Time: 11:45pm
Weather: 2 deg - weather forecast said its gonna snow.. but it didnt happen..
Venue: Düsseldorf, Germany
Mood: love shopping - hate packing - yikes!
Peak Agenda: When it comes to Düsseldorf theres not much of a peak agenda... its like we either start our hols fm Düsseldorf or end it in Düsseldorf... daily without fail.. i will wake up in the morning.. prepare brekkie and as soon as hubs is out i will get ready and take Sonia to the nearest playground bef heading to town... usually i will go to diff parts of town and will only spend around 2hrs there as the weather was too cold for our liking..
So let me just finish up the 3rd part of our days in Colmar... didnt realise that the pic that was supposed to be the 3rd part are all abt Sonia riding her horsey in the evening lol
Right bef we drove to Strasbourg.. we decided to walk around Colmar to find the one and only baking shop there.. found it and was a little disappointed with the price there.. got what i was supposed to get and found another type of colour powder meant for macarons... wasnt cheap and bought a few bottles.... if it works like a charm.. am thinking of bringing it in my online store :o)
Hotel St Martin that we stayed in... bed was comfy and room was rather small.. reminded me of the hotel room we stayed in Paris lol.. the interior was classic and the window that u see was our room :o)
On our way to Düsseldorf, hubs decided to drive to Holland to go to the Roermond Factory Outlet since on this trip hubs was too busy to go to any and since it was sunday the factory outlet is open till 8pm.. he thought why not... it was our first time in Holland .. its like u drive a further 45mins fm Düsseldorf and u end up in Holland lol.. we got there close to 5pm and by 7pm we were out... so so crowded with ppl.. saw a couple of Malay women there.. first time i came across our own ppl on this trip lol .. to us the price wasnt too impressive . we bought pretty much what we wanted and by 8pm we were already unpacking our stuff..
We stayed in an apartment in Düsseldorf which makes it easier for me to feed our tummy.. the very next day as soon as hubs got home fm his meeting.. he took me to the halal butcher to stock up our fridge..
Hereon are a few pics taken at the Christmas night market here in Düsseldorf.. only went there once... to me.. Düsseldorf is the fashion city.. as its the only place where i have so far found Massimo Dutti for example :o(
There are a few christmas markets around here and we cant even be bothered to go all.. we were a little disappointed to find out that our usual Italian cafe that we patronized is no longer there.. not just that.. our fav kebab place has now changed to some other restaurant... so in another words.. theres not much to look forward to except that we have found a new shopping mall which is abt 10mins away fm our apartment.. hubs is usually back by 5pm and since the mall closes at 8pm.. it was a perfect reason for us to keep ourselves warm and shop at the same time hehe.. oh i also found a perfect cafe there.. they serve great coffee and cakes.. yumms!!
Sonia and her rides... haishhh
Can u imagine seeing something like this at our ramadhan bazaar? sure our Poffertjes will be selling like hot cakes lol
I really love all the window displays here... especially the Steiff ones.. they hv like maybe 10 window displays in this Kaufhof store alone! oh gosh... we in Singapore shud learn a thing or two on this... ours is like forever and ever showing the same thing lol
Christmas period is like a fairy tale .. beautiful lights... beautiful feelings.. beautiful weather.. so it is really a good idea for them to display their toy products since most of what we end up buying for our kids is toys.. toys ... toys lol
Christmas market around Königsallee ... same like two years ago.. no changes and no more magical feeling hahaha
Düsseldorf - super crowded with tourists
Ok thats it.. this will be my last post ... tmrw we will be driving to Frankfurt right after hubs meeting and will be staying there for a night.. we fly back to SG on Saturday afternoon via KL :o)
I just wanna thank everyone for taking the time to read up my posts and following us on this trip... its always a pleasure to blog abt it .. it makes me feel close to home when i get to interact with others.. to me.. am blogging about it for my kids to read up whenever they want in the future and at the same time to take my readers with me on my trips... take care all and hv a wonderful weekend.. i know when i get to SG on sunday... i will probably be too sleepy to even unpack my luggage lol... cheers and see u back in Singapore!

Rima,dh nk blk dah?Huhu...x dpt nk 'mengembara' dgn u lg...luv looking at yr pixs n enjoy reading yr stories too.Glad u enjoyed yrself n nothing untowards happened,besar dh anak dara u ya?😍
Kak..u're soo lucky to be able to go places :) jelesnye..
oh rima, we should be the one thanking you for sharing such beautiful photos of the trip and of coz the often-seen two hot babes in it. Wishing you guys selamat pulang.
Hi Rima ,today feel like reading your blog and get to see Colmar,France really made my day.All flash back year 2007 when my family went there when my eldest daughter did her preparation in Colmar. A wonderful place indeed.
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