Good morning peeps.. so far so good eh... am back to my usual routine of updating my blog on my so called "regular basis".. am hoping it will stay that way eventho Ramadhan is creeping in super fast this year.. am very very excited .. cant wait.. the same reason why other Muslims around the world are excited abt the month of Ramadhan.. Insyallah ..
Whoop whoop whoopie pies.. what not to like abt em.... easy to grab.. easy to munch and best of all.. they are easy to prepare.. they may look like macs but they are one dessert where cracks are allowed to happen and feets are allowed to not appear lol.. i hv baked chocolate whoopie pies with swiss buttercream.. i hv baked chocolate whoopie pies with cream cheese fillings.. this time around i baked red velvet whoopie pies with cream cheese filling.. this RVWP as what i wud like to call them has a different texture then my CWP.. somehow the use of apple cidar vinegar gives this whoopie pie a much more moist texture.. the melted chocolate that was added gives this RVWP a different taste then the normal RVWP.. (err not that i ever tried any other recipe than this one).. when it comes to deciding which recipe to use for certain cakes.. i tend to go the extra mile.. i hv always been a little lucky in choosing recipes .. hmmm well except for the crepe cake that i baked not long ago hahaha
So anyway since i am hooked on my Mastrad mac sheet.. i thought why not use my mac sheets to bake whoopies.. i know for sure that i will get the same size.. know for sure that i will get the perfect circle.. just like when i bake my macs on my sheets.. these whoopies came out perfect too.. love love love Mastrad for inventing it in the first place! hehehe pls dont ask me how many sheets i hv at home for my personal use cos u dont wanna know and honestly eventho i am selling the smaller size sheets.. i still dont own one.. maybe i shud this time round ey.. :op
Ok ok.. lets get on to this super wonderful recipe.. when i first saw it on Candied Appetite.. i knew these babies are gonna gv me that wow factor.. just look at her pics and her step by step pics.. we all must agree that taking step by step pics is a little time consuming.. i hv to admit i am one of the guilty ones that hardly has any step by step pic in my blog.. dont really like to hold on to my dslr while preparing it.. i wonder if someday i would even wanna do a video tuitorial of my baking adventures? hmmm lets see..
Red Velvet Whoopie Pies
Yield: 12 medium sized whoopie pies or 24 small.
For the Cookies:
2 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped
12 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1/2 cup buttermilk
2 large eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 tablespoon red food coloring
2 1/4 cups cake flour
1 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
For the Filling:
8 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
3 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature
1/4 cup marshmallow fluff
2 1/2 cups confectioners’ sugar, sifted
1 tsp vanilla extract
Preheat the oven to 375°. Line 2 large baking sheets with parchment paper. Combine the semisweet chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave until melted, in short 30 second blasts. Whisk until smooth. Reserve for later
Whisk the melted butter, buttermilk, eggs, vinegar, vanilla and food coloring in a bowl until combined. In another bowl, sift the flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda and salt.
Add the flour mixture to the butter mixture in three equal batches, mixing each batch completely before adding the next. Stir in the melted chocolate.
Using an ice cream scoop, scoop out even mounds of batter onto the prepared baking sheets and smooth the tops with a damp finger. Bake until the cookies spring back when lightly pressed, 8 to 10 minutes. Let cool 5 minutes on the baking sheets, then transfer to racks to cool completely - I pipe my batter onto my mac sheets and smooth the tops with a my damp finger.
Meanwhile, make the filling:
Beat the cream cheese, marshmallow fluff and butter with a mixer until smooth. Beat in the confectioners’ sugar and vanilla extract. Sandwich a heaping tablespoonful of filling between 2 cookies using a pastry bag; repeat with the remaining cookies and filling. Refrigerate 30 minutes before serving. I personally prefer the whoopie pies cold - i decided to use my own cream cheese filling recipe!
Oh common .. dont u feel like running to ur kitchen and baking em right away?? hahaha.. Enjoy the recipe peeps!

Sis, is it used a cake recipes? Just transform to that macaroon shape n it become woopies?
salam kak rima,
ur whoopi pie looks yummiey..will try it later ;p
hi rim... ada bende aku nak cakap.. nanti la klu free aku emel. meh campak ke molot aku dua ketui dulu.. hehehehehe
Rima cayanggg..tahniah buat u n Sonia kerana muncul di BH, 17 Julai 2012....suka sangat baca dan tatap gambar2 dua beranak both deserve it dear! Tapi tengok whoopie pie ni lagi tangkap leleh...mmg hasil Rima x pernah mengecewakan mata yg menatap...kalau makan apatah lg kaann....muaaahh to both of you... ^__^
Hi Rima,
Lovely red pies. Just curious, why do these pies have some cracks above them? I remember seeing your chocolate pies sometime back and it had smooth top.
Btw, I would like to ask you,if you would be able to share with me the information on what sort of laundry machine you are using, ie, front load or top load. I come across some of your blog post where you mention you have a lot of laundry to do, especially afer your holiday. How about inner wears do you handwash them or the laundry machine can do it without spoiling them.
I too have loads of laundry to do, but mine is a top load and it does quite good damage to delicate clothes even though I place them into a laundry bag. Thinking of getting a front load machine soon, but only after some reviews/recommendation.
