reason. Do you have any suggestion? Should I increase the eggs quantity? Or should I just skip the baking soda and the cake will be alright?
Thanks a lot
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