My bday has always been a special day for us.. not only do we manage to gather everyone around... it also give hubs the chance to gv out xmas presents.. u see.. hes our santa .. he believes.. sharing is caring hehehe
Gingerbread house that was assembled and decorated by hubs.. he took a couple of red mac shells and "glued" it to the roof - pic of Sonia and kakak Dafinah.. they are 2yrs apart :o)
Had wanted to do roasted chicken.. ya know.. all the western dishes but ended up doing korean bbq.. simply bec.. this kinda of food will fill up our tummy.. hubs did a cold salad/Sicilian seafood salad for a starter.
Pardon me for my "bare" look.. no need to use any make up.. original aka natural look muahaha
Right after the cake cutting session.. we gave out xmas pressies to everyone.. not one pressie.. almost everyone got 3 pressies each hehe
Some pressies were bought fm my last Europe trip..
Gift fm my parents and also Hairi.. sis wati got me perfume.. sis lyn gave me a handmade swarovski phone cover and my dear hubs got me a set of knives and chopping board fm Zwilling JA Henckels - isnt he romantic?! muahaha
Boys and their perfume
Hairi and his pressie.. Topman pants and also Ted Baker watch..
Theres a story behind this.. Sonia had written a note to Santa asking for this Playmobil set... of cos our "santa" had to go and buy it.. right? hehe
It was a night of celebration.. a night of laughter and a night where we got to gather bef 2012 ends.. ty everyone for making it happen.. bday girl had a blast!

Happy belated birthday Rima. May you have a blessed years ahead.
Ty for the wish and to u too!
happy birthday. :)
wish u happy all the time
*just a stranger who likes ur blog very much. :)
La vie est ailleurs
Ty for the wish my dear!
Selamat ulang tahun Rima...berlimpah sehat, rejeki dan bahagia...:))
Ty Titing for the bday wish.. Amin Amin :o)
what a nice moment! *ooh wait, let make clear here.. who made the birthday cake ? the birthday's girl ? LOL .. enjoy your presents , dear Rima
Alhamdulillah u had a blast!
Happy belated birthday kak rima,Sending u warm wishes with many love n joy to come your way.
kumpul bersama family memang seronok to see all the happy faces...
Happy birthday kak rima...lots of love and happiness...
natural beauty la bagus hehehe
Happy birthday Rima. Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki. Juga bahagia di dunia dan akhirat ;)
Belated birthday wishes to you Rima....the cake looks awesome!! And it's so nice to see your whole family members having such a happy moment....advance new year wishes to u n family!! cheers!!
Happy Birthday Rima, may you be blessed with all good things, good health for the coming year. Sonia is looking lovelier by the day.... (good genes, mama). Keep churning out more fabulous foods, I had some success with your cakes, but need to work harder on the macaroons (most of the time, hardish texture, heavy hands, I guess!) Have a lovely year ahead... Peace
Sylvia Jacob
hahaha ye ler.. who else lah nak do homebaked stuff except me.. my hubs nak beli ice cream cake but only told me after i dah chill my tiramisu.. ishhh harus lah nak kena advance notice dgn baker dulu hehe
Ty for the wish.. alhamdullilah.. more important we get to gather everyone around every single year on xmas eve
memang shiok.. berbual.. makan.. berbual.. makan.. sampai lah larut malam.. time tu diet semua boleh tolak tepi hehe
Ty for the wish dear... hv a wonderful year ahead ok
Muahaha ye lerrrr... macam tak kuasa nak pakai powder... cuma apply moisturizer ajer
ty ty for the wish... have a great year ahead of u yah
GK Arusuval
ty for the wishes and hv a great year ahead of u yah...
its nice to see our loved ones happy and smiling..
ty for the bday wish dear... here wishing u all the best .. yes shes growing too fast and ahem... good genes always comes fm mama.. right? hahaha
Too hard?? try looking at a few video on how to do macaronage.. u will ace it.. good luck!
Happy Birthday Rima !!!
Keep up the fabulous blogging. Your recipes are so reliable. Trust 'em. Love 'em. May Allah bless you always.
Rina, Malaysia.
happy birthday sis! may God bless you all d days u live :)
hepi belated besday ye rima..moga panjang umur murah rezeki dan sentiasa dalam rahmatNya..Amin!
Happy Belated Bursdae Kak Rima. Have a great 3013 ahead!
Happy belated birthday rima :)
Happy belated birthday. Could see that you really had a blast!
Happy new year to you n family. Tak keluar tengok bunga api ke?
Happy Belated Birthday Rima! May all your dreams come true. Thank you for sharing your recipes, travels etc etc with us. Love your blog. Although I hardly cook, I know if I want to bake I can depend on your blog :) Mudah2an murah rezeki sebab Rima tak lokek kongsi ilmu. Happy New Year to you and yours!
Ty lovelies for the the bday wishes... insyallah .. semoga diberi kesihatan to keep on blogging.. :o)
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