Chiffon again?? oh yessss hahaha.. i think i will be able to try out all the recipes in this book.. when i bought all the books fm Jakarta the other day.. i told myself that i will try to bake every single recipes in every single book.. dont know how long it will take me to finish up one book but hey if a blogger called Julie Powells (a movie called Julie & Julia) can challenge herself to cook all the recipes in Julia Childs first book.. so can i! hahaha.. sure!
So yesterday was school hols for the kids.. i woke up as usual.. baked macs shells.. prepared fillings and also managed to bake this chiffon cake.. i didnt hv to cook lunch as Hairi had to go to work early.. which gave me ample time to do laundry and also clean up my baking pantry... i love how it looks now.. all tidy... got myself some 4 tier drawer cabinets and placed all my cookie cutters, fondant tools, piping nozzles and cake rings in it..i didnt realize i have been buying stuff! hahaha..
I have 2 blue ikea boxes filled with just cuppie liners.. ishhh Rima Rima... dont know why i am so into cuppie liners.. where ever i go.. i will always end up buying liners! The shelves on the left are all filled with baking pans and is slowly looking like a real bakery kitchen hahaha.. i filled up all the flour jars.. cleaned my Kenwood Chef mixer which i dont use anymore.. cleaned up the other shelf that has two steamers and all things associated with steaming lol.. i also managed to clean my fridge in my baking pantry.. am happy that there is not much to throw since most of the items are not expired.. so in a way .. am glad nothing got wasted... i might hv to run to my local bakery supply shop tmrw to get the "wet" stuff aka butter, double cream, cream cheese and also fruit puree... i hv orders to fulfill :o)
Superb taste.. superb texture.. moist and most important.. mom ate it! yayyyy the woman that is not into chiffon cake and who calls it "choking cake" actually ate my chiffon cake .. dancing happy feet!
5 egg yolks
150g sugar - i used 100g
200g flour
1tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp red colouring
100 ml salad oil - i used canola oil
100g banana - add 50ml of water and blend ur banana - set aside
50g chocolate chips
7 egg whites
100g sugar
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
- Preheat oven 160C
- Whisk eggs and sugar till pale.. add in mashed banana and continue to whisk.. add in oil and red colouring. Fold in ur sifted flour/baking powder/ baking soda into ur egg yolk mixture till well balanced - set aside
- In another bowl.. whisk egg white and cream of tartar.. slowly add in sugar bit by bit and whisk till soft peak.
- Fold in 1/3 egg white mixture into egg yolk mixture slowly.. pour egg white mixture into the rest of egg yolk mixture and mix lightly. Add half of chocolate chips in ur mixture.
- Pour batter into 22cm tube pan..and sprinkle with the remaining chocolate chips... bake it for 50mins.. once baked.. take it out and turn ur pan upside down and let it stand till cool
- Scrape the side of ur pan with a sharp knife .. turn ur cake out and thats it.. slice and enjoy!
Of cos while i was busy baking away.. mom called and told me that she had cooked lontong since sis Wati's kids were there and yes i had my iftar at moms..
Took along my "baby" for a trial run.. all photos were taken right bef magrib.. ohhh i love playing around with it!
Oppssyy if mom knows that i am gonna publish her pic in my blog without her headgear.. she wud kill me! sorry mom! - busy preparing for iftar
She cooked lodeh, lontong, sambal goreng, sambal tumis sotong kembang, fried chicken and also chicken curry.. i bought dessert for everyone and also cakes and cookies.
Dad munching on my cookies hehe
Mom looking on.. its always nice to see mom and dad enjoying their moments with their grandkids!
Sonia and kakak Aly..
Source: Chiffon Cake Mini

Kak RIma,
Easy on the buying/shopping or you might end up needing to buy a whole new house to store them things. Hehe!
The chiffon looks delish la! And hey, so you've got your new camera eh? Bravo! Mesti seronok! :D
ada banana in ths chiffon ye! sure sedap tu..ahahaha love anything w banana jek
yes you can do it.. mesti best lau betul habis satu buku. boleh wat ala2 celebration gitu. hehehe..
color chiffon tu sweet sgt.
