I dont know where my mojo has gone to but yeah.. my daily mundane life is back on track.. i hv been baking every single day.. new recipes, repeat recipes.. bottom line is.. i hv been baking.. definitely . the only thing that i hv not been doing.. is to blog abt it.. i dont know why or where my mojo has gone to and i hope its not gonna be a permanent one..
Life has been good.. Alhamdullilah.. i received a couple of orders this week and am touched by the trust that has been given to me eventho i've just started baking again last week.. next week is gonna be a crazy week for me with a couple of Eid orders and also with my upcoming house warming.. i decided to only concentrate on my dessert table and had bought a couple of candy jars to compliment my already many cake stands lol.. the best part abt moving hse is that u will never get questions for buying new things hehe.. my new name card and stickers arrived the same day my mac sheets arrived.. i've also sent them all to those that ordered on my online store.. so thank u all for ur understanding..
Ok kiddoes.. thats it.. i hv to go and bake more mac shells for this sat orders.. Ty Dewi n Fadzila for ordering.. to Dewi.. am glad to be given the trust to bake macs for ur wedding.. Congrats dear! am pretty sure ur super excited by now.. start counting the days down ok! hehehe
Oh and bef i forget.. u can get this muffin recipe fm my previous post.. these muffins were ordered by none other than my mom hehehe

Good Morning kak Rima!!
Salam Rima,
biasalah kak ct pun kadang2 macam tu juga. mood selalu kelaut asik menu yang diulang2. Semoga keyakinan tu akan kembali pulih, dan baking macam biasa :D
Good morning dear Ninaz!
W'salam KCT
Huhu nak take pic also malas.. Macam mana nak update blog? Ishh am hoping for better mood when it comes to food photography .. Am still looking for a better light in this new hse..
hi .. really luv looking at ur macaroons. How can i order them ? can u email me the minimum order n the price ? thanks .. Kedah, Malaysia
too much baking,Rima! you need to get rest, find a nanny for your daughter, go short vacation only you and hubby, your mojo will comeback soon.. LOL
nice 2 meet u
Salam Kak Rima,
Wajarlah tu Kak, mood kadang naik dan kadang turun. Hmmm...kalau saya selalunya mood tapi waktu yang tak ade...
kak rima, I am so in love with your wood, as you know from my email (!)..the muffin looks good, now I am so in the mood to try out your recipe:-)
Salam Kak Rima,
I saw my name.... Hehehe.... I should b d one thanking u for taking my super last minute order. Hehehe... And ur oh-so-good macs.... Of coz i trust u!! No doubt about it!
Thank u soo much for d wish. Really really meant alot to me. Counting my days to d BIG day.. And also counting the days to get my hands on those lovely macs. Heheh
Ty for ur interest.. Am only taking orders fm sg n when I do bake for my Malaysian customers.. That is bec I hv to do a KL trip.. :(
Muahahaha I will hv to wait till she's 10.. For now I am happy to take her along on my trips..
Mojo will come back once I am fully done with everything.. Hopefully Lepas our hse warming.. Now sibuk banget.. Menyopping hahaha
Likewise Asmar!
W'salam Hesti
Memang gitu kok.. Mood Ada cuma waktu nya sempit.. Bake ya ok.. Ambil photo enggak ok.. No time .. Lepas bake terus mau kemas rumah segala.. Maybe once I hv settle in properly.. My mood to take pic of my bake will come back huhu
Hehehe go n get urself those floor wood for ur balcony.. U can get it fm any florist.. Let it season outside.. Rain shine n ur wood will look like mine lol
Awwww Dewi.. Ur too kind! Am happy to be part of it.. Hope u like all the bright colours that I hv chosen.. No late night sleep for u or eye bags will appear.. We need to look beautiful on our special day! Congrats once again.. He's one lucky guy! Cheers!
How does your new name card & stickers looks like?
I like to see it. tq ;)
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