My eyes are shutting on me every single time i start to type something.. urghhh... am super kaput and i cant think of a better way to say it except.. i need my long awaited hols already! blahhh... our Europe tickets have been booked and am counting the days down... still a long way to go but hey.. a woman needs to look forward to something.. right? hehe.. hubs will also take us to Penang for a short hols with my parents after our Europe trip sooo again... a woman needs to look forward to something for her to keep on going .. right? :opp
I hv been baking for orders non stop and have baked like 500 odd macarons over the last two days.. there were a few hiccups along the way but hey thats the best way for me to learn something new.... so far i hv found out that this oven bakes evenly and i even use it to dry my mac shells.. for some reason out of habit.. i will still use my aircon to dry my mac shells and honestly? it didnt dry my shells properly as its been raining non stop here.. i managed to try different methods and the best one for me is french method..
Anywho.. lets not talk abt me and my macs and my oven.. so far it has done its job and am glad that "we" are getting along just fine..
This steamed banana brownie was the fastest that i had prepared.. didnt take long to get it done and once u get ur ganache ready.. all u need to do is to pour it over ur mini cakes.. u can of cos omit the ganache thingy and enjoy the banana brownie on its own but if u cud only see how my hubs and Sonia ate it.. u wud wanna go the extra mile of covering ur mini cakes with pouring ganache..
Ok folks... enjoy the recipe abv.. i hv to start baking lapis legit for my Eid orders.. oh recipe was taken fm Sedap khusus pemula magazine..
Last but not least.. pics of my little princess.. she got her school progress report last Friday and we are very pleased with it.. :o)

awww... Adorable Sonia...
Kak pls notify me when u r coming to KL ye... Nak order something....
Good Morning Sis Rima...seronoknye nak pergi Holiday....yah now it raining season..jgn kata mac..baju pun tak boleh nak kering properly.
Adorable pun ya.. batu ade duduk kat kepala pun ya.. papa dia nowadays boleh hilang sabar :op
Insyallah.. we will be heading up to Penang first and then will drive down to KL.. u email me ajer .. tks!
My last trip naik kapal terbang was bulan puasa.. ni dah tak keharuan already.. tak sabar nak gi.. tak kira lah pergi mana.. asal kan jalan hahaha
Memang ye.. ni tdy satu hari akan ku mengadap oven.. time kena bake kek lapis lah cuaca hujan rasa nyaman gitu hehehe
hey yaaa..another 'left-over banana' recipe!!! Thank you..thank you..thank you LOL. Oh, are deserve for a long romantic vacation,Rima.. *by the way, why you call odd macaron? just wonder what's look like?
LOL Nisa Mom! yes yes.. not romantic lahh but can lahh.. with SOnia around and hubs who byk rules and regulations.. am predicting a good family hols lah.. kalau tak bising tak dinama kan family hols kannn hahaha
No no.. i baked 500 odd meaning 500+ well 590 to be exact of macarons.. thats 1180 of mac shells for the past 2 days .. if tak hujan i think lagi cepat i dapat kerja kan si macs ni :opp
ur princess looks cute....btw the banana brownie looks super tasty...
Jalan jgn tak jalan... orang2 kat sana dah menanti2 tunggu you kat muka pintu, ahaks.. "Manalah Rima nih?", kata mereka dan keluarga mereka, haha..
*we gals must have something to look forward to... I agree sangat2.
waduh Rima.... this cake really sedap bangat bu.. Baked last night, but jangan marahhhh... I have to x5 the original one.. hehehehe. My baby makan nonstop, that's the upah for him coz accompanied me at kitchen till 1 pagi... but really berbaloi
Thanks dear
Rohaida Salleh
Brownie! I like.
Salam aidil adha kepada Rima dan keluarga, juga kepada semua ;)
sis Rima. pakai oven ape ye? if u dun mind hihihi
Am using Bosch Suzy
I find your blog posts very very inspirational. And btw, i'm just a 22yr old undergrad who's just very much into baking and its sorts(though i'm an econs major!!). Keep up whatever you've been doing Madam, it's touching the hearts of many and brightens up their day(:
Hi, I find your blog posts very very inspirational and helpful indeed.
I'm just an ordinary undegrad who's very much into baking & sorts(though i'm an econs major!!). Just wanna cheer you on and keep up what you're doing Mdm, it's touching the hearts of strangers!(:
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