
Monte Carlo Biscuits

I go to cold storage at least 5 times a week without fail.. well except when we're not in town of cos.. sometimes i go in not bec i need to get my groceries done.. its more abt getting the chance to see if certain products that are diffcult to get outside can be seen in Cold Storage.. anyway one of the isles which i love to go since i was young is the cookies section..

You see my parents used to take us to a store called Yaohan when we were young.. its a departmental store that has a supermarket in the basement.. i remember my parents wud take us there to buy our Eid dresses and we wud usually end up going to their supermarket.. my fav aisle has always been the cookie section and it has never changed till now... i love to look at how its being displayed.. i love to look at wrappers and of cos back then one of the prominent biscuit wrappers was fm a brand called Arnotts.. Tim Tam has always been hubs fav biscuit - not a surprise actually considering he used to live there during his "younger years" hahaha.. my fav one fm Arnotts has always been Monte Carlo which brings us to this post..

Yesterday morning Sonia woke up with a flu.. we decided to keep her home for a day cos we didnt want other kids to get the flu bug fm her.. dont worry .. shes ok now.. we quickly gave her med and her flu has gotten better.. with her at home resting.. I managed to bake two types of desserts in the morning... a cookie and also a cake.. decided on Monte Carlo biscuits simply bec i hv some left over raspberry French buttercream in my fridge :)

The Monte Carlos was well received by hubs of cos.. he loves it and reminded me that i shud always hv a box in the fridge like my macs lol.. both my kids loved it and i think it was a good move when i decided to roll my cookie dough smaller than what was recommended.. definitely will look cute in ur cookie jar during Eid hehehe.. recipe is fm Australian Food

125 g unsalted butter
1/2 cup caster sugar
1/4 cup milk
1 1/2 cups sifted self-raising flour
1/4 cup sifted custard powder
1/3 cup desiccated coconut

75 g unsalted butter
2/3 cup icing sugar
2 teaspoons milk
1/3 cup strawberry jam

1 Preheat oven to 180C and line two baking trays with baking paper.
2 Beat butter and sugar until light and creamy.
3 Add milk and beat until combined.
4 Add flour, custard powder and coconut and mix to form a soft dough.
5 Roll teaspoons of mixture into balls and place on trays. - I measure a tsp for each ball
6 Press down with a fork.
7 Bake for 15-20 minutes until just golden.
8 Cool on wire rack.

Beat butter and sugar until light and creamy.
Add the milk and beat until combined.
Spread half the biscuits with half a teaspoon of butter mixture and the other half with half a teaspoon of jam.
Sandwich the halves together.
Enjoy with a cuppa!

Please take note that i didnt use the filling recipe that was recommended.. i used the French buttercream recipe which i learnt at Lenotre and added raspberry compote which i prepared myself.. i believe that all good things dont come out of a jar.. so if u want u can always use ur fav buttercream recipe and add any kinda fruit compote that u like.. i personally love raspberry compote .. period! hehe

Before i go.. i would like to thank everyone for the wishes.. be it in my email.. or in my personal fb and in my bisousatoi fb and like page.. no words can describe how excited we were when we first got an email fm one of my readers telling us that she saw Sonia's face on BH Malaysia.. i knew abt it but i had no idea when it was going to be published..

Thank you dear Shahsha for writing such a wonderful article on us and for giving us the opportunity to appear on BH.. my heartfelt thank you to Zarin too for introducing us to Shasha.. hope to see u girls again when i go to KL yah..

To my S'pore readers who didnt get the chance to get hold of copies of the Malaysian BH paper.. here u go.. fm the bottom of my heart .. thank you dearies!


Mel said...

Wah.... Little Sonia made headlines in the newspaper now!! Very soon she will become a famous pastry chef! These biscuits must be soft and delicious.

Puan Eka said...

waa comel aje biskut ni sis....

tahniah ye kak,kali kedua eka wish ni..hihihihi

yante.hasbullah said...

wah kak rima, fofular laa sonia kat bumi malaysia ni. Tapi muka kak rima pulak tak nampak kat paper tu. Patut kena laa tunjuk skali who's the guru. hehee..anyway keep it up sonia!

potpetmama said...

i also read about sonia n u on BH tat day..mula2 tengok gambar the cute girl..dah notice that it is ur daughter..agreed that she has the talent..sooner will become a skill pulak..mudah2an semuanya dipermudahkan Allah yer

lemongrass said...

Congrats Sonia and Rima for appearing in that wonderful article.
I just have to warn all the other celebrity chefs out there that chef Sonia in coming very very soon to steal all your limelights :-).
And she is definitely much more gorgeous than all the other celebrity chefs combined :-)

liemaopurut a.k.a ana said...

wah.....congrats kak. tak sangka gambar sonia keluar paper BH ;p

Zila Zainal said...

Will definitely try this! thanks!

DG said...

Congrats Sonia & Rima! Sonia looks very sweet in the picture :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats Rima & Sonia. I didn't get a chance to buy one copy. Is that Zarin's daughter, Hasya on the second page of the news beside Sonia?


Anonymous said...

Hi Rima,

Do you have the recipe of the lebanese marble cake to share with us readers? I ate it recently. My friend actually ordered it from a baker. Searched high and low for the recipe on the internet but could not find it. Most bloggers have the photo of their baked lebanese marble cake, but they did not publish the recipe. Is there some copyright issues with the recipe of the cake?


Anonymous said...

