Dont u just love it after u have written three paragraphs of ur thoughts and everything gets deleted just like that? grrrr.. Salam Jumaat peeps.. i know its been a few days but each time i wanna pin down my thoughts i cant possibly do so.. for the past couple of days Sonia has been sleeping with me.. she knows that each time papa is away.. she gets the chance to sleep in our bedroom.. so with her next to me.. its not "advisable" to be typing away my thoughts..
I hv been busy baking and at the same time been out and abt with Sonia.. hubs had to fly to Bangkok last tuesday for an urgent meeting.. he seems to be travelling a lot more frequent than bef and i hope his body can take it.. i remember long time ago when he was working in his dad's company.. he fainted while in the plane.. sigh..
Anyway hubs got home late last night.. I hv a full house again.. doesnt make any difference nowadays.. i used to cook light whenever hubs was not around but with Hairi around.. rice is our main staple.. am cutting back on a lot of stuff to reduce "weight" ;).. i cant afford to hv my left heel hurt again and it looks like the new pill that i am taking is working well with my body.. so we will see...
So ok.. i prepared this kuih last wed.. i dont know why i decided on this.. probably bec i know mom will love it.. gave her half and the rest went to sis Wati.. i had a tiny slice and love the taste and the richness of this kuih.. the bottom part is a little hard tho and i will definitely add more coconut milk next time.. Recipe i got fm Ayu and original recipe is fm Bro Rozzan..
Bottom Layer
1¾ cup(212g) green bean flour
1½ cup sugar
3½ cup thick coconut milk - i used 2 cups of thick and topped the rest with water.. will use 4 cups of coconut milk next time
1 tsp rose water
3 eggs - mix lightly - next time i will use 4 eggs
pinch of salt
Blend everything in a blender and sieve it into a big pot.. cook it till thicken and pour ur mixture into a 26cm round pan that has been greased and heat in ur steamer. Steam it for half an hr.
Top Layer
6 eggs - mix lightly
2½ cup thick coconut - i used 1 1/2 cup of thick coconut with 1 cup of water
1½ cup sugar - i used 1 cup
4 tbsp flour
1 tbsp rose water - i used 1/2 tbsp
1/2 tsp salt
a few drops of yellow food colouring
Blend everything in blender and sieve it into a big pot.. cook it till it slightly thicken and pour it on top of ur bottom layer.. steam it for abt 45min to an hr ..
So thats it dearies.. i hv to go.. i hv to bake cuppies and also a cake for an order tmrw.. got to pipe fillings for all my macs too..
Have a good weekend peeps!

color kuning dia cantheqlah. yellow + brown combination tu mmg ngam. skrg kene kurangkan sweet. nk diet. ahaks
Salam Rima
bila ku tenung kuih lamam sari ni macam nak terkam aje hehehe. sedapnya kalau dapat nikmati bersama secangkir kopiO.
tengoklah jika rajin weekend ni bolehlah mencuba :)
Waaaah, akhirnya bisa lihat kueh laman sari. Saya baru pertama kali dengar dan lihat kak. Tapi kalau dilihat bahannya nampaknya rasanya gurih sekali karena menggunakan santan. Green bean flour apakah sama dengan mung bean flour kak ?? btw the cutter is so cute!
sedapnya... macam nama i..
hi Rima, what a beautiful color combination i can see from the kueh...
i nvr heard abt this kueh before but it surely looks delish :)
mengancam betul rupanya mcm namanya juga
Sis, where did u get the cutter?
~Zee Ally~
i got it fm Barcelona
Thank you for trying this recipe ya Rima, memang pun the below part tu kena adjust ikut selera, my first attempt was also macam terkeras sikit, then the second attempt i lebihkan air dan telur so at least lembutlah sikit..heheh..
hi Rima, this is beautiful and delicious. I am so glad that you share this recipe to all of us. But I got a problem of flour using in Top Layer ingredients. Could you tell me what kind of flour it is, such as cake flour or something else?
Thanks for your help and this great dessert!
Hi Dony Chang
No worries... u only need to use normal flour/all purpose flour
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