Hi Rima...
I was thinking, what on earth is this piscok thingy? Something new that I don't know of? Read your recipe and OOOOOOOOO.... PISANG + COKLAT! Ahahahaha... sabor je la!
I don't mind that you post more of your Chiffon cake recipes because I am a chiffon cake lover. I have baked that Oreo Blueberry Chiffon the other day and it was super yummy (unfortunate I did not took pic to post on my blog). Just want to say again Thank you for your lovely post.
kak rima..
sedapnya tengok kek cipon tu..
lama dah mas tak buat kek cipon...
entah bila mood datang..he3
wahhh..bestnya makan lontong airtangan ibu...
Salam rima...comeyy jeee bonda rima tu....hehe...
Singgah sini sekejap..nak ambik kek chiffon satu slice..boleh ye Kak Rima..bole la..
Adeehhh sgt kejam itew menu iftar!! Nakkk lah sambal sotong. That one tak boleh kasi Jannah bau!! Sure cfm dia muntah while I am eating it hahahaz.
Oh me oh my...piscok!! I almost tersalah baca tadi as pistol wahahahaz golek golek golek!!
yeah dah beli so memang lah suka banget hehe
I dont know how to stop buying baking stuff.. but i swear.. i hv stop buying handbags hahaha
ah ah ade banana.. if ade banana yg dah layut.. pi lah buat chiffon ni :oP
wah lauk macam raya lah! So dah habis ganti posa lah ni kan. I shud start soonest lah, lagi 4 hari liat betol
ye ler.. tengah rajin sure boleh one.. once dah stop.. nak start engine pun susah huhu
Muahahaha Mama.. at first also when i read it i thought to myself.. aper ke benda piscok tu.. lepas baca ingredients.. baru lah dapat tahu.. pisang cokolat hahaha
You did Mel?? nice right.. i was thinking of trying it with strawberry yogurt but theres a lot more of recipes that i wanna try fm the same book.. maybe when i am out of chiffon recipe i will try it with strawberry yogurt
memang shiok if sekali sekala ade orang masak kan.. selamatttt
Eh the other day i did ur maggie goreng.. nak buat lagi lah this wkend.. sedap!
shhhh tak leh comment nanti ade orang antar surat "cinta" suruh kita remove gambar ibu kita huhu
cannn if benda nye ade lagi sure akan ku pack and antar hehe
Hi Rima,
I was thinking of using strawberry yogurt too! And then maybe slice tiny bits of strawberry in it instead of the oreo. Hee....hee....
hi Rima,
i'm Jeany. all this time i'm a silent reader of your blog. i like it a lot, u'r recipe, u'r story n u'r photo. hope i can do my time management like u. i love baking so much but had no time since i'm wm with 1 todd n 1 baby *phew*
since i have a problem with my oven, i only try your steam cakes recipe on weekend :)
btw, i'm from jkt. here actually there is a snack called piscok. it's a banana and choco rice wrap in lumpia skin and fried. it's crunchy n yummy...
Salaam Kak Rima! Just baked this cake...haven't cut yet... Tengah tunggu sejuk! Harap harap jadi. I did COTTON SOFT JAPANESE CHEESECAKE earlier... Super soft and moist! My daughter love it! Cheesecake is her favorite... Tq for sharing and teaching me Kak! ;)
omg Jenny... so so sorry that i had missed ur comment... ya?? not seen it in jakarta tho.. will keep my eye open next time :op
Salam Hawa
so how?? ok ker?? cheesecake also my sons fav... especially if letak kat fridge.. lagi laju dia makan hehe.. i think tmrw once all my order cake dah di pick up.. i will bake him cotton cheesecake lah..
Memang sedap!!! Both the cheesecake and PISCOK turn out very well! I'm glad this chiffon turn out good ...I just need to try the rainbow chiffon again! Hari tu bikin, tak jadi! Maybe kurang selawat! Hehehe...
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