Salam Rima..congrats dear..wah Sonia looks all grown up and gorgeous gitu...she's a smart kid..mcm mama dia la..haha..bodek dah jadi celebrity ya,best tu...
and TQ for the wonderful recipe..looks delish and sgt comel..must bake this one for raya..
Selamat menyambut Ramadhan to you and family.Knur kat sini mlm ni dgr announcement,ramai yg ckp esok-friday-dah start puasa.harap Lily gagah menempuhinya sbb kami di sini berbuka dlm pkl 10pm...ok dear,semoga Ramadhan kali ni membawa keberkatan kpd kita semua...take care and TQ Rima..

Hesti HH. said...

Congrats ya Kak Rima dan Sonia...memanglah buah jatuh tak jauh dari pohonnya. Semoga suatu saat Sonia bisa ikuti jejak bunda ^^

Cantikkk kukisnya...

Emma said...

Sonia sgt rupa Papa dia kat paper tu

Kongkang Malaya said...

Kak RIma,
Wah.. Sonia is taking over Malaysia! Hehe! Congrats! She looks lovely as always!

Rima said...

hehe if her interest stays why not ey .. she can bake for me every day haha

Rima said...

Ty Eka... Alhamdullilah.. its more abt sonia and i likeee..

Rima said...

alahhh tak payah lah muka ku interframe.. sama ajer.. its abt kids and mom having the same interest and nothing abt me .. :o)

Rima said...

nice nick!! hahaha.. Insyallah.. amin.. will teach her everything i know and its up to her to decide lahhh

Rima said...

LOL LG.. thank you.. it was a nice article .. very on abt kids having the same interest macam mama dia and insyallah if her interest masih deep deep.. i will of cos gv encouragement lahhh..

Rima said...

ku pun terkejut bila someone emailed me the article.. didnt know they were gonna published it on that day hehe

Rima said...

u shud!

Rima said...

Awww ty DG

Rima said...

yes .. thats Zarin's daughter.. both of them were there when the interview was done..

Rima said...

oppss hmmm i dont hv it but now that u hv mentioned it.. i will try to look it up op

Rima said...

Salam KNur
i hope u and lily are doing well.. selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan yg mulia.. harus gagah kan diri bila berpuasa di paris .. maklum puasa sampai 10pm tu panjang weiii .. kesian lah budak and mak budak hehe.. anyway ty for the wish.. not celebrity pong.. just a write up abt kids and their mom..

Bake it for raya ok KNur.. lastly send my hugs to lilly..

Rima said...

Insyallah Hesti.. semua ibu pun mau anak nya bisa rajin ke dapur hehe

Rima said...

Sonia memang byk papa dia dari mama dia.. hair colour also the same.. muka same.. nasib hidung dia ikut mama dia hahaha

Rima said...

ty but no lah shes not taking over malaysia.. shes taking over ppl heart with her smile hehe

Anie said...


Yes yes I remember Yaohan....old school itew department store and supermarket hehehez.

I luv monte carlo bikkies mmg slalu jer beli dkt sini sbb its readily available. TimTam jgn ckp mmg in my shopping list :D

Ramadan Kareem to u and family. Congrats to u and Sonia.....its really a luvly article.

zurailah said...

Morning Rima.Salam Ramadhan al Mubarak!Congrats to both u & Sonia,hr tu x sempat nk wish u on d article.Wah! u dh start menggoda dgn kueh raya ya...I guess TimTam tu mmg ramai yg suka inc me hehe.Anyway speaking of cookies u ada x recipe 'melting moments'?Yg i ada bila bake dia agak 'kembang',care 2 share?1 more thing,although u mention u use yr own filling recipe(on RVWP)marshmallow fluff mcmana ye?Tks bye

Rima said...

Eh u remember yaohan? Tu kan oldies departmental store.. Teringat cerita drama jepun N oshin tu.. Dulu hari hari pun sebelum antar hairi gi nursery I will watch it on Telly.. Eh u ever watch it tak? Maybe I shud download it n watch it again..

Tim tam kat sg now dah byk choices tak macam dulu.. We likeee

Ramadhan Kareem to u n ur family too dear Anie!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Rima. Will look forward to your post on that cake if you happen to find the recipe :) Appreciate it a lot.


Rima said...

Mashmallow fluff tu in a blue container that u can easily find kat any cold storage.. Baking isle.. It's like melted Mashmallow gitu..

Melting moment.. I hv a few recipes which I belum test run.. Tak tahu lah if boleh melebar ke tidak.. Maybe u don't over whip ur batter n u use butter sejuk to whip ur batter to elak dia mengembang?

Anie said...


Yesss Oshin also I remember drama jepun ckp melayu wahahahaz ;) I remember watching the drama with my mom and sis....but skarang dah lupa dah jalan citernya. Kalau tgk lagi skarang cfm I tertido kot :D

Nuridah said...

Assalamualaikum Rima yg anggun,

wah sungguh happening akak Sonia kita nie...ish tahniah buat Sonia...she look like kakak2 sweet gitu!!

Rima, ur cookies boleh msk list dulu...selamat menyambut ramadan al-mubarak dari kak Nur buat Rima sekeluarga...hopefully you are doing well this ramadan...same to me juga la...haha.

aida's said...

hi kak rima...

thanks for sharing resipi sekut yg comei nih.. nak tanye, milk tu guna fresh milk or condensed milk?

salam ramadhan to u & family.. :-)


Soooo tempting.aunty rima, where can i find good bazar ramadhan here in singapore? :(

About Me

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Hi.. I am a SAHM to 2 kiddoes..19yr old boy n 2 year old girl.. met my Austrian hubby here in Singapore and hv been living here all my life... my love for baking started when i was 6mths preggie to my daughter, Sonia... my addiction to baking has not stop eversince.. I hope to learn as much as i can abt baking and decorating and then share it with u along the way..