Red is so beautiful seductive! I think I use vanilla ice cream as a substitute for my craving ... :-)
haha, me just saved the pics about to post the same in my blog! :p:p:p
td br baca bout you n sonia in berita harian! cute!
dah macam macarom plak...baca kisah kak rima kat Berita Harian tadi..comel sangat tengok aksi sonia
Kak Rima... tgh imagine munching the RVWP.... hmmm memang sedapppp... oh... berangan rupanya... sob3x...
Rima... your whoopie pies ni macam dok senyum senyummmmm je kat mama... ish... lama-lama tenung.. nanti tirgudaaaa la pulak! Top mata top mataaaaa.....
Salam kak Rima,
Cantik sekali whoopienya...seragam bentuknya menggunakan cetakan macaroon itu. warnanya apalagi...meraaaah!
next time akak turun KL, I want to order this... No, sy xmo buat sendiri... nak yg kak rima buat jugak... huhuhu.
Last week dah buat using the same recipe, tp xtau mana silapnye, the cake tu mcm pahit sikit... mungkin sbb guna dark chocolate instead of semisweet choc. Boleh tau x akak guna choc ape untuk melted choc tuh? Thanx
hmmm whoopie pies ni bukan nye cake cake.. its more like brownie/cake so of cos u cannot just use any cake recipe to buat whoopies.. there are a lot of whoopies recipe online.. tinggal choose ajer hehe
Salam Ana
u shud!
ayooooo why buat ku suspen niii.. why ahhhh?? alamak sure malam ni tak leh tido one hahaha
Bukak mulut! hehehe
Ty KUmmi darlin.. tadi ku sempat berdesut ke geylang and cari BH malaysia.. lucky ade 2 keping.. ku balun both cos satu nak kasi my mom :o)
Hi Sally
it has crack too.. its the characteristic of a whoopie pies...
Am using front loader machine.. i used to hv top loader but ever since i got married to my hubs.. we got it change to front loader.. dont see any different except he feels that the machine clean faster.. oh well.. i think its the ang mo thingy lahhh... always nak front loader machine hahaha
hehehe oh yesss... very seductive indeed hehehe.. so did u ended up having ice cream? ahaks
i hv orders tu yg i get to take pics of my whoopies.. the other day when i baked it for kl customer ku tak sempat nak take pics.. so cannot share recipe hehe
yeahhh i got to know pun fm one of my malaysian customer. :o)
mrs kayrul
shes growing way too fast! hehe
hehe fnf.. verangan dulu tak per.. besok can bake it hehehe
tengok now.. tergoda now its ok.. nanti besok lusa bila ramadhan.. harus lah kena tutup mata waktu siang.. waktu malam bukak mata tak bahaya cos by then dah iftar and perut kenyang hehehe
Salam Hesti
memang senang bila menguna kan mac sheets .. i likeeeee
i am not a semi sweet chocolate kinda person.. am using a mix of 66% and 55% valrhona n cocoa berry.. tak pahit pong.. insyallah.. i will notify u of my next visit yah.. tks!
Assalam RIma,
cantiknya the colour of your whoppie pies ni.. rasa macam nak cekup aje never fail made me drools on your pictures..sangat2 cantik suka tengok.. eh tadi baru perasan Sonia in the newspaper ya..congrats mother & daughter!!..
tak sempat wish kat facebook i wish kat sini boleh juga kan..confirm mesti nak minta autographlah kalau jumpa..:)
I also adore the mastrad sheet that u jual tu! what's more with the smaller size sheet yg fir ngam2 ho dalam my smallish oven loikee!
Selamat menyambut Ramadhan to u too babe..moga diberi kesihatan menjalani ibadah puasa..Taa..
adui memang tergoda betul tengoknye..
kak rima,selamat berpuasa kak..
geram tengok ni..lapar pula..
Nak try buat... tapi kat maner boleh beli marshmallow fluff tu?
Saw u write - decided to use own cream cheese.... boleh kasi I.. link dia.... sorry da cari tapi tk tahu mane satu...hehehe thanks...
betullah sis. i feel like running to my kitchen and start the engine! hehe.. definitely will try this recipe of yours. looks soooooo tempting! anyhow, i truly miss u & all my blog-baking friends.. salam ramadhan sis. kiss to sonia. she look soooo cute matured in BH!
Kak Rima,
Those lil red whoopy pies look so gorgeous! And yummy of course! Haven't baked anything for a while and looking at them makes me wanna turn my oven right at this moment. Adoi la!
W'salam Ayuuu
Lahhh bukan Nyer artis ponggg.. Hahaha.. Nanti nak kena ajar Sonia how to do her own signature lah hehehe
Merah tu Guna kan no taste Wilton red colour.. Pakai 2/3 Kali satu botol habis hahaha
If dah ader harus make full use.. Selalu selagan nak bake pakai Mac sheet.. Sampai ker cream puff pun ku pakai Mac sheets hahaha
Salam ramadhan to u too babe!
Assalamualaikum Kak Rima,
I am one of your silent reader. well tiba2 rasa nak order macam2 cake and this woopie pie plak..looks very yummy..may i know how to order from you? thanks kak...
Hi Rima...Where do I get buttermilk? Ash
u can simply email me ur order.. tks!
cold storage.. u can do it urself.. a cup of milk with a tbsp of lemon juice or vinegar.. let it sit for a couple of mins till it curdle..
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