The sickies bugs are here and my little Sonia is down with fever, flu and cough.. took her to see Dr Kumar yesterday morning and shes resting well at home... am keeping an eye on her.. hopefully she will get better soon.. to the many parents who have sick kids at home.. I am wishing all a speedy recovery.. to mothers.. take care!
Ok so lets talk abt something today.. something that got me thinking the whole night.. i remember my first year of blogging.. i wud write just abt anything.. how i felt.... my happiness.. my frustration.. my interest.. what i did and so forth.. i added lots of pics.. pics of my family... pics of my bakes... anything goes.. all i know is.. i blog cos this is what i choose to do.. its kinda fun.. dont u agree?.. i blog for my little princess.. i blog abt my travels so that my kids can read all abt it when they are all grown up.. .. i didnt know that someday whatever i do or say in my blog becomes a topic or issue to somebody.. sometimes i feel like privatizing my blog but i cant possibly do so right now since i love to share recipes... to be able to share recipes is something that i enjoy.. sigh.. by the end of the day... my blog is my space and my domain.. and one thing is for sure.. u can never please everybody.. that is life ey..
Anyway lets move on to another topic.. lets talk abt these macs... when i first saw this pic.. i knew that i wanted to take pics like her.. i know that i will never get to find that kinda pumpkin here since its not halloween yet.. so last weekend when i was at Tesco.. i found this pumpkin.. thought it has a little character unlike all the other pumpkins that i saw in cold storage.. bought it and immediately baked pumpkin pie macs.. am happy with the end product.. happy with my mac shells.. the taste of the filling is definitely different fm all the other fillings that i hv ever tried.. its like having a savoury macs for a change?? super yummy... my dear hubs loves it to bits that he took a box to work this morning..
For mac shells .. i am using french method.. u can use any kinda recipe or method that suits u best.. add a pinch of pumpkin pie spice if u want but i chose not to as i dont want the taste of spice in my shells ..
Pumpkin Filling
2 oz room temperature cream cheese
2 oz mascarpone cheese
1/2 cup canned or fresh cooked and pureed pumpkin - i steamed n pureed my pumpkin
2/3 cup confectioner’s sugar
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice - i used 1/2 tsp
1. In a bowl, beat together both cheeses. Add pumpkin, the sugar and spice. Mix until smooth and uniform. Chill for about an hour or so.
2. Spoon the mixture into a pastry bag fitted with a plain tip, then pipe onto every other macaron shell (tinted with powdered or gel orange food color) and sandwich with another macaron shell.
Pumpkin Pie Spice (recipe adapted fm My baking addiction)
YIELDS: about 5 tablespoons
3 tbsp ground cinnamon
2 tsp ground ginger
2 tsp nutmeg
1 1/2 tsp ground allspice
1 1/2 tsp ground cloves
Combine spices in a small bowl, mix well to combine. Store in a small jar or spice container.
Ok guys.. i better start baking for my orders.. i hv two lapis legit cakes to bake today.. cheerios!

I don't quite fancy macarons anymore but I like the pics.
Sometimes I feel the same way. Some people are too judgemental, some are too jealous, some just do not have their own 'heads' and follow blindly.
I believe in learning from everyone and appreciate the sharing of experieces. When I read something I do not possess or haven't done, that becomes an inspiration. When I read something I've done, I look at possible ways of doing it better or at least reflect on what I have done.
Keep up the good work, Rima!
I guess some
Hi Rima,
Nice recipe. Something different and unusual.
Sorry to hear abt Sonia. I wish her a speedy recovery.
Sorry to hear abt what you are feeling right now. I believe blog is somehing which belongs to an individual, just like an online diary. It is up to each individual what they would like to write on their blog. If anyone doesn't like the content, then they can stop reading.
Anyway, you are not paid by them to write your blog and they are not losing anything by not reading. So just ignore such people and move on with your great work of sharing great recipes with the rest of the readers who appreciate it.
Have a good day ahead.
Rima, jgnlah privatisekan blog u...nanti i lah org yg paling rugi x dpt nk berguru dgn u...biasalah di dunia ni ada aje org yg dengki dgn kelebihan kita pdhal Allah tu Maha Adil,setiap hambaNya ada keistimewaan masing2.Slmt melapis..btw how's sonia?
As'salam Rima
moga comel Sonia cepat sembuh ya :)
betul tu k.ct buat blog masakan ni bukan sekadar berkongsi dengan kawan2 aje, malah untuk rujukkan anak2 dan cucu cicit kalau adalah..sekurang2nya ini saja ilmu yang dapat k.ct turunkan pada anak2 hasil air tangan mama dia dikemudian hari sebagai kenangan buat mereka nanti.
kalau citer bab Mac ni macam nak nangis, sebab hubby dah request nak makan mac, tapi tulah bini dia ni macam seram aje nak buat. bimbang tak menjadi hehehe.
Hi, love reading your posts!
I thought that's what blogging is about- to pen down our thoughts, our recipes, our ups and downs for the next generation maybe? that's why I blog. regards!
wahhh kak rima...
macarons berfillingkan pumpkin..
satu kelainan...
sedappp tu....
cantikk macarons akak tu...
Assalam Rima....waaahh macs akak kan lgk best, kakngah buat akak makan jerk...hahaha... Last week dia cuti semingg, she made it again...2 adunan ha koo, nak bawak balik utk housemate dia...then dia sanggup drive all the way to Shah Alam kasi jugak utk Kak Da (Najiha) before going back to Arau, Perlis, some more tinggal kat rumah utk Aiman n abglong and of course for her beloved mom n dad ni ha..hehhee.. Akak x letak en3 pun lagik....She used pink colour and it turned out so nice, so cute and yum, yum, tp biasalah, size x sama sgt sebab main picit agak2 jerk..hehe. Akak takut laaaa nak makan byk, takut disinggahi diabetic laksss...adeeii
betul tu.. blog kita, ikut suka hati kita la nak ngomel apa pun kan.. kita tak paksa org dtg blog kita, kita tak paksa org baca ke apa ke.. kita pun tak paksa org suka entri kita atau buat apa yg kita masak/bakar. mmg niat nor sama dgn niat rima, nak share resipi, once bila anak2 dah besar, atau bila kita dah tak ada, dia org teringat masakan kita dan nak makan, dia org boleh buat atau suruh wife dia org buat ke. at least boleh hilang rindu nak makan apa yg pernah dia org makan hasil tangan kita kan (mmg hasil tangan seseorang tak sama tp at least dpt gak la merasa). niat letak gambar2 tu sbg kenangan, bila dia org dah besar, senang nak cari dr selongkar gobok cari gambar dlm album,erkk skrg ni dah jarang sgt org shoot dan cuci gambar tu kan) semua duk hujung jari, klik aje dah boleh tengok memories lama. mmg payah nak puaskan hati org lain. hati kita sendiri pun kita tak terjaga, ni nak jaga hati org lain.. ermmm....
mac..mac..mac.."macaron cap rima" ( branding ni) will soon masuk my perut ;)
Kak Rima, moga Sonia cepat sembuh ya... anak2 saya pun kurang sihat dari hari isnin tadi sampai sekarang... satu flu & cough dan yg abgnya pulak fever, cough, flu plus stomach ache lah pulak....alahai ujian... betul tu Kak Rima kita menulis blog ini untuk kita sendiri, nak bagi anak2 saya baca nukilan mak mereka bila tangan saya ni dah berketar2 nak menaip... untuk memuaskan hati org memang lah tak akan habisnya puas... Kak rima teruskan saja dgn blog kak rima ni yg tak pernah jemu saya nak melawat... hari2 mesti baca tau terutamanya resipi2 kak rima yg menarik ;)
Kak Rima, i love reading your blog to bits.. Tak kira cerita family, travels etc.. Cerita you dulu2 pun i suka. Kalau you privatize, jadi tak best.. Takpelah kita pun bukannya boleh puaskan hati semua orang... I tetap suka baca blog you
nice pics k.rima..well now i noticed u byk used french method..n the output was awesome too..i havent bake mac quite sumtime..since my mac keep on jd hollow n i cnt figure out y..thou they hv feet still dnt satisfy me..=p
Jgn dilayan org mcm gitu. Nampak sah dia jeles tahap gaban. Mcm u ckp, u punya domain u punya suka lah. Yg dia tu dah tau tak suka, pi bersibuk dtg sini buat apa kan. Pegi lah cuci pinggan mangkuk ke lap abuk2 ke....takde keje ke dia nak buat selain drpd menyakitkan hati org. Manusia....manusia.... always luv ur pics ;) Tak pernah tau ada benda yg bernama pumpkin spice hehehez. Learnt something new today....
Nak yang macaron tu..bole buat deco kek nanti..hehe..
Speedy recovery ya Sonia..hugsssss !!Pleaseeeeee Rima ,x privatise ur blog..and we surely x please everyone kan ?Keep on blogging my baking queen ! Hidup Rima !
Salam all.. ty for the kind words.. its not so much abt being jealous.. semua orang pun di beri keistimewaan nya ter sendiri.. like me.. i am not good in gardening.. semua yg ditanam sure KO hahaha.. dont worry.. for now i masih boleh tepis tepis negativity .. insyallah selagi ade waktu.. i will try to share new recipe..
Sonia still coughing away.. flu pun masih ade.. demam dah kurang.. besok pagi rasa nye boleh antar kesekolah but will see how she behaves lah .. ty for all the doas!
Hi Rima,
Do you have a tip how to keep this macarons shell stick together (not sliding) because I found the filling melted easily. I love to bring the macarons as a baby shower gift etc.. and decorated them inside jar all in the basket wrapped with cellophane paper, but somehow as soon as I leave them outside of the refrigerator they get melted so easy... give me the tip please....
I hv no tip.. mine slides too at room temp... unlike chocolate ganache.. most fillings doesnt stay firm in our tropical heat... what i tell my customer bef they consumed it is to take it out of the fridge 10mins bef